ForumsWEPRFast Food Restaurants: Good, Bad, Neutral?

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5,061 posts

What's your opinion?

Both health-wise and economically?

In my opinion, while they're good for the economy providing millions of dollars in taxes, however according to most people they're bad for you health-wise. But, isn't everything bad for you in excess if you think about it eating fastfood isn't all that bad if you only eat it once in a while.

  • 120 Replies
1,573 posts

Not bad if we consider the price and the taste of the food, but bad for the health. If you eat there only once in a while is probably good.

I disagree. The taste is fake, full of msg and if you dont eat fast food in a long time it starts to smell pretty rank. I would suggest not eating there... ever. Go to a sandwich shop, or use a fast food place that sources meat from your local farms, at least that way your cutting down on bad meat, bad companies and not giving ppl money who dont care how they get the green.

This is basicly crime all dressed up in a logo.

My local drug dealer sells bad crack and he gets funded by prostitution from bad areas abroad. On the upside he sells it cheap and creates jobs in the local community.

Bit of a far cry from fast food, but you dont run around saying how this food will kill you and how evil these dudes who are cutting up our worlds lungs are... no because its in a logo. So its legit right? Wrong, bad food at a low price is a darn crime. Its not like there would be a shortage of good food is there. Stop standing up for these fast food companies!!!
9,821 posts

Arent these fast food fukers chopping down the rainforests

No, that's the lumber companies . . . .

The taste is fake

But our taste buds are sufficiently fooled, unless you don't like MSG . . . .
879 posts

Choppin down the trees

LOL Why should they chop down trees?

It puts other companies out of business. Same old story here, just think starbucks, wallmart etc...

It's not starbucks, wallmart etc. who put other companies out of business but the people who buy the stuff their... Nobody is forced buying stuff from those stores
1,573 posts

LOL Why should they chop down trees?

To make way for farmland.

Nobody is forced buying stuff from those stores

This is true, but I dont care if YOU dont care, because... wait for it... I care...

I deffo care that people are pouring money into fast food chains that offer little good from anything they do. Maybe if you started to care, you might convince ppl not to go to these places.
1,416 posts

No, that's the lumber companies . . . .

Well, fast food restaurants need meat to make hamburgers. Beef comes from cows. Cows, being a living breathing animal, require food. And lots of it. Food needs space to grow in. Additionally, cows also require space to live. Unfortunately, this space is already occupied by trees. Hence, massive deforestation to make room for cows.
A quote from The University of Michigan:
Another of the more devastating forces behind deforestation is cattle grazing. With the international growth of fast food chains this seems to be an evident factor in the clearing of trees today.

And this isn't even counting all of the paper used to wrap food and make bags, cups, and boxes. You can read more about that at a site called NoFreeRefills.
2,053 posts

Mc Donalds wins on that front.

Those things are so jam packed with preservatives, they could survive a nuclear holocaust, but yes. They are delicious. But that's about as far as Micky D's gets with me anyhow.

And does Chic-Fil-A treat people like crap? Because I'd work there, if I could match their required level of formality and politeness.
All the other fast food places can go rot in hell as long as I have my occasional chicken sandwich :P

Hence, massive deforestation to make room for cows.

Which could make room for overgrazing.
1,482 posts

So lets not eat cows and starve.
Oh, wait, wouldn't we end up making room for veggies then?
But WAIT, We use more land for Veggies than we do cows -- but we still get loads of more stuff outa meat!

2,053 posts

but we still get loads of more stuff outa meat!

You can actually get most of the nutrients in meat from various plants, beans and such. So it's not like we'd be missing much.
1,416 posts

So lets not eat cows and starve.
Oh, wait, wouldn't we end up making room for veggies then?
But WAIT, We use more land for Veggies than we do cows -- but we still get loads of more stuff outa meat!

