ForumsWEPR[necro]Creator? Big Bang? Or God??

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well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...

  • 1,107 Replies
5,838 posts

He does not give us everything we want because we want the wrong things

So when someone prays for the right thing why doesn't it always happen?
3,025 posts

@Highfire That is already on the list

Just in more detail :P

And really, God didn't prepare us for anything, because most of you have actually gone OFF-TOPIC and not saying what proof there is that God is real, if you had read what I said all the way through, you would've heard that I had actually said NO GOING OFF-TOPIC, so basically there is no God as far as anyone knows within their Sub-Concious right now, so why don't we cut to the chase, who is not gonna be a ret@rd and say what proof there is? I doubt you can find it >

- H
1,455 posts

so why don't we cut to the chase, who is not gonna be a ret@rd and say what proof there is? I doubt you can find it >
You're right that there's no proof I can show you, so if that's all you want, stop reading now.

Yes, as far as anyone KNOWS, there is no god, but how do we KNOW WW2 happened? Maybe it was just in history books, and is a big conspiracy. Maybe there was never an American Revolution, maybe it was just made up for us to think about how great we are. Christian beliefs, while less believed than most history books, still follows this principal. I still have absolutely no problem with atheistic beliefs, but I have a problem with people who try to disprove Christianity by saying that there's no proof. And to be frank, the only reason atheistic beliefs don't encounter this problem is because it has no basis in anything historical. Anytime, anywhere, someone can claim atheism over any kind of sign or miracle that was performed in the past in favor of a religion. If Jesus were to come down from heaven and raise the dead, anyone could say that it never happened, and to prove it (assuming nobody caught it on tape, of course). So if you want to ask me to prove Christianity, I ask you to prove Atheism. What proof is there? I doubt you can find it >
698 posts

So when someone prays for the right thing why doesn't it always happen?
Give me an example of what you think is a right thing.
Just in more detail :P
Yes, but the item on the list was generalized so that the list would be shorter. I combined three or four items into a generalized statement. Your added item is now on the is combined with the rest of the similar items in the generalized statement. :P
The list:
Questions about the Big Bang:
1. How was the entire universe squashed down to a mini-microscopic particle? (Is there really that much empty space in an atom?)
2. What triggered the Big Bang?
3. Is there any way to figure out the power of the explosion?
Against the Big Bang:
1. Many theories of Big Bang do not have sufficient evidence to back them up.
2. The Presence of nebulae in the universe refutes the belief that atoms gravitationally pulled together to form today's planets and stars.
Questions about Christianity:
1. How did God start? How did time start? (whoever added these made the two questions sound related, so I put them together)
Against Christianity:
1. There is no conclusive evidence for Christianity.

Who thinks we should continue? I think I pretty much wrapped it up with my post about my reasons for the list...
5,838 posts

Give me an example of what you think is a right thing.

Water is urgently needed to put out a forrest fire. so someone prays for rain if the firse isn't put out immediatley the village orphanage will fall down. why would it not rain instantly? or is this nor "right" to try and save peoples lives.
698 posts

Water is urgently needed to put out a forrest fire. so someone prays for rain if the firse isn't put out immediatley the village orphanage will fall down. why would it not rain instantly? or is this nor "right" to try and save peoples lives.
I've heard of similar situations where what was prayed for did come. Anyways, back to the topic. I sincerely have no idea. Perhaps God needs a way to get us Christians motivated to get out there and convert people before they die. I don't know.
1,523 posts

So when someone prays for the right thing why doesn't it always happen?

Oh gosh...A friend of mine was extremely ill, so her family decided to hold prayer circles for her to "get better." She recovered slightly, but Crohn's Disease is terminal, so she's still sick a lot of the time.

About a week before, they had prayed for a family member's "Total healing," and a week after they had their prayer circle, the family member, who had leukemia, passed away. They claimed that this was an act of God, who had granted their prayer for "total healing."

When my friend, Ashley, didn't fully recover from Crohn's disease, they claimed that they should have asked for "total healing" instead of "getting better."
3,224 posts

To expand on that Zootsuit, a study was conducted in America, in which people with life threatening diseases who had prayer circles backing htem up, were compared to those with no prayer circle, the results being that people with prayer circles fared worse.

However, I would also like to add that prayers remaining unanswered does not disprove the existance of God. That would be unsound logic. Eg, *hypothetical situation* I break my leg and pray to fourtytwo for healing. My leg would remain broken, but that doesn't mean fourtytwo doesn't exist.

