ForumsWEPR[necro]Creator? Big Bang? Or God??

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87 posts

well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...

  • 1,107 Replies
5,838 posts

I have a small question. If the universe has been proven to have been created about 13.7 billion years ago and the earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. so what was "God" doing for 9.2 billion years.

764 posts

By the way I'm Christian, but I the truth is that the big bang created everything. No offence other Christians.

5,420 posts

well one thing about the beliefs of both sides and I have discussed this before in church is that we don't know how long a single day to God is.The thing is we define a day as a single rotation of Earth,but Earth wasn't formed on the first day,so how could that day be recognized as 24 hours.How do any of us know it was not actually say millions of years each day,until the Earth was made and the first humans created.I don't really like the Big Bang theory,as it tries to explain that an explosion created the universe,which to me makes no logical sense just hearing that,but really the only scientific theory that would not be directly contradictory to religious practices is evolution,and that would most likely only hold true if such a theory like Gods 7 days actually being equal to millions of years,or if something like carbon dating was inaccurate and scientists then started believing that everything happened in a span of 5000 years or so,because the year difference is the only thing that hold to be different on that front,(unless you bring in all of the less popular theories on how life began which are clearly defining as to how they are against religion in which they try to explain how life began without a god involved)and the Big Bull...I mean Bang Theory has the same issue that the years don't really match up.There is no saying that a God did not cause this great explosion of energy(sorry if I misinterpreted something within either of the theories).The thing is if you look at the two theories and compare them to religious beliefs then from what I have seen there is only one clearly defining difference within them.It never said "How" God created everything,so there is no way we could say by a religious stand point otherwise,and unless scientists prove that there is somehow not a god of some sort then they are in the same condition with science.That's just my current opinion and belief on this matter.

5,838 posts

But the name "Big Bang Theory" isn't exactly correct it weas nothing like an explosion in the common sense, just a giant and swift expansion. Also, since most of you seem to know what your on about I was jsut wondering what is the current theory for what is out side of the universe?

119 posts

I don't believe that the big bang created the universe I mean come on whens the last time a nuke made a protein or a pathogen (survive a nuke and find one I'll change my mind). Open up the Bible and it states on the first page ...and God said "Let there be light"... That might have been the "big bang" but I'm skeptical.

104 posts

I think that it is very confusing, but a mix between creator and Big bang. I believe in evolution, and the big bang and whatnot, but...
..For the big bang to happen, there must already have been something to blow up - I dont care whether it is possible for one particle to explode into 3, but something had to create that first little thing.
Therfore, I would suggest that a creator did this, effectively god, but i dont believe that this person can see our every move like god can - just make this little thing.
However, this person cant of been there forever - to me it makes no sense. so someone created him. and that person was created too. and likewise...
...goodness only knows why these people might of made each other, but thats my strange, uncompleted theory

813 posts

God. God is my God and my creator and everyone elses.

5,838 posts

God created you? Craze77. Personally my parents created me. but haey if its good enough for jesus imaculate conception could be an answer for you.

4,871 posts

God created you? Craze77. Personally my parents created me. but haey if its good enough for jesus imaculate conception could be an answer for you.

God created my soul, and he gave my parents the abilty to create me.
2,636 posts

Well I do not believe in God.
I am one of those people that got to see or touch to believe.

I like to think things in this way:

Big bang created the world and God created people, animals, live forms.

Do not know what is it, if exists, what it does.

4 posts


-end of argument.

2,662 posts

I would like to elaborate on the point muddle made about how he belives in both the big bang and god. There are many people that belive that god created the big bang and thus the world. I wonder why more christians do not belive in this as it seems more accessible in this day and age. For god to have created the world, the world would only be 4000 years old, whereas it has been scientifically proven using rock samples that the earth is closer to 4 billion yearss old. If creationsim is true then how can this be?

4,871 posts

I would like to elaborate on the point muddle made about how he belives in both the big bang and god. There are many people that belive that god created the big bang and thus the world. I wonder why more christians do not belive in this as it seems more accessible in this day and age. For god to have created the world, the world would only be 4000 years old, whereas it has been scientifically proven using rock samples that the earth is closer to 4 billion yearss old. If creationsim is true then how can this be?

Actualy no, were no where close to proving the earths age in fact some things point to a young earth, and actualy the earth would be between 6000-8000 years old.
2,662 posts

Actualy no, were no where close to proving the earths age in fact some things point to a young earth, and actualy the earth would be between 6000-8000 years old.

I used the words scientifically proven delibirately.

actualy the earth would be between 6000-8000 years old.

Human remains have been found to be older than that, much older in fact.
4,871 posts

Human remains have been found to be older than that, much older in fact.

Most of these "human" remains were hoaxes, one was a large gibbon, one a pigs tooth, and they have been found buried in the same level of sediment and very close to tools that were dated 4000 so years old. We don't know what the ratio of say carbon-14 to nitrogen was when these people died, this could be affecting the readings.
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