what should we do about the Haiti earthquake if we rebuild the slums and unstable houses then they will be leveled again. we can't send money because of corruption and foundations can only provide limited help. Do we have to completley rebuild the country?
How about the super rich in the world dig real shallow into their pockets and drop a few billion pounds spare change into services that can really help.
I think that the way the damage to the Dominican Republic has been ignored has been quite distasteful.
That's because God loves the Haitians more than the Dominican Republic-ites, so he threatens the media into ignoring the Dominican Republic at all costs. Muhammad was there, too.
I think that the way the damage to the Dominican Republic has been ignored has been quite distasteful.
The DR can fix itself. They've got quite the economy. They're not rich supermonsters like America -- which is why they can't accept Haitians like we do Mexicans (No offense). Its almost like Katrina, The USA was pretty **** about fixing themselves [also, we've raised more money for Haiti in America than we have in Katrina! (Not governments, people donations) We should have used the text message system for katrina, its pulled in loads of cash] But in Katrina... you didn't see the world actually care much besides the USA. They aren't distasteful, but they know they can fix themselves. They know the people in New Orleans (for the most part) will not suffer as long or as much as they are suffering right now in Haiti!
Also -- what if WE caused it? I know it sounds trollish to America, but...
Hugo Chavez and Russia think we caused it with an uber monster attack drill. Also, someone reported [Can't find the link anymore] that they used it to hit Afghanistan with one in '05
Not that many of these are the most reliable sources -- but I've even heard some commentators on CNN talk about it. Are we supposed to do more if our Government was the cause? (I'm quite sure it wasn't... but then again, we know lots about our countries BS in the '70's now)
Also -- what if WE caused it? I know it sounds trollish to America, but...
America is responsible in a way by the American occupation of Haiti in 1915, and their continuous efforts to dispose of progressive Haitian leaders (Artisde).
Apparently Chavez never said that.
Seems to have all come from the Spanish ABC - who are clearly anti-Chavez. First paragraph of their story? "The anti-American government of Venezuela, in its habitual paranoia against yankee imperialism, assures that the earthquake in Haiti is a clear result of an American Navy test, and underlines that an experimental U.S. earthquake devastated the Caribbean country".
The claim is debunked here - you can use google translate or babelfish or something to see it in english elpolvorin.over-blog.es/article-terrorismo-mediatico-manipulan-declaraciones-de-chavez-sobre-terremoto-en-haiti-43406125.html
The gist of it is that ABC cites their source as an article on Vive TV, but the article in question is an anonymous editorial posted on the site by "atria grande" rather than a statement by Chavez. ABC carefully chooses their wording to imply rather than state outright that the Chavez said this, but it seems that everyone who picked up the story from them doesn't bother.
It's okay to make fun of them if I make fun of Christianity at the same time.
>.>.... I guess Your still a troll fart, though. ____________________________________________________________________ Well, if Chavez never said anything then nevermind -- I'll just stick with donating 10 bucks through a text message, then.