
173 31026
115 posts

Do you think Communism could benefit a country?
Personally, I am in favour of it, because I like the idea of an equal distribution of wealth and a proper welfare system for the people.

I also am not in favour of the Capitalist idea of the rich benefitting simply because they have more money, and the labourers working hard yet still being paid badly, or the unemployed who are deprived jobs because the capitalist entrepreneurs find it more profitable to use machines.

I'd appreciate your views on the subject

  • 173 Replies
476 posts

Are you saying that cleaning up puke and washing toilets is as demanding as machine work?!

No. Not even close. But that doesn't mean some people wouldn't rather clean toilets.

First of all, if you work in a sewer, chances are you are getting payed well. You just compared 2 jobs with similar pay/benefits. Second, some jobs ARE easier than others. Some jobs demand less mentally and physically than other jobs. This is a fact.

I'm not comparing the benefits, I'm just saying some would rather do one or the other. Or neither.
Also, how easy a job is depends on the person. Some people are just better at certain jobs then others.

Almost all communist countries have/had high poverty rates. It has never been successful.

Communism was never designed for countries that already had low poverty rates.

we should pay everyone the same thing, janitors and doctors alike! college? screw college, flipping burgers will get me a mansion! what of colleges when people stop going there and the tuition cant cover the cost of running the place? well, all the professors will work at McDonalds of course! ***got.

way to insult rather than debate. you deserve a high five for a pointless post.

Lastly, I would like to clarify, I am not a supporter of communism.
And lol Drace.
13 posts

Communism was never designed for countries that already had low poverty rates.

obviously, it was designed to cause it.
3,880 posts

way to insult rather than debate. you deserve a high five for a pointless post.

Right, you can't expect me to think you came here for an intellectual discussion when you post this
we should pay everyone the same thing, janitors and doctors alike! college? screw college, flipping burgers will get me a mansion! what of colleges when people stop going there and the tuition cant cover the cost of running the place? well, all the professors will work at McDonalds of course!

And then finish it off with a homophobic slur.

Oh look! You demonstrate your ignorance further.
"obviously, it was designed to cause it."

You sure are leading the discussion now.
9,504 posts

we should pay everyone the same thing, janitors and doctors alike! college? screw college, flipping burgers will get me a mansion! what of colleges when people stop going there and the tuition cant cover the cost of running the place? well, all the professors will work at McDonalds of course!

I lol'd. When the people who want to be doctors find out that they will be paid the same as a janitor and other not-as-demanding jobs, what do you think would happen? NO DOCTORS, or the major lack thereof.

Despite being paid the same, people are STILL going to have to go to college to learn the prerequisites and the procedures on how to do their profession. It's not like you're going to be a doctor, get thrown in and immediately know how to be one, NO, it does NOT work like that, Capitalism or Communism!

No, not everyone will get to work at McDonalds if everyone wants to work there, when in a communistic society where everyone is paid the same, because there's a little something called "supply and demand". Hey dude I wanna flip burgers! Sorry man, we got too many workers, the conglomerate can't afford to pay so many, you need to find another job to work at.

*fast forwards rant*

So tell me again how the hell doctors getting paid the same wage as a janitor or other not-as-demanding job going to work out again?
4,375 posts


Open a dictonary, find some new words. K?

What is the point of communism? I can do the exact same job as you...say, picking wheat. You could work your tail off for 12 hours straight, and pick a whole feild, and Icould pick a few grains. Guesse what? You made off with no more money then I did.

Communism is a waste of everyones time. And to prove it.

ONe of the large store chains here in america, is walmart. There something like the 45th wealthiest thing in the world. They rank above entire nations.

Thats is all becuse the worked hard, and are reaping the rewards of doing so.
13 posts

Open a dictonary, find some new words. K?

if you werent greedy like a jew, maybe i could.


9,821 posts

if you werent greedy like a jew, maybe i could.

Dey see you trollin

Dey hatin

bangin' da kayboards cuz you're so right and holy

perfection(communism+human nature change)>or equal to success
5,043 posts

Cut it out with the flaming. Don't make me get the belt out.

3,880 posts

ONe of the large store chains here in america, is walmart. There something like the 45th wealthiest thing in the world. They rank above entire nations.

Thats is all becuse the worked hard, and are reaping the rewards of doing so.

If you think that its even possible for a few individuals to work hard enough to own more wealth than 50 nations combined, then all I can do is laugh.

Oh yea, and whose working hard?
3,880 posts

What is the point of communism? I can do the exact same job as you...say, picking wheat. You could work your tail off for 12 hours straight, and pick a whole feild, and Icould pick a few grains. Guesse what? You made off with no more money then I did.

Yea, that's exactly what Marx wrote about. Dam cappies workin hard and shit but the proletariat be oppressin em
49 posts

because there's a little something called "supply and demand"

Shhhhh. Don't talk about supply and demand around the anti-capitalist people. They don't understand it.
115 posts

ONe of the large store chains here in america, is walmart. There something like the 45th wealthiest thing in the world. They rank above entire nations.

Thats is all becuse the worked hard, and are reaping the rewards of doing so.

Well I'm sure that Walmart did indeed work hard at first, but now it only pushes other similar businesses out of the market. For example, if I wanted to open up a store in the same block as Walmart, where'd more people go? Walmart, thus forcing my little store out of business.
I believe that the profit incentive is quite important to an economy, but it does tend to get out of hand. Remember, the Africans were enslaved on the basis of capitalism... who cares if they're suffering, we're getting rich, right?... not to mention the Indian sub-continent being ruthlessly exploited by the East India Company in the 1700s... exploitation which led to deaths by starvation, civil strife etc all in the name of profit. Now, if the government would fix a quota of goods to be produced by a worker, and this quota be enforced (if you fail to meet the quota, you would get less pay, with considerations such as sickness or pregnancy being taken, obviously) it might work.

obviously, it was designed to cause it.

Well... let's take the example of Russia. Russia under the Czar (Hope I spelt it right) suffered from starvation, riots and inefficient government. It was at least a century behind other European countries in technology,
115 posts

sorry pressed enter by mistake
Communism enabled progress at a fast pace through a series of % year plans that rapidly industrialized the country. While I on no way favour Stalin's murderous purges, he did bring Russia into the 20th century. It is on the back of this industrialization that Russia survived the Cold War and is now a powerful country (capitalist though)

5,043 posts

Remember, the Africans were enslaved on the basis of capitalism...

Slavery has never been big in the North, only the South. Where South was successful in farming, the north was successful in industrialization. The North, who could care less for slavery, was much more influenced by Capitalism than the South, who tried to succeed and become it's own nation.

Not to mention that Capitalism has nothing to do with slavery and that slavery was just an disappointing side effect of the slave trade. Capitalism does not thrive on slavery, so don't pretend that it does.

Furthermore, communism thrived off of war. If Russia wasn't involved in the Cold war, it would have died much quicker. Russia THRIVED off the war, not suffered. Russia thrived off the cold war the same way America thrived off World War II, which helped bring America out of the Great Depression.
3,224 posts

Remember, the Africans were enslaved on the basis of capitalism...

Remember slavery had existed for hundreds of years before the Europeans reached Africa, and were living in distinctly non capitalist societies.
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