You might find it silly me saying this, but really!, the amount of people I have come across on this site alone that hold the view of... "I dont care what others do to their own body/life/world", quite frankly, astounding.
Here is some undeniable facts, and please dont bother with naysaying this, because it might be idealistic, but the world wasnt formed on the backs of the stagnant thinker.
1.There is enough food to feed the world many times over 2.We can give everyone some shelter 3.everyone can have a sanitary enviroment 4.everyone can have communication 5.Everyone can have transport
And this could all be free.
But if people keep on only caring for themselves this will never happen, and without people like me to encourage free thought and spread some love (everyone needs love, just think john lennon) the world is going to go down the dark path that people are so afraid of and yet, are too scared to stand up against.
Now you dont have to do anything proactive. Im not asking for freedom fighters, or martyrs, or fundamentalist thinking.
Talk... please just talk. Debate, argue, think, change, learn and grow.This is all achived by talking and communicating.
I have learned a great many things since posting on this site just through talking. And tho I may seem a bit stubborn I really DO listen and take on board all views I read.
So the main aim of this thread is to pass a message to those who would hear it and a warning to the tools who would not.
Start caring about your world, or else you will find yourself in an uncaring world of your own design.
And finally, if you wont listen to me perhaps you will listen to bill hicks.
"Take all that money we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace."
I love you all...
especially the good looking girls you get extra love
Thats why I talk, I cannot and will not become one of these people. I like your post, and as I have said, Im being idealistic, but hey Im gonna dream and I want you to as well (that sounds kinda gay, sorry).
Dream all you want, but until you are actually able to cause a change in the way the entire human race thinks, that's all it will be. I'm not trying to be rude but I'm not a person who encourages false hope. As for that whole "I don't care" attitude, in my opinion we were all give free will for a reason, so we could make our OWN choices there are somethings like stem cell research and abortion that are incredibly personal decisions, it is the parents choice in both of these cases, if it offends you ignore it because you're forcing that person do something that they're unwilling to do which isn't good for anybody...
I apologize that got rather long winded and off topic but i hope my general point came across.
Flag 1.There is enough food to feed the world many times over 2.We can give everyone some shelter 3.everyone can have a sanitary enviroment 4.everyone can have communication 5.Everyone can have transport
Tecknically the earth is already past its capacity, only science has kept us up. Your not the firt to have the idia of a utopia society, and not the only one Im going to argue against. People have theier nature. Its not possible for every human to get along, or go with your communist like plans, willingly. Of course I have had idias like this, exept bieng a semi-violent person and less of a dreamer I whould assume that you whould need force to get this affect. You whould need one world ruler, who whould take the metephorical throne by force and keep the throne by force. Your idias whould need an iron fist backing them and cause a lesser quoloty of life for the educated people that whould have a problem with it in the first place. So your choices are either to A. Take over the world B. Let me take over the world C. Find a source for the human race to be forced to unite against, such as invashion from somthing that whould wipe us out or inslave us... D. Change the nature of humans
We need to legalize all the illegal immigrants who are in the US
then i couldnt threaten people by calling the immigration center. man thats a good one
As for that whole "I don't care" attitude, in my opinion we were all give free will for a reason, so we could make our OWN choices there are somethings like stem cell research and abortion that are incredibly personal decisions, it is the parents choice in both of these cases, if it offends you ignore it because you're forcing that person do something that they're unwilling to do which isn't good for anybody...
my money is my money. im not giving it to people who make less. Everyones capable, but few choose to actually make something of themselves.
my money is my money. im not giving it to people who make less. Everyone's capable, but few choose to actually make something of themselves.
The why do yo pay taxes? Portions of your tax revenue go into welfare, you know that right and thats the problem has anyone heard the saying "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
Actually, most people ignore it and hopefully see it as a progression of the thread. To add to your comment -- He said 'but I hope my general point came across' -- Obviously he's using something off topic to better his own argument in relation to the thread. Besides, your post is off topic! So eh.
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
The problem is there are so many men that don't have a lake near them Or worse, they don't own the lake Its a fabulous quote, but it can't go too far in our modern world of ownership and business.
Everyones capable, but few choose to actually make something of themselves.
