In my opinion, while they're good for the economy providing millions of dollars in taxes, however according to most people they're bad for you health-wise. But, isn't everything bad for you in excess if you think about it eating fastfood isn't all that bad if you only eat it once in a while.
why is the worst cheese and meat some of the best tasting food in the US. if it really is the worst why would they change and pay more for what the public already loves?
your kidding? I wasnt talking about the flavor, but the quality.
Also, sources on MSG causing cancer. Wikipedia says that there are no human studies supporting that MSG causes major health problems - obesity or cancer. Quite frankly, loloynage, you have no argument other than your own flimsy claims. MSG is not proven to cause any health problems, even in large amounts.
nuuuuu, Wikipedia is a lie!!!!! AHHHHH!!! But if u say junk-food is healthy, then jeez, cant help you :/
Lol, you just said 'I don't know it's bad, but it's bad! lolol'
MSG is not proven to cause any health problems, even in large amounts.
From your same wikipedia article:
In 2008, a collaboration between American and Chinese researchers found a positive statistical association between MSG intake and obesity in humans: Prevalence of overweight was significantly higher in MSG users than in non-users.
Of course, this doesn't mean that MSG actually CAUSES obseity, only that the two go hand in hand. Nevertheless, you really can't say that MSG is okay until more studies are done. I didn't see any studies done more recently than 2008. But if you are able to find another study that absolves MSG of any negative connotations, I would gladly read it. It is also worth noting that the FDA made its "Generally recognized as Safe (GRAS)" ruling several years before this study came out, so its possible that they didn't have access to the information. Heres an article about the study. There's a link at the bottom of the page that takes you to the actual study.
They are good Economically. If the US shut down every single fast food place and it doesnt have to be all of them just a majority our economy would go to shit ((more than it is now)). Health-Wise they are horrible obviously but its not just the food though because we knoe it makes us fat you just gotta work off the calories which very few and i mean very few people are willing to do. I eat fast food like Bill Gates makes money but i dont stay on my couch all day i work it all off due to me being in ROTC and constantly doing something
nuuuuu, Wikipedia is a lie!!!!! AHHHHH!!! But if u say junk-food is healthy, then jeez, cant help you :/
Please at least make an effort to understand what I'm saying. Wikipedia is only slightly less accurate than the Encyclopedia Britannica, and I'm only saying that MSG isn't unhealthy like you say it is, unless in massive amounts.
I didn't see any studies done more recently than 2008
The MSG isn't changing, and neither are people's reactions to it. There were extensive studies done from 2008 and before - that's enough.
you really can't say that MSG is okay until more studies are done.
Right, but noted food scientist Harold McGee and the majority of toxicologists in the world can . . . .
"[after many studies], toxicologists have concluded that MSG is a harmless ingredient for most people, even in large amounts." (p. 342)"
MSG does have a correlation with obesity, but correlation =/= causation.
It is also worth noting that the FDA made its "Generally recognized as Safe (GRAS)" ruling several years before this study came out, so its possible that they didn't have access to the information.
There's no such thing as a completely healthy food - but MSG is safe. Reports have shown that the worst there is are brief reactions in a small number of people, which is akin to a food allergy, which isn't grounds to condemn a food.
MCDonald's at least used to kill any potential bacteria by cooking the heck out of their burgers, but I don't know if they do that anymore. Mah dad worked at a McDonald's and he told me all about it, lol. But all I know is that they did so in the 70s. Dunno about now.
Was he a ketchup squirter or a cheese placer? They literally had people back then to do those individual jobs all day.
Today, pretty much everything grill-wise is done by one person, depending on how busy the store is. It is a slow death by a thousand tiny burns. But you get $7.90 an hour, which is more than any other place close enough to bike to in the winter... I can't wait until I am old so I can complain about all this to my grandchildren. I could be all like "When I was your age I had to bike 10 miles to McDonalds through snowstorms in -15 degree weather and work eight hours a day over a hot grill for a jerk of a mangager and there was also a volcano." Ah good times good times.
I don't really eat Fast food unless ocassionally when I'm on a road trip or with others or just someones because... but I'm still for the stuff as it supports a healthy economy for those not fortunate enough to spend their time cooking or buying more expensive meals. That, and some of it is pretty good (the majority of it feeling like sticky cheeseballs in your mouth) I put this link out to say this from Wikipedia: The United States article has an area saying: "In the 2004 version of his book, On Food and Cooking, food scientist Harold McGee states that "[after many studies], toxicologists have concluded that MSG is a harmless ingredient for most people, even in large amounts"."
So the 'further studies' bs can be used both ways, we don't know if its okay or if its bad. Not much you can really say, MSG is just a food flavor as it is. ____________________________
Learn to cook. It will save you money and it is usually healthier.
Not always, sometimes home cooked stuff is actually worse for you...
And where are you from, sir? I'm not sure how bad home cooked food can be. If someone were to really lay it down for you, its not the calories and the excessive fat within some fast food foods that can be horrible to Human health -- but the lack of other things to go with it. You might find loads of fat and calories within any home cooked meals -- lots of Oil is an unhealthy but commonly used addition to home cooked meals, but they come with tons of minerals, ingredients, and vitamins allowing for a varied and better balanced diet.
Some things like uber-fried Chicken from McDonald's, just through a few reports has really scared the living @#$#@ out of people. Just a few living heart attacks per plate.
The E.Coli thing is also BS. Xzeno put it down perfectly correct, hell, WE have E.Coli in us. Durrrr.
Oh, and I've heard its more about the manager and the store itself than the company that decides the majority of the health standards. I was on a road trip and once in Alabama I got a pack of fries with a fly inside of them and once I got perfect fast f00ds that was pretty clean and I saw the workers regularly going to wash their hands.
"When I was your age I had to bike 10 miles to McDonalds through snowstorms in -15 degree weather
i had to walk 10 miles up hill in the snow to work and 20 miles up a hill in the snow to get back. and you think you have it bad!!" thats what my dad always told me