ForumsWEPRWorld Plan LOL

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1,573 posts

You might find it silly me saying this, but really!, the amount of people I have come across on this site alone that hold the view of...

"I dont care what others do to their own body/life/world", quite frankly, astounding.

Here is some undeniable facts, and please dont bother with naysaying this, because it might be idealistic, but the world wasnt formed on the backs of the stagnant thinker.

1.There is enough food to feed the world many times over
2.We can give everyone some shelter
3.everyone can have a sanitary enviroment
4.everyone can have communication
5.Everyone can have transport

And this could all be free.

But if people keep on only caring for themselves this will never happen, and without people like me to encourage free thought and spread some love (everyone needs love, just think john lennon) the world is going to go down the dark path that people are so afraid of and yet, are too scared to stand up against.

Now you dont have to do anything proactive. Im not asking for freedom fighters, or martyrs, or fundamentalist thinking.

Talk... please just talk. Debate, argue, think, change, learn and grow.This is all achived by talking and communicating.

I have learned a great many things since posting on this site just through talking. And tho I may seem a bit stubborn I really DO listen and take on board all views I read.

So the main aim of this thread is to pass a message to those who would hear it and a warning to the tools who would not.

Start caring about your world, or else you will find yourself in an uncaring world of your own design.

And finally, if you wont listen to me perhaps you will listen to bill hicks.

"Take all that money we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace."

I love you all...



especially the good looking girls
you get extra love

  • 52 Replies
1,573 posts

Don't get your hopes up people talk won't make a difference no matter what.

Sounds like you lost hope. Talk solves a great deal of things, you cant guarantee friends will "stab you in the back" and as far as im concerned, all my freedoms are going down the pan because people are NOT talking or trusting others.

This will be a slow and painful process and I doubt I will live to see the outcome, but what have I got to lose? really?

There is no point to life, so there is no point in not trying.
1,855 posts

No. This is MY world. Someday I will control it. I manipulate the industries and gain control of nuclear missiles and thundering armies. When the dark age falls upon us I will rise up as the light, and people will look to me for guidance, and the world shall be mine...

It's a good thing I'm on your good side then huh
1,720 posts

t's a good thing I'm on your good side then huh

That's another thing, my friends and allies will be the only ones who are free when I control the earth.

This is a scary world. Without a ruler like me, it's a nightmare. Someday, I will awaken the people, and I shall be viewed as a god...
1,720 posts

what have I got to lose? really?

Were you born to kill? Were you raised to be an animal? Were you made into a mindless fighting machine? Were you abducted and made a warrior? Unless you are any of those, you have everything to lose and nothing to gain. Only those who have been broken passed the breaking point have nothing to lose, you are obviously not one of those people.
9,821 posts

That's another thing, my friends and allies will be the only ones who are free when I control the earth.

1,573 posts

Were you born to kill? Were you raised to be an animal? Were you made into a mindless fighting machine? Were you abducted and made a warrior? Unless you are any of those, you have everything to lose and nothing to gain. Only those who have been broken passed the breaking point have nothing to lose, you are obviously not one of those people.

I have the biggest python youve ever seen, and with it I plan to heal the world. And as for breaking points, I am the one who abducted you, trained you, fed you the wolves that gave you the antlers you have today. I MADE breaking points, and then broke them... then I made them AGAIN.......

gas mark 4 for 10 hours then run up a mountain naked whilst humming the holy mantra of babaganoosh. Thats how I make breaking points.
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