ForumsWEPRHaiti earthquake

42 8396
210 posts

Well it's a real mess over there. 7.0 quake and tens of thousands dead and rising. I don't know about you but it seems like Earth is having more earthquakes, and they seem to get bigger every time. I guess this is what we get for abusing the Earth.

  • 42 Replies
2,837 posts

Debt Held by the Public Intragovernmental Holdings Total Public Debt Outstanding
7,814,389,191,716.30 4,512,991,612,980.52 12,327,380,804,696.82

7.8 trillion dollars of the national debt is owned by the American people themselves, not the government. I think that means that the people just -MIGHT- be in debt.

1,855 posts

.......It's so sad... I just... its so horrible. So many dead people...

996 posts

7.8 trillion dollars of the national debt is owned by the American people themselves, not the government. I think that means that the people just -MIGHT- be in debt.

national debt is held by the people in theory, because we are the taxpayers. However, we are not each literally in debt. The taxpayers have money, which is why they're paying taxes. I don't need to explain to you how not all the taxpayers are dealing with filing for bankruptcy.

Now that's not to say that people are paying for the US Government to go in there through donations, they're donating to the Red Cross (or some other charitable organization). So the US Gov't is paying for their involvement, but I don't see why that's so terrible. The total cost will be insignificant (a few million), and unless poor people deserve to be homeless and in fear of bandits then what's the problem?
3,880 posts

Does no one here realize that Haiti was a slave colony of the French and later the US?

Americans were occupying Haiti in 1915, and the CIA contentiously overthrow its progressive democratically elected presidents.

2,837 posts

national debt is held by the people in theory, because we are the taxpayers. However, we are not each literally in debt. The taxpayers have money, which is why they're paying taxes. I don't need to explain to you how not all the taxpayers are dealing with filing for bankruptcy.

Look at the statistic. Don't just throw out dribble in the face of numbers. I gave stats for both the people and the government. The government does not owe 12 trillion, they owe 4,512,991,612,980.52 which of course has increased since the time of the last posting. While obviously not all Americans are in debt, this statistic shows just how deeply those that are are in over their heads. The average American owes $8562 in credit card debt alone.
358 posts

If this is a thread about Haiti, why are you guys complaining of the debts America has drowned in? Thats just the amount of money the nation of America owes to other nations such as China, since most of your industrial goods come from there, and all of your imported resources and your military budget. But thats another topic.

Haiti borders my Nation. I have been persoanlyl helping people getting across the border, but believe me, I'd think Haitians rather see me dead since I was in military tour there for 5 years with Dominican military services. Whatever the case, I ferried them with my crews trawler, and we've been getting them across the security checkpoints. But thats about it.

Haiti has been ransacked by wars for over 30 years. My own nation, Dominican Republic, and Cuba, along with others, have invaded it, mainly for political reasons. I like to call them Bull---- rivalries more so.

Haiti has also been swiped by disease beforehand, and take a note. 40% of the population before the Earthqauke struck, was under the age of 16. then also note, 300,000 children there were Orphans. thats a good number. Now you pair it with the reports we hear now.

And Note, EARTHQAUKES are NOT caused by Pollution or harm done by us. it is the naturual movement and shift of Tectonic plates under the Earths Crust. Haiti is not the only Nation dealing with earthqaukes. Venezeula has had a Earthqauke as well, category 6.1. The Whole South American plate is shifting, so were all having or going to have Earthqaukes here. Now that I cleared my opinion up, I just hope you people realize how bad this disaster is. Its not just affecting Haiti. Alot of Dominican is ravaged as well, and now we got immigration issues, and overcrowding. And plus add the fact that some of the Haitians remember me for what my old job was, its not a pretty picture for me, or anyone. So, I hope Haiti recovers, but its going to need help AFTER the rebuildings done. Otherwise we will just deal with all the scams again, all the war, and all the lack of infrastructure in Haiti. Before the Earthqauke even, alot of people were escaping to Dominican. So I gave you a peice of the picture.

que dios te gaurde, Haiti.

1,855 posts

I just think about the screaming children, calling for they're parents, but the children are too young to understand that they're parents are dead. It makes me sick to my stomach

80 posts

what do we do. if we rebuild the slums than they will get leveled again. half of our marines are in the middle east and there is too much corruption the send money. do we completley rebuild the country and start over?

27 posts

D: I know, its so sad

203 posts

its just tragic

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