9,821 posts

Yes, as far as anyone KNOWS, there is no god, but how do we KNOW WW2 happened? Maybe it was just in history books, and is a big conspiracy. Maybe there was never an American Revolution, maybe it was just made up for us to think about how great we are. Christian beliefs, while less believed than most history books, still follows this principal. I still have absolutely no problem with atheistic beliefs, but I have a problem with people who try to disprove Christianity by saying that there's no proof. And to be frank, the only reason atheistic beliefs don't encounter this problem is because it has no basis in anything historical. Anytime, anywhere, someone can claim atheism over any kind of sign or miracle that was performed in the past in favor of a religion. If Jesus were to come down from heaven and raise the dead, anyone could say that it never happened, and to prove it (assuming nobody caught it on tape, of course). So if you want to ask me to prove Christianity, I ask you to prove Atheism. What proof is there? I doubt you can find it >

The problem with that statement is that there are still veterans of WW2, and actual remnants. The same cannot be said of biblical stories.
2. The Presence of nebulae in the universe refutes the belief that atoms gravitationally pulled together to form today's planets and stars.

That doesn't correlate with the Big Bang. At all.
1,455 posts

The problem with that statement is that there are still veterans of WW2, and actual remnants. The same cannot be said of biblical stories.
Then a war that has no remnants, say the Crusades. The point being that since Christianity is from thousands of years ago, of course there aren't any remnants. Doesn't necessarily make it the wrong faith. Once again, no problem with atheism, but I have a problem with people criticizing a faith mostly because it's old and no longer has proof.
698 posts

That doesn't correlate with the Big Bang. At all.
I didn't add that...well...I added it for someone else...but it wasn't me :S
New list:
Questions about the Big Bang:
1. How was the entire universe squashed down to a mini-microscopic particle? (Is there really that much empty space in an atom?)
2. What triggered the Big Bang?
3. Is there any way to figure out the power of the explosion?
Against the Big Bang:
1. Many theories of Big Bang do not have sufficient evidence to back them up.
Questions about Christianity:
1. How did God start? How did time start? (whoever added these made the two questions sound related, so I put them together)
Against Christianity:
1. There is no conclusive evidence for Christianity.
9,821 posts

Against Christianity: Some events in the Bible are logically impossible, like the Great Flood.

254 posts

Perhaps I should have expanded on that point I made, Alt...

If the big bang was true, then all the materials that made up the object that exploded would be of a somewhat uniform material. (I.e. the earth is mainly stone, the sun is mainly plasma)

So, the same big bang that made the Earth could not be the same big bang that made the stars. And even still, how could astronomical objects like the moon be so perfectly spherical if it was indeed the fragment of a whole object? I've never seen a cracker break apart and have an incredibly smooth edge like an obsidian stone fragment...

So one of the only ways for there to be any diversity in the universe would be if the dust that formed would reform into other elements and collect together to form planets and stars. But that can't be true because there are still collections of dust (nebulae) in the universe. Why haven't they come together yet and how come we can't see any visual proof of the particles coming together like droplets forming into a raindrop?

Sorry if it's not time for debating this, but I had to te why i made that point against the Big Bang... :P

1,523 posts

So, the same big bang that made the Earth could not be the same big bang that made the stars. And even still, how could astronomical objects like the moon be so perfectly spherical if it was indeed the fragment of a whole object?

When objects spin, they form spheres. Get a lump of play-doh, and roll it between your palms in a circular motion until it forms a sphere. Same idea with planets.

Why haven't they come together yet and how come we can't see any visual proof of the particles coming together like droplets forming into a raindrop?

I'm not sure if you've studied physics or not, but gravity is an EXTREMELY weak force when put into context. Although the dust particles may be moving towards each other due to a gravitational attraction, there are no outside forces otherwise pushing them together. Meaning, that with only gravity doing the pushing/pulling, it will take an extremely long time for any sort of action to occur.

In addition to this, the form of the nebulae which we see is billions upon billions of years old, due to the fact that what we see travels at the speed of light. If what we see of the nebulae is billions of light years away, it will take that long for the light to travel.
9,821 posts

If the big bang was true, then all the materials that made up the object that exploded would be of a somewhat uniform material. (I.e. the earth is mainly stone, the sun is mainly plasma)

You don't understand the Big Bang then. It was a compression of all of the mass in the Universe. Not an atom. Therefore, what you said is invalidated because it is all of the mass compressed. All of it.
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