I am a christian, and I cannot take much more of people trying to make more and more threads trying to disprove god! Just make one and keep commenting on that one! Over half of World Events, Politics, Religion, Etc section is about disproving god. STOP ALREADY!!!
1) The majority of people who will comment on this will probably be atheists trying to disprove god.
2) Why do you care if people want to talk about god (or the lack thereof)? Obviously, if so many people are continually arguing about the existence of god, there must be people on both sides (otherwise it would get boring). Therefore, these arguments are just as much about the existence of god as the converse.
3) You can't scientifically prove the existance or lack of existance of a faith-based concept (IE god). Science and religion are two completely different schools of thought. "roving" scientifically that god does not exist makes as much sense as saying that the mona lisa is a good painting because 1+1=2. Evidence is irrelevant to something you believe in due to your faith. Therefore, people trying to scientifically prove that god does not exist shouldn't bother you.
4) While I understand why you would like to condense athiesm to one or a few threads, that simply isn't realistic. People will always want to contribute their perspective to the issue at hand, and if this issue involves religion, than there will be an athiest perspective simply because there are atheists on this forum.
If God exists it will be possible to prove his existence, the same way its possible to prove a dog exists by showing it to the world, but its impossible to prove a dog made of of liquid(but still in the shape of a dog) steel, because all we have is a lack of proof.
EXACTLY! I don't think people should make posts about either subject.
Then why did you make a thread dedicated to the subject? Personally, I find that it makes very interesting conversation, as long as both parties decide to remain civil.
I honestly don't care. God cannot be proven, He cannot be disproven. Therefore, my beliefs will continue to hold true until someone decides on one or the other, and has proof.