well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...
It isnt Gods fault for what has happened! Soooo do you blame 9/11 on God????? God didnt plan that with the terrosits. He gave us free will to do what we please.
Craze: I will talk about it but not here. If you start another theard or even contact me on my profile I will continue our argument but this is not the theard for the dissusion we would be having.
Craze77 you are clearly deluded. Jesus didn't jump off the temple to show people angels would catch him because he wanted people to belive throught their own free will and faith alone not from someone telling them on a internet forum. Also i am an agnostic. I had a very religious upbringing but don't belive in god. I think its illogical
The universe is already expanding, even now. Scientists can prove this, and calculate the how and why the universe is expanding. The Big Bang is just saying that the universe just started expanding, which some sort of reaction that we honestly don't know what, or how, or why, just exploded, which started the expansion. TheOne, your post just wasn't anything at all in reference to the Big Bang. Your post is basically saying taking a bunch of planets and stars and throwing them in a random place and direction. That's not what happened. It was like blowing up a balloon. It's taking what you have and expanding. What was there, we have no clue.
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis does not explicitly say how he created the universe, much like the Gospels did not explicitly mention how Jesus got up, folded his funeral clothes up, and went. This is where science comes into play. Right now, our best explanation was that a sudden explosion of matter and energy created the universe. What could have guided it to that infinitesimal degree of preciseness to create a stable universe and a world that could sustain life, and where did the matter and energy come from? That is where God comes into play.
I am disgusted by both parties of the "science vs. religion" when both sides claim one has no reign over the other.
I'm going with this: God burped really loud creating the Big Bang and the universe.
Are you sure it was a burp? 0.o
You're right, Parsat. It doesn't say anything about how he created the Heavens and the Earth. When I think about it, it could be possible that God created the Big Bang. Perhaps God needed a lump of clay before he could start molding...
But in the Bible, God didn't create the Stars the sun or the moon until the next few days. So the only object present during Genesis was Earth. God finished everything else up later...
obviously the law of conservation of mass isnt true, how do we grow if mass cant be created? in able for something to be more massive than something else, mass has to be created. i think god, but thats just because of religion.