Here is something to get the brain going. It's been said that God created ALL things. Also it's been said that God is 100 precent pure/good. So God created man and it was said that because of man's sinful actions bad/evil things were created. But if God created ALL things then God created bad/evil things, not man. So by God creating bad/evil things this does not make him 100 precent pure/good.
Srsly guys read the Bible. Satan is a fallen angel smote by Michael for disobeying God. God told all angels to love humans more than Himself. "Satan", or rather Lucifer, said he could not bring himself to love anyone more than God so he was smote and yea...
Evil is an absence of God, like cold is of heat, and darkness of light. We are free to choose whether or not we will walk with Him, or without Him.
So your saying that if I gave all my things to charity, worked community serves all my life, and did nothing wrong I whould still be evil just becase Im an aithiest? Horribly flawed logic...
This discussion is pathetic. Your treating God like some middle aged buffoon just had a brain fart during his time of creating the world. I don't find how its possible to question an entity already believed to be flawless with some divine plan that works within his will that can actually be anybodies will even though he knows all about it and ... Yeah.. Its confusing to even try to connect the thoughts together, because Questioning god is almost like discussing about whether the phrase 'Lol' is stupid on the intarwebz. You won't get anywhere.
Personally being a Muslim its been well taught to me that we believe this world more than a middle passage/test.
I can't comprehend the Christian ask of 'Hey wait up if Gods all nice and loving why do people have bad lives and why do we have to pay charity?' Not the best way to say this but the thought itself goes against the very point that you need to work towards getting up to Heaven. If God's going to give you the lousy comfort you need to see the world has a shining spark of light in the horizon then obviously there's a problem with the whole "Be a good person + God = Heaven" equation, because the "Be a good person" is the thing you have to get through in life, therefore easily emphasizing the fact you need to hustle up and get through some hardships before its okay for you to question why the Hurricane had to blow down the old snack shack you used to buy tacos at.
Armed Blade, I agree with you completely, though I'd just like to clarify that true Christians wouldn't ask 'Hey wait up if Gods all nice and loving why do people have bad lives and why do we have to pay charity?'.
I believe this world is indeed a test, and who has ever heard of an easy test? To pass a test, you need to study. God's teachings (Be they from the Quran, Torah, Bible etc) will help you pass the test and gain heaven. If God made everything perfect, we wouldn't really have any free will at all, because we won't be able to choose to help the weak as there wouldn't be any weak. Thus we would not actually deserve heaven in the afterlife. The test of life is what defines us as individuals, what gives us the opportunity to do right or wrong, and thus gives us free will. Free will is what gives humans their humanity, no?
God gave people free will.People made bad/evil things cause they were acting on their own will.Anyway,you can't really reach to a point this discuss.After all,there are many religions which theories different about Creation and etc.
Sin is not an actual thing... sin is the lack of something.
Just like photons are light and the lack of photons is darkness... A lack of God becomes sin... It's simple mathematics... So He did not create sin, He created mankind CAPABLE of sinning (choosing not to follow Him). That is the ultimate proof of His love... He COULD micromanage us... but loved us so much that He wanted us to love Him back with our free will... Thus making it a true relationship...
The evil around us is there because humans chose to do or not do something.... If we used all the money spent on warfare on medication and social welfare no human alive would starve, be without water, medicine or schooling... Is it the GODS fault that evil resides when it is OUR responsability to love eachother?!
Evil not something created, it's the lack of the Creator.