1. Why should they "fix it"? There is nothing wrong about being gay... 2. Even if there is a gene, it doesn't mean that you can "fix it"... And again: there is no reason to fix it...
I think its a hermonal dissorder. Lucky for the sake of preserving the human race, its a trait that will never be passed on. So yes I believe that its in your genes, but isn't everything? Well that or phycology... but ya.
Gay is not a gene, but it can be "inherited" ie. people with gay family tend to be more likely to be gay because they are brought up in a gay enviroment
I wanna disagree with that , slightlty, because wouldn't you have to include other varibles like school or other people that are'nt related to them. Those other varibles could influence that person to be against homosexuality.
Gay is not a gene, but it can be "inherited" ie. people with gay family tend to be more likely to be gay because they are brought up in a gay enviroment
There is no proof suggesting this. If anything the evidence goes against this.
No Gay is not a gene. A high school buddy of mine who i still talk to has a gay father and this kid is the biggest player Ive seen in my life.
If he was gay then how did he have a kid?
Gay is not a gene, but it can be "inherited" ie. people with gay family tend to be more likely to be gay because they are brought up in a gay enviroment
That goes along with the standard phycology that is, simply put, " monkey see monkey do". Such as if your parents were murderers you whould probably think its ok to murder or be on the opposite end.
314 has it put right. You can't see 'Gayness' as a Gene, simply because, they can't have children! The only possible way to do that is to look at a family that all think they're gay but decided to be straight because of the strains of social pressure, then study them, etc. But there aren't many families like that, and you can't find 'em, etc. So to be honest, finding 'The Gay Gene' is a pretty hard thing to do when you look at it.
Maybe if you have the "gay gene" it means that you have a higher chance being gay. As far as i know there are also genes that raise you chances being an alcoholic, having depressions etc. It doesn't have to mean, that if you have the gene that you become gay. Because we are also influenced by our friends, environment, family and so on... You know what i mean? It just raises your chance being gay.
You can't see 'Gayness' as a Gene, simply because, they can't have children!
First of all, most homosexuals are perfectly fertile. I know a few gays with (biological) children.
More to the point, that's not how genes work. Two blond-haired humans can have a brown hair child (if I remember correctly). Two purple flowers can produce white offspring. Two heterosexual humans can, evidently, have gay children.
Genealogy is complex. You make it it to be that children simply inherit traits from their parents and nothing else. This isn't really the case.
? And how's that? They weren't gay and then they were?
More to the point, that's not how genes work. Two blond-haired humans can have a brown hair child (if I remember correctly). Two purple flowers can produce white offspring. Two heterosexual humans can, evidently, have gay children.
True but the most basic component of Genealogy is the Gene Pool, two Blonde-Haired Humans can have a brown haired child, but this obviously means that one of them expresses the trait to have brown hair, just not physically. Which is why, if you have a Gene you can't 'track' just by looking at someone -- then its difficult to figure much out about it. Its why we barely know anything about Gene's that are thought to have some connection to our personalities! I'm not trying to make it that children take all traits and bam -- but if two heterosexuals have a gay child how can you figure out that the parents have the 'Gay Gene' somewhere in the pool? If they don't have it, then the entire concept of the 'Gay gene' is lost. If they do have it but their bodies don't exhibit is... you still don't know :S Its why its something that will take time to prove.
'Sides, if there's a gay AGer out there -- regardless of what our thoughts are about Homnosexuality -- he's gonna be pissed that we're talking about him like some experimental creature with a gene defent
I think sexuality is definitely a choice. I hate it when people will say to people who are afraid of or oppose gays, "It's not my fault, I was born that way" That's BS. Well, It's not my fault I'm homophobic, I was born that way :P
No, then you'd have one of the Gay men being the Father, and the other Gay man's sperm being left out.
I think sexuality is definitely a choice. I hate it when people will say to people who are afraid of or oppose gays, "It's not my fault, I was born that way" That's BS. Well, It's not my fault I'm homophobic, I was born that way :P
If not a gene, then it being a choice is definitely my next stance. As for you being born homophobic.. Ha ha I'd like to see someone argue that one, Lol.