ForumsWEPR[necro]Creator? Big Bang? Or God??

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87 posts

well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...

  • 1,107 Replies
62 posts

I suppose not Megamickel, but most people tend to believe the Bible is clear in what it says. The creation of Adam is hard to get around, and it is even harder to convince other Christians that evolution fits in with the Bible.

10 posts

big bang. i go for science.

1,628 posts

i belive in both GOD and evolution i think that god made man and the evolution process and then went away cause he new that we would happen

62 posts

God because Big Bang just seems to unlikely

508 posts

Umm... Why is that relevant? It's nice that you are showing everyone what the Book of Mormon says, but that doesn't help the argument.

35 posts

ok im MORMON and we blv in the same as most this is out of the book of mormon now if any of you wont to read it you can get it free at [url=]
and it reads
1 And it came to pass that the Lord spake unto Moses, saying: Behold, I areveal unto you concerning this bheaven, and this cearth; write the words which I speak. I am the Beginning and the End, the Almighty God; by mine fOnly Begotten I created these things; yea, in the beginning I created the heaven, and the earth upon which thou standest.
2 And the earth was without aform, and void; and I caused darkness to come up upon the face of the deep; and my Spirit moved upon the face of the water; for I am God.
3 And I, God, said: Let there be alight; and there was light.
4 And I, God, saw the light; and that light was agood. And I, God, divided the blight from the darkness.
5 And I, God, called the light Day; and the darkness, I called Night; and this I did by the aword of my power, and it was done as I spake; and the evening and the morning were the first cday.
6 And again, I, God, said: Let there be a afirmament in the midst of the water, and it was so, even as I spake; and I said: Let it divide the waters from the waters; and it was done;
7 And I, God, made the firmament and divided the awaters, yea, the great waters under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament, and it was so even as I spake.
8 And I, God, called the firmament aHeaven; and the evening and the morning were the second day.
9 And I, God, said: Let the awaters under the heaven be gathered together unto bone place, and it was so; and I, God, said: Let there be dry land; and it was so.
10 And I, God, called the dry land aEarth; and the gathering together of the waters, called I the Sea; and I, God, saw that all things which I had made were good.
11 And I, God, said: Let the earth bring forth agrass, the herb yielding seed, the fruit tree yielding fruit, after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed should be in itself upon the earth, and it was so even as I spake.
12 And the earth brought forth grass, every herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed should be in itself, after his akind; and I, God, saw that all things which I had made were good;
13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.
14 And I, God, said: Let there be alights in the firmament of the heaven, to divide the day from the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and for years;
15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth; and it was so.
16 And I, God, made two great lights; the greater alight to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night, and the bgreater light was the sun, and the lesser light was the moon; and the stars also were made even according to my word.
17 And I, God, set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
18 And the asun to rule over the day, and the moon to rule over the night, and to divide the light from the bdarkness; and I, God, saw that all things which I had made were good;
19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
20 And I, God, said: Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl which may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
21 And I, God, created great awhales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind; and I, God, saw that all things which I had created were good.
22 And I, God, blessed them, saying: Be fruitful, and amultiply, and fill the waters in the sea; and let fowl multiply in the earth;
23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
24 And I, God, said: Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping things, and beasts of the earth after their kind, and it was so;
25 And I, God, made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and cattle after their kind, and everything which creepeth upon the earth after his kind; and I, God, saw that all these things were good.
26 And I, God, said unto mine aOnly Begotten, which was with me from the beginning: Let cus dmake man in our eimage, after our likeness; and it was so. And I, God, said: Let them have fdominion over the fishes of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 And I, God, created man in mine own aimage, in the image of mine Only Begotten created I him; male and female created I them.
28 And I, God, blessed them, and said unto them: Be afruitful, and bmultiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
29 And I, God, said unto man: Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree in the which shall be the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for ameat.
30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein I grant life, there shall be given every clean herb for meat; and it was so, even as I spake.
31 And I, God, saw everything that I had made, and, behold, all things which I had made were very agood; and the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

35 posts

now you mite se
\\/ \\/ \\/
I areveal unto you concerning this bheaven, and this cearth

the A B and C are foot nots i cant put in

it shoud be

I reveal unto you concerning this heaven, and this earth

35 posts

idk im bourd so idk and im glade you are not mad

511 posts

Evidence towards the big bang theory. Quoted from Stephen Hawking

In a universe that was essentially static, there would not have been any dynamical reason, why the stars should have suddenly turned on, at some time. Any such "lighting up time" would have to be imposed by an intervention from outside the universe. The situation was different, however, when it was realised that the universe is not static, but expanding. Galaxies are moving steadily apart from each other. This means that they were closer together in the past. One can plot the separation of two galaxies, as a function of time. If there were no acceleration due to gravity, the graph would be a straight line. It would go down to zero separation, about twenty billion years ago. One would expect gravity, to cause the galaxies to accelerate towards each other. This will mean that the graph of the separation of two galaxies will bend downwards, below the straight line. So the time of zero separation, would have been less than twenty billion years ago.

At this time, the Big Bang, all the matter in the universe, would have been on top of itself. The density would have been infinite. It would have been what is called, a singularity. At a singularity, all the laws of physics would have broken down. This means that the state of the universe, after the Big Bang, will not depend on anything that may have happened before, because the deterministic laws that govern the universe will break down in the Big Bang. The universe will evolve from the Big Bang, completely independently of what it was like before. Even the amount of matter in the universe, can be different to what it was before the Big Bang, as the Law of Conservation of Matter, will break down at the Big Bang.
42 posts

i think it was the big bang where is the proof of god

136 posts

All of this just comes down to if you have faith in God or you have faith in science. On some occasion you have both. This is when people try to make all belief systems all inclusive. Threads like this are only to see what other people on the site believ in. I am surprised by some of the comments, both the dumb and intelligent ones. And by the one's in whioch it shows that the person doesn't know what the f*** they are talking about.

In my experience this discussion is only going to enrage some, make some think, or be have no effect on anyone. But, keep going if ya'll want to just kick rocks for a few more days.

29 posts

Big Bang

13 posts

The Big Bang came from dust particles from space which form a star and the star became emtpy or ran out of mass energy as you kids say these days so in other words the star exploded which made the unvierse

290 posts

I'm no asking you to change your beliefs but I have one question: Where did the dust particles come from? I don't beleive in the big bang.

1,281 posts

I find the big bang harder to believe than there being a god

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