ForumsWEPR[necro]Creator? Big Bang? Or God??

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87 posts

well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...

  • 1,107 Replies
3,025 posts

Against Christianity:
What EXACT proof have you got that is not made up, this does not include Religious Visions that you can't show anyone else, can't involve any rubbish that goes off track ("Well, you see, God is the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, he created everything." that crap.), and also why would someone not use Logic for practically nothing exept good feelings, where deep down alot of you feel depression from living a lie.

- H

698 posts

Against Christianity: There have been many cataclysmic events outlined in the Bible, yet none of them have left any discernible mark.
Which ones are you speaking of? Need details before I add this to the list, sorry.
Also against Christianity: Who framed Roger Rabbit? isn't that funny anymore

Highfire, your item is already on the list. #1 on the questions about Christianity list. It isn't exactly what you said (I'm glad it isn't. That was a ton of indirect flaming.), but it pretty much sums up all that you said.
9,821 posts

Which ones are you speaking of? Need details before I add this to the list, sorry.

Great Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, etc. They have found city ruins that may be Sodom and Gomorrah, but they are in the wrong country/area.
9,821 posts

I'm glad it isn't. That was a ton of indirect flaming.

Some of it was pretty direct. . .like calling the trinity thing "crap," and "rubbish" things like that. I don't take religion seriously on myself, but respect it.
3,224 posts

But it is not belief here, it is the theories themselves that we are talking about, and evidence is in fact imperative for a theory to be proven. Misinterpretations. . . .

The title of the thread is:

Creator? Big Bang? Or God?

This implies that if you believe in one, then you cannot believe in the other.Is it not possible tyhat God instigated the Big Bang? The thread title, by its nature implies that said theories are proof enough of the existance of a God, which is just plain wrong.
9,821 posts

The title of the thread is:

Creator? Big Bang? Or God?

This implies that if you believe in one, then you cannot believe in the other.Is it not possible tyhat God instigated the Big Bang? The thread title, by its nature implies that said theories are proof enough of the existance of a God, which is just plain wrong.

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You misinterpreted again. What I was saying is that you took issue over those statements because of a misunderstanding; we were listing things to help disprove the theories, not the beliefs.
3,224 posts

You misinterpreted again. What I was saying is that you took issue over those statements because of a misunderstanding; we were listing things to help disprove the theories, not the beliefs.

Christianity is not a theory.
698 posts

Christianity is not a theory.
It depends on how you look at it. If you have a certain perspective, evolution can be a religion...except when it is thought of as a religion, it is called humanism, atheism, or sometimes materialism. Like I said, it all depends on your perspective.

Questions about the Big Bang:
1. How was the entire universe squashed down to a mini-microscopic particle? (Is there really that much empty space in an atom?)
2. What triggered the Big Bang?
3. What verifies the Big Bang?
Against the Big Bang:
1. Many theories of Big Bang do not have sufficient evidence to back them up.
Questions about Christianity:
1. What proof is their that an all knowing omnipresent creature exists?
2. How did God start? How did time start? (whoever added these made the two questions sound related, so I put them together)
3. What verifies the Bible?
Against Christianity:
1. Many of the stories in the Bible do not have sufficient evidence to back them up.
2. There have been many cataclysmic events outlined in the Bible (Sodom and Gomorrah, the Great Flood), yet none of them have left any discernible mark.

A lot of the things in the questions about Christianity and Against Christianity parts can be squashed down into I'll do that after you tell me I can.
If I take 1 and 3 in the Questions and both of the "against" things, I can combine them into:
There is no conclusive evidence for Christianity.
That would be in the "against Christianity" section.

Also, question 3 in the questions about the Big Bang part can be deleted because it just repeats the thing in the "against the Big Bang" part.

Just waiting for comments about what I am about to do.
9,821 posts

Christianity is not a theory.

Theory: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena.
So, yes, the Christian belief of how the Universe started is a theory. The sciences would be physics and theology.
3 posts

Well technically it can be either a religion or a theory but can you live your life based upon a theroy? Are God's teachings a theory?

424 posts

I like squirrel master's point. for all we know the big bang was put into place by God. thats a prety good argument.

2,150 posts

Here's what I think... God created an infinitely dense &quotrimeval atom" that set off the Big Bang (I conclude this because we can hear radiation reverberations from the initial bang and the universe is expanding), and GOD shaped the Earth to be perfect for humans.

254 posts

Against Big Bang:

The Presence of nebulae in the universe refutes the belief that atoms gravitationally pulled together to form today's planets and stars.

98 posts

There's three views of this (I'm sure there are sub views but who cares?) the first is that God made everything in the universe and beyond. The second is that the big bang was a compact ball of atoms and stuff that eventually exploded with power flying all over the universe and elsewhere and over billions of years they made up soil, plants, creatures, and everything, (This relates closely to evolution).

And the third is a mix that god clicked his fingers and created the big bang and its effect, and simply created a seriously powerful mathematical calculation that without interference everything will continue and carry on from that point without any fault, flaw, or humans gathering the brains to cause global warming.

Fact: Scientists who believe the big bang theory have thought that the big bang is still happening and that if you tried to fly a spaceship at it you would need it to go faster than the speed of light to even stay in the same place, bang wise.

698 posts

Questions about the Big Bang:
1. How was the entire universe squashed down to a mini-microscopic particle? (Is there really that much empty space in an atom?)
2. What triggered the Big Bang?
3. What verifies the Big Bang?
Against the Big Bang:
1. Many theories of Big Bang do not have sufficient evidence to back them up.
2. The Presence of nebulae in the universe refutes the belief that atoms gravitationally pulled together to form today's planets and stars.
Questions about Christianity:
1. What proof is their that an all knowing omnipresent creature exists?
2. How did God start? How did time start? (whoever added these made the two questions sound related, so I put them together)
3. What verifies the Bible?
Against Christianity:
1. Many of the stories in the Bible do not have sufficient evidence to back them up.
2. There have been many cataclysmic events outlined in the Bible (Sodom and Gomorrah, the Great Flood), yet none of them have left any discernible mark.

I need an answer from you guys for what I said earlier (shown in the quote below)

A lot of the things in the questions about Christianity and Against Christianity parts can be squashed down into I'll do that after you tell me I can.
If I take 1 and 3 in the Questions and both of the "against" things, I can combine them into:
There is no conclusive evidence for Christianity.
That would be in the "against Christianity" section.

Also, question 3 in the questions about the Big Bang part can be deleted because it just repeats the thing in the "against the Big Bang" part.

Just waiting for comments about what I am about to do.
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