First off, the 1% who own 99% did something right, and that's something to aspire to, instead of leveling the ground and ruining opportunity for everyone else.
Screwing everyone else over? What "hard work" enables you to own such great wealth? For what purpose is such great wealth even needed to few individuals?
Must you advocate feudalism too? The king deserves all the wealth he has too, then.
While people own 5000x the wealth they need, others go without food.
But really, even if 1% of the population owned 99% of the wealth, you'd be OK with it? And yet you complain about leaders in socialist governments hogging the wealth? But they did hard work to become government officials! (Lol)
If there was 100 burgers and a 100 people, then 1 person would have 99 burgers while the other 99 had to share one.
As if, 80% of humanity is completely lazy? Let me tell you people in sweatshops earning $0.50 an hour do harder work than Gates ever did.
Also, all those deaths you mentioned don't make any sense. How is it Americas fault that for example people are dying in Africa?
Globalization and imperialism. It is not directly America's fault for all of poverty, but its existence is a factor.
Workers in poorer countries are practically used as slaves for the labor needed for US corporations. Walmart for example is able to produce cheap goods because its use of cheap labor (sweatshops).
The USA has also had a direct negative influence in many poor countries such as Haiti, Cuba, Nicaragua, Congo, South Africa, Iran, Afghanistan, The Philippines, Indonesia, etc. This has included complete opposition to their socialist governments, the replacement of democratically elected rulers with dictators, rigging of elections, sanctions, military intervention, military and financial support, etc.
Though, the blame isn't to America only, it just happens to be the world power right now.
Capitalism as a whole is a blame. Enough food is being produced to feed the whole population. Yet, the poor are unable to acquire it simply because they cannot afford it.
And in such chaotic production with the problems of overproduction and consumerism,
much food is wasted on a production level!
This forum is about how governments affect the lives of their people. Not about how much foreign aid we give out. We have very few deaths from starvation in the US. The people in Africa are dying because of tyrant rulers, droughts, and the generally difficult region to farm in.
We were under communist occupation for some time. There was a revolution and it was overthrown around the time I was born. From what my parents tell me, it was pretty dismal. No one cared to work for anything, because you would get the same. Which was very little, because the people who were producing what you got felt the same way, had no incentives to produce more, and so everyone would live on a level of low production and struggle.
Im from Armenia, a former SSR. My dad on the hand actually tells me good things. He often says that I'd be nice if the USSR was still around.
More than half the Russians agreeAlso, contrary to what you said, people were never paid the same wages in Poland, or in the USSR for that matter.
The good thing about the free market is that there are incentives to work hard. The more you produce the more you can sell. This goes for factors of production as well. The more time you put it, the more money you can make. Just because a few people got ahead and own a large amount, is no reason to take down the system that works so well for everyone.
Right, the top 3 richest people have more wealth than the bottom 10% of the population combined (600,000,000). Bill Gates must be working 50000 hours a day!
The problem, is that its not working for everyone, and neither for the majority. Its not simply "Oh some people make 50,000 a year and other makes 120,000. Whats the big deal?"
80% of the population lives on under 10$ a day, while 50% do so for under $3.
And there indeed are problems with 1% of the problem owning much of the wealth..
They make the ruling class which owns the news, media, all means of productions, and the government.
Thus, in our history we have fabricated news, media for the entertainment purposes, and heavily marketed elections with presidents favoring corporations.
And thus, does the USA invade over 20 countries and support dictatorships in the name of the 1% elite.
Parenti talks about this in the first few minutes of this talk.
And again, your failing to understand the principles of communism. We do not advocate a strong government. Your confusing us with National Socialists (fascists!)