Now thats a quote. I think its better if society works at giving people opportunities, not free stuff. The same thing for illegal immigration -- if an illegal is thinking he will better his life by coming here so be it, why should he get free benefits out of it? Sad to say, America cannot support the weight of South America coming in if we 'opened' our borders. It doesn't do much, but by having an 'illegal' status for people we can keep a lot out. I don't think its fair to ourselves if we have to take the burden of unskilled laborers in this country. Legal Immigration requires paperwork and cash :\\ -- something that this 'world plan' probably doesn't agree with. Though I'm sure we've all settled that the world plan doesn't work
Imagine was never meant to change the world, but to get people to think
Rather than applying the song to the world, it is best to apply the song to your life. That way, rather than fighting the system, you may actually act out as a good person and effect those around you and really make a change.
Thats pretty much what Im hoping to achive with my songs as well. And before anyone thinks Im trying to say Im as good as lennon (I might well be, which would be an honour) or that my songs will never reach many people, I want everyone to realise that telling ONE person and making them think may well cause him/her to tell one, or if you are lucky two people, to think. This chain reaction can be very influential.
my money is my money
Money is a debt. Money is not the most important thing in the world. Perhaps travelling to other cultures that dont really use money might help you to shake off the indoctrination of the society we live in. Dont get me wrong tho, I am involved in society, but it will never be the single deciding factor in how I live my life.
People have theier nature. Its not possible for every human to get along, or go with your communist like plans, willingly. Of course I have had idias like this, exept bieng a semi-violent person and less of a dreamer I whould assume that you whould need force to get this affect.
I disagree, and my plans are not communist. Anything thats different from the supposed "" system we have gets labled as communist. Being semi violent depends on the world around you, and once humans get to a certain point, it will be slowly weeded out of human nature. Dont forget human nature is completely mallable within bounderies. And you make a habit driven choice to be semi-violent (Im not getting at you, Im no better, trust me).
I'm not trying to be rude but I'm not a person who encourages false hope. As for that whole "I don't care" attitude, in my opinion we were all give free will for a reason
I dont like false hope either, and Im never against someone who wants to bring the difficultys to light. I just dont like when people would shoot me down without thinking, which sadly lots of ppl do. Also what dyou mean we were given free will. That sounds like a higher power decided it was ok for us to have this luxury. Are you religious?
Dream all you want, but until you are actually able to cause a change in the way the entire human race thinks, that's all it will be.
All it takes is one lil pebble to start a landslide. Im the pebble, your part of the landslide (if ya wanna be of course).
Sorry for the double post but I missed your post armed blade.
Though I'm sure we've all settled that the world plan doesn't work
I think we have settled its unatainable right this second and that it would take a world consensus to achieve. Having the attitude that these things are not possible are the precise things that stop progress. Its like the "why should I care about what he does" thing that ppl are so fond of saying. Sod that! I think that, in time, we CAN make this world better bit by bit. Each individual has the power to change things and blanketing ourselves in some morbid reality does not make the world better. The world is harsh but thats not the only thing it can be or the only way to live.
Be idealistic, but treat the world with realisim. Be altruistic, but make sure you are a bit selfish from time to time. Give love freely at no cost, but measure just how much you give as you wouldnt want to end up with none of your own. Be trusting, just dont make excuses when you really dont trust someone. The con artist hates nothing better than to make you feel guilty for not giving, for making you feel like you HAVE to give, like making you feel that if you dont eat the dog quickly, the dog will eat you. Its NOT a dog eat dog world. And dont ramble like me!
You might find it silly me saying this, but really!, the amount of people I have come across on this site alone that hold the view of...
"I dont care what others do to their own body/life/world", quite frankly, astounding.
I would only find this astounding if I had been living all my life in a town populated entirely by Care Bears and Smurfs.
But if people keep on only caring for themselves this will never happen, and without people like me to encourage free thought
What exactly is your definition of free thought? Because unless all those people you're astounded by are hypnotized, then they are in fact thinking freely.
and take on board all views I read.
I really find this hard to believe. If you had read two threads, one supporting Capitalism and one supporting Communism, you're saying you'd agree with both?
What! I dont need a darn statistic to see how much food the western world wastes.
If you want to convince others of your cause, then yes, you will.
if someone WANTS to roll in filth thats fine
If I were Amish, I would be extremely offended by this comment. The Amish simply live an honest, hard working life that doesn't support such luxuries as electricity or water and heating systems. They do NOT roll around in filth.
my money is my money[quote]Money is a debt. Money is not the most important thing in the world.
But it is that person's money. Just because they don't share doesn't mean they idolize it.
Dont forget human nature is completely malleable within boundaries.
Not many people like the idea of having their nature suppressed.
Its like the "why should I care about what he does" thing that ppl are so fond of saying. Sod that!
