Video games are proven to help kids with hand eye coordination. Somes games, like strategy games, (chess, railroad tycoon, zoo tycoon,) are shown to help children with financial and problem solving skills. But I think games that fall into the Call of Duty category do not help kids at all, they actually bring down kids sensitivity to murder. Countries in Africa help train children soldiers by introducing them to Amercian movies and video games. These products make them be less sensitive in killing another human.
Floyd, not a funny comment. If you don't understand the metaphor behind your brain rotting [Getting stupid, if you haven't figured it out] then nvm you just need English class lol.
Video games are proven to help kids with hand eye coordination. Somes games, like strategy games, (chess, railroad tycoon, zoo tycoon,) are shown to help children with financial and problem solving skills.
I agree with this part of your argument -- The new generation possesses a fine motor skill ability that greatly exceeds that of our parents. Its why they're not good with computers , they're bodies find it boring doing simple tasks like typing -- they're used to working on things that require gross motor. So yeah, fine precision with hand eye and problem solving is good too. Ever wonder why the nerds like video games in school?
But I think games that fall into the Call of Duty category do not help kids at all, they actually bring down kids sensitivity to murder.
This part makes no sense what so ever. I fear killing a man and I've played loads of COD. There is nothing close to killing anyone in COD than there is in killing a man. I know some games are like bloodshot, but Call of Duty games that are largely popular on a wide aspect mean absolutely nothing to your 'sensitivity of murder' -- because there are tens of millions copies worldwide and we're not all killing each other buddy. Games like that help more with hand eye coordination in comparison to chess or railroad tycoon. They're quite useful, and creating strategy for pwning or learning how to read graphs can be built by looking at the effectiveness of a weapon, putting it all together to try to -- for example, creating a fast moving guy that knifes everyone with the commando perk.
Idk, I've always found video games to be quite useful if someone plays them moderately -- Unless your the moron that just plays those random click games.
it is proven that it effects how you develop, the eye strain can be bad but on the other side it does help develop better hand eye coordination like "the terminator" said. It is in question if it is more beneficial then harmful?
[quote=whyismynametom]say video games rot the brain[/quote]
I say solving a difficult mathematical problem makes the brain pop. No, your brain does not start growing a little fungi farm and slowly degrade.
[quote=TheTerminator]Video games are proven to help kids with hand eye coordination[/quote]
Well I found that I only had good hand eye co-ordination when doing certain tasks. I played Unreal Tournament 99 and 2004 (two pretty fast shooters) for about 6 years, and by that point I could do two sideflips and and then jump forwards and get ever bullet to hit, and then in school we started tennis and my teacher took me out of the group and put me in a special group because my hand-eye coordination was too bad to hit the ball.
So whilst I could keep a crosshair on a person in my sleep hitting a tennis ball with a big racket was an impossible task - so they helped me but only when playing shooters.
[quote=TheTerminator]But I think games that fall into the Call of Duty category do not help kids at all, they actually bring down kids sensitivity to murder[/quote]
I am a kid and I've played shooters and RPGs for years but I have I am conscious that a game is not real and you do not have the freedom in life that you do in a game and that's enough to tell me not to go around shooting people in the street or clubbing them to death with a stick.
If first person shooters or violent games make you a murderer you've had problems since you were born, or are too stupid to differentiate between reality and lines of code.
[quote=TheTerminator]Countries in Africa help train children soldiers by introducing them to Amercian movies and video games. These products make them be less sensitive in killing another human.[/quote]
Flashy CGI and actors covered in cosmetics and fake blood will not help you aim a gun, nor will playing a video game: in a game there is no weight to the gun, nor any real recoil(feeling the gun punch back at your shoulder). If I were to train children soldiers I'd give them the gun and make them shoot beer bottles, because then they're using the gun.
[quote=Armed_Blade]Floyd, not a funny comment.[/quote]
C'mon, I know you smiled.
[quote=whyismynametom]the eye strain can be bad[/quote]
If I wasn't playing video games I'd be reading a novel. Reading causes a lot of eye strain - concentrating on any fine details will cause eye strain - you'll get it, playing video games or not.
[quote=whyismynametom]It is in question if it is more beneficial then harmful?[/quote]
Put these two factors into comparison: how many people die because someone played too many video games and how much enjoyment and skill someone actually attains from their hobby of playing video games? It's more beneficial.
Video games don't make people more sensitive to murder.
Before video games, it was common for people to watch criminal hangings. Today, we can't even handle reading stories about criminals suffering, let alone watch them die. The two are more than likely unrelated. However, it does show that video games don't make people more violent or accepting of death.
It does not make Amercians less sensitive to murder it makes forced children soldiers to murder. I have read several articles on the topic, and young 7-12 year old in south africa who have had little exposure to the outside world are shown gory movies. I am sure that if you were an innocent youg child unexposed to the rest of the world and you watched the Saw movies and any of the sensless massacring of innocents in horror films and pointless movies, then you wouldn't think twice of raising your gun to trespassers in your territories.
But I think games that fall into the Call of Duty category do not help kids at all, they actually bring down kids sensitivity to murder. Countries in Africa help train children soldiers by introducing them to Amercian movies and video games. These products make them be less sensitive in killing another human.
I find it awesome how you put a '' at the end of that, as if it's you doing that.
That reminds me, wouldn't an American be perfect at training child soldiers, being the ones that develop them?
Anyways, I think they are neutral. Some are good, some are really freaking bad. But it falls under the same controversial entertainment umbrella: It doesn't matter, we're still going to play/watch them.
Video games do not rot the brain, do not make killers, do not subject the person to act violent. End of story.
Many people (Kids who've committed a murder/crime) plea in court that it was because of video games or movies, but that's all a bunch of lies. They do that so they can get off easier and not have such a heavy sentence.
Video games can actually teach you more then they can harm. For one, your actively doing something you enjoy, and reading the in game instructions on how to do many things. Not only that, but you learn to read, and listen to in game warnings of danger etc. Now, try and get someone who hates everything about school to pick up a book, will they? No. In games? Yes, without even realizing that they are learning the things that most of the time, they teach in school.
NO they dont only thing i think that cold be bad for you health wise is staying inside too much to play them and staring at a tv which is bad for the eyes
Bah, myopia is a common disorder in my family; I could always surgically fix them ;-)
I found that playing certain video games improved my vocabulary, if that helps. Certainly not the brainless shooter games, but those fantasy RPGs contain so many complex words that are now implemented into SATs. Paragon, poltroon, bootleg, boon, etc etc. Puzzle games exercise one's brain because they are solving problems, essentially. Maybe not hand-eye coordination, but your reflexes? Definitely.