well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...
You've been busy paintballer222 from looking at the forums
I don't think the big bang is even possible.
You can believe it didn;t happen but not possible? that is pushing it. Even I accept it is possible for an imaginary being to create the universe in a few days.
You can believe it didn;t happen but not possible? that is pushing it.
I'll need to go figure out what the theory is again...I admit, the big bang is probably possible, but I don't think it happened. I don't even think God used the big bang to make the universe. (vvv see quote from paintballer below vvv)
God did not make a big bang he created the earth. The bible said he create the earth one thing at a time.
Orion I thought catholics beleive in God creating the World. God did not make a big bang he created the earth. The bible said he create the earth one thing at a time.
The bible was written over 2000 years ago when they thought the Earth was the center of everything. Lets face it PEOPLE WROTE THE BIBLE NOT GOD. That doesnt mean its a stupid book. but some of it is out dated, people just didnt know back then. Hell the once that that frogs were born form mud and that there were only 4 elemants. If that was in the bible would you beleave it?
So I don't think the big bang is even possibl
why not? do you have proof? Do you even understand it?(I dont even REALLY get it).
Sooo...I'm assuming you've never heard of the CMB, and never read Stephen Hawking's "The Universe in a Nutshell", or his "A Brief History of Time"?
I actually have both of them.
Orion I thought catholics beleive in God creating the World. God did not make a big bang he created the earth. The bible said he create the earth one thing at a time.
Actually, I can believe in both at one time. I could elaborate, but it would be quite long winded.
Everyone states a good point but remind yourself of this: who created the universe? was it a big bang such as the one that supposedly created earth or was it a creator? but then another problem emerges, if God exists who created him? I beleive in God but i too question things. So what really happened? well we don't have enough information right now.
Now my opinion is that there was a creator that being God because if you compare religions they all connect to a theory that being that there is a creator.
Now my opinion is that there was a creator that being God because if you compare religions they all connect to a theory that being that there is a creator.
I'm a Christian, but assuming I wasn't, there had to be some almighty force behind our scientific understanding that created the universe. And even if there wasn't, what's the point of believing in nothing but that you will one day die?
what's the point of believing in nothing but that you will one day die?
That doesn't make any sense. I'm gonna die and I'm gonna rot my cells will decompose but the atomes that have been part of me will continue on in other things. THat isn' nothing.
The bible was written over 2000 years ago when they thought the Earth was the center of everything.
God inspired the people to write it.
That doesnt mean its a stupid book. but some of it is out dated, people just didnt know back then.
What parts of the Bible are outdated? There are no scientific statements in the Bible that are not true. Solomon knew about the water cycle and was able to describe it quite accurately.
Hell the once that that frogs were born form mud and that there were only 4 elemants. If that was in the bible would you beleave it?
If that was in the Bible, I wouldn't be a Christian. Apparently, it isn't, so I don't have to worry about it. Did you know that a Christian disproved the theory about the frogs?
Did you know that a Christian disproved the theory about the frogs?
Yeah well done the church also perscuted scientists for saying ridiculous things like, oh i don't know, the Earth goes round the sun. The theories of frog mud and Heliocentrism don;t really compare that well.
Yeah well done the church also perscuted scientists for saying ridiculous things like, oh i don't know, the Earth goes round the sun.
Copernicus was also a Christian. The "church" was the Roman Catholic Church. They added a ton of pointless rules to the rules in the Bible... In reality, many famous scientists were Christians being persecuted by the Roman Catholics (Galileo was a Christian...Newton was also a Christian, but I can't remember if he was also persecuted)