Again, back to the free thinking bit. You are, though for good intentions, opposing that idea by telling us we shouldn't think for ourselves.
If you can establish a working, self sustaining Hegemony with Gandhi at the throne, I'm sure many would follow you to the ends of the earth. But until then, which will likely be centuries from now, your ideas will not come to fruition. Now I actually do care whether or not the world is going to hell, but until there's a viable way to fix it, those thoughts will be at the back of my mind.
I would only find this astounding if I had been living all my life in a town populated entirely by Care Bears and Smurfs
Good for you.
What exactly is your definition of free thought? Because unless all those people you're astounded by are hypnotized, then they are in fact thinking freely.
My definition would be to listen to people and not look for chinks in armor for no reason other than to make themselves look good. Ya dig?
I really find this hard to believe. If you had read two threads, one supporting Capitalism and one supporting Communism, you're saying you'd agree with both?
How does taking on board peoples thoughts and concearns mean I support everything even of contradictory nature? If you explain this more clearly perhaps I will understand.
If you want to convince others of your cause, then yes, you will.
No... I wont. I dont want others to my cause, I want others to THINK. Something you are clearly not doing in your blindness to get under my skin because you are annoyed my what I say.
If you can establish a working, self sustaining Hegemony with Gandhi at the throne, I'm sure many would follow you to the ends of the earth. But until then, which will likely be centuries from now, your ideas will not come to fruition.
I dont expect results in my lifetime, but I will try to build the groundwork that has been ongoing for thousands of years by people who knew things could be better. I dont want followers, I want to start a chain reaction.
Now I actually do care whether or not the world is going to hell, but until there's a viable way to fix it, those thoughts will be at the back of my mind.
That is a contradiction. You care but you dont see a way out so you dispair and will do nothing... but you care. Are you god? Because god tends to kill, manipulate, demand fealty, demand money and claims to be everlasting and omnipotent... but he loves you.
Freethought IS the freedom to say Im talking BS. But closed mindedness is saying I talk BS with nothing realistic to back it up.
And just for you statistic hungry ppl... heres some candy.
"People are needlessly throwing away 3.6m tonnes of food each year in England and Wales, research suggests.
The Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) found that salad, fruit and bread were most commonly wasted and 60% of all dumped food was untouched.
The study analysed the waste disposed of by 2,138 households.
Environment Minister Joan Ruddock said the findings were "staggering" at a time of global food shortages and WRAP added it was an environmental issue."
This doesnt include wastage by supermarkets, and is only in the UK.
My definition would be to listen to people and not look for *****s in armor for no reason other than to make themselves look good. Ya dig?
I'm not trying to make myself look good. Why should I care what some random person thousands of miles away thinks of me?
You care but you dont see a way out so you dispair and will do nothing...
I don't despair, I simply don't mark this as my highest priority.
Are you god? Because god tends to kill, manipulate, demand fealty, demand money and claims to be everlasting and omnipotent... but he loves you.
No, and I wouldn't want to be, firstly because I'm not fit for that task, and secondly I don't believe in god. But I really doubt god has any need for all those things. This is simply the way churches decide to honor and worship him.
But closed mindedness is saying I talk BS with nothing realistic to back it up.
Closed-mindedness is being stubborn and not accepting. You can think for yourself and still be open minded.
I disagree, and my plans are not communist. Anything thats different from the supposed "" system we have gets labled as communist. Being semi violent depends on the world around you, and once humans get to a certain point, it will be slowly weeded out of human nature. Dont forget human nature is completely mallable within bounderies. And you make a habit driven choice to be semi-violent (Im not getting at you, Im no better, trust me).
Your plans require the ritch giving up most there stuff and giving it to the poor untill everyone has even, whitch is communist. Like I said, this world plan won't work unless you keep a gun to everyones head all day... And I never insulted Communism. IT whould be necisary in a utopia society, but human nature whould have to change or they whould have to have a knife on there neck at all times...
Your plans require the ritch giving up most there stuff and giving it to the poor untill everyone has even, whitch is communist.
The rich dont have to, and the poor dont get all that much more, just the guarantee of food and shelter. This would not even dent the rich mans pockets. ffs if some saudi dude can BUILD and island hotel resort for the super rich, what could a bunch of em banding togeather do?
And what with all the food wastage its not like Im asking for something out of nothing.
I guess the most difficult thing I can see is for everyone to have shelter.
I didnt say you insulted communisim, but we are ment to be in a democracy, and anytime someone mentions something different the word communisim appears, it just bugs me, sorry.