You lose energy with every level in the food chain. The amount of calories we get from a cow is FAR less than the amount of calories the cow eats in its entire life. This is because a lot of the calories go towards inedible parts of the cow or is lost as heat (it never just disapears). So we save space by eating vegetables directly instead of eating the thing that eats the vegetables.
1,482 posts

You lose energy with every level in the food chain. The amount of calories we get from a cow is FAR less than the amount of calories the cow eats in its entire life. This is because a lot of the calories go towards inedible parts of the cow or is lost as heat (it never just disapears). So we save space by eating vegetables directly instead of eating the thing that eats the vegetables.

We can FEED cows with Grass, something WE don't need to eat. If your talking in manners of conserving space, then stuffing more cows than should be [seeing as you'll continuously be cutting 'em up] in a pasture for meat is well worth it.
A prime example could be some pastures in Northern Europe -- They produce more calories out of cows because of their milk output + meat not because cows give out more calories, but because over the years they've become overpopulated in the region and keeping them around to chop up is worth it -- you feed loads of people.

It depends on how much room you spend to feed a cow -- some places that ignore animal rights policies give cows little or no room to cows -- and also, baby cows are killed a lot for food.

Anyway, another point to it is that there are many areas in the world suitable for raising animals but not crops.

In the end, it doesn't matter what Fast Food restaraunts use. They're good because they help out lower socioeconomic people and they're good for anyone above that, too, if consumed moderately. Even though I prefer not to eat most of them because they taste nasty to me, some things like McDonald's fires are irresistable.
Ooh, Sonic's Sunday, too [ even though its not really fast food]
1,416 posts

We can FEED cows with Grass, something WE don't need to eat. If your talking in manners of conserving space, then stuffing more cows than should be [seeing as you'll continuously be cutting 'em up] in a pasture for meat is well worth it.

But these cows still have to be fed. Why should we devote valuable land towards hay/grain (which, as you pointed out is largely indigestible for humans) when we could use it for crops that are actually edible? No matter how tightly you pack in the cows, or whether you use their milk or not, meat is ALWAYS less efficient than plant life, in terms of calories per acre.
A good estimate for meat is about 1,200 calories per acre per day while about 6000 calories of grain can be produced per acre per day.

From: Kennesaw State University

This essentially means that in order to get the same amount of energy from ONE acre of grain, you need FIVE acres of grazing land (in order for the cow to have enough food).
1,482 posts

...And if all you can grow there is grass?

1,416 posts

...And if all you can grow there is grass?

First of all, grass is kind of a blanket term. Corn, for instance, is a grass. Humans, by the way, can eat corn. But you probably knew that.

Secondly, a lot of grass land (especially in Europe and South America) is man made, created through deforestation.

Thirdly, Grasslands tend to be very suitable for farming due to their nutrient rich soil. If the soil really is so bad that no useful crop can grow, than it is probably too dry. In which case cows will have a hard time surviving. But IF all you can grow is worthless grass and IF cows can survive there without importing food or water, then by all means raise them. I just hope you realize that this is very unlikely, and that the vast majority of cows are not raised within these parameters.

The Grasslands soil is usually deep, dark, and rich, called mollisols, in drier regions it is called aridisols. Because a lot of its soil is very rich, a lot of the grasslands have been destroyed and most of it disturbed, due to farming. Grasslands are now major regions for growing crops, like wheat, corn, and other grains.

From: Library ThinkQuest
1,573 posts

So lets not eat cows and starve.

Noone said that

They're good because they help out lower socioeconomic people and they're good for anyone above that, too, if consumed moderately.

This is very far from the truth. Its not good for anyone, even in moderation. Thats like saying smoking is GOOD for you in moderation because it relieves some stress.

And as for people in lower socioeconomic situations, its companies that exploit the wellbeing of those less fortunate that are helping to keep em there.

Also... you cannot think properly if your not fed properly. Feed a child sweets and additive full food and you will see a serious lack of concentration.
272 posts

It's great to eat some fast food often... I really like it.
But it has so much calories, and it's not very healthy, so I have just one meal every two months...

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