well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...
but i belive that god created the ... everything it says in the bible he created every thing in 6 days!! but not every 1 beleves our religon so some ppl think that the "big bang" created it
and evolution is a load of crap too.. in my opinion
I don't think christians, or really any religious sect, should be able to "reinterpret" their holy texts to say that the big bang or evolution or whatever was present all along. At the very least, concede that it was handed down by god to people without the scientific background necessary to understand the principles behind these concepts. That seems very reasonable since a vast majority of people today don't even understand these concepts.
2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
So, in theory, the Big Bang could've happend, but it would have to be under God's control, for something can't come from nothing.
Most people would then say "But where did God come from if something can't come from nothing?" God is timeless. Time cannot affect God. He's been here since before the beginning, but us as human's would never be able to understand His ways. Just put it on your list of things to ask Him when you go to heaven. And if you don't go to heaven...
@Moegreche I believe that both happened. God created the big bang out of energy. Light energy to be specific. Matter is energy, but energy is also matter. They are interchangable. A whole lot of energy is focused you will get an atom of matter and an atom of antimatter. Those atoms are hydrogen. So god took an unprecedented amount of light as in "Let there be light and there was light" and turned it into a more precedented amount of matter.
Strategy_guy it isn't my definition of christianity it is just my thoughts on how the world came into being based on just some science books i had read. I agree though i like my earlier comment too.
@ Moe: Once again drawing from my (frustrating) experience with the Christian apologetics machine, you'll find that a great deal of effort goes into demonstrating that "the Bible is the only Holy text/religious doctrine that is capable of being interpreted in a manner compatible with current scientific theory."
For example, an apologetics scholar will claim that the Bible alludes to multidimensional planes of existence whereas other religious texts remain confined to the three dimensions plus time.
I'm like, reifying much?
...I have a 3 volume dissertation that basically constitutes an exploration of philosophy and science and how a spiritual outlook completes or at least complements it- which seems slightly more appropriate...but I haven't gotten around to it...I'm still recovering from being overwhelmed by the sheer force of poorly applied reason wrapped up in rhetorical devices...oy :P
Okay, I am sorry, but I'm tired of people trying to connect the Big Bang and God. It is highly unlikely that they both are real. Either one, the other, or neither. The Bible, as interesting as it is, is a collection of stories from 6000 years ago to explain something to a world that does not have science.
Scientists have proved evolution, so I would rather believe them than the Bible.
To hojoko evolution is not proven neither is the big bang. That is way they are theroys. In evolution there are sill many missing links and same with the big bang. It does make scince, somewhat, for god to have made a big bang. I myself am not christan but for a christian it is a good comprimise with science and religion.