ForumsWEPRDon't ASK Don't TELL

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263 posts

this aplys to the gays in the military situation, i believe this is a good system and needs to stay in place, not bec. of discrimination but bec. of the hassle of having gays would bring. First of all guys and girls are separated, why? bec. of the possibility of fornication, and sexual interest, eliminating this is mandatory for a successful military. if gays where allowed to join they cold not bunk with each other or other of the same race, the military isn't in it to be friendly and tolerant of all Americans. any genetic flaws or habits that would interfere with the success of you and others around you will be dealt with, Hence Don't ask Do't tell.

  • 48 Replies
1,416 posts

32 countries allow open gays in the military. Do you have any sort of proof that these military's have suffered from allowing gays? Is there any study showing that soldiers are having sex which is detracting from their duty? If not, then your argument is crap.

3,224 posts

if gays where allowed to join they cold not bunk with each other or other of the same race

Homosexual isn't a race. Also 1954 called, and wants its posts back.

The unit cohesion argument is shameful. Rather than highlighting any problems there could be with gays in the military, it merely highlights the problem in US society, or at least US military training, that it engenders fear and hatred to a degree that it would prevent teamwork.

An electronic engineer in my sqn is gay, and I have yet to see any problems caused in this regard. Of course this is comparing the UK to the US, so it may not be a completely fair comparison, but even so, most of the conditions are identical, so why shouldn't the positive outcome of having gays in the military be the same?

First of all guys and girls are separated, why? bec. of the possibility of fornication, and sexual interest, eliminating this is mandatory for a successful military.

On the female issue please be specific. I happen to be a serving member of the UK military, and think this is nonesense.
55 posts

fornication is natural and shouldnt be forbidden by the military. the whole military construct is unethical. What ever lies the recruter tells you sounds good right? But once you are in, you are as good as an endetured servant and a trained, brainwashed terrorist.

55 posts


3,224 posts

fornication is natural and shouldnt be forbidden by the military.

I disagree. Just because something is natural doesn't mean it is appropriate in a military environment. Disciplinary issues can arise if everyone is shagging each other.

the whole military construct is unethical. What ever lies the recruter tells you sounds good right? But once you are in, you are as good as an endetured servant and a trained, brainwashed terrorist.

I take issue with posts like these, simply because they disregard the fact that the military isn't simply a dumping ground for those with sub par education and no direction in life. There are large groups of people who are very well educated who want to do the job they signed up for, and enjoy the challenge.
3,437 posts

I'm going to be blunt. It is this kind of thinking that has America going into a moral black hole. I happen to be Canadian and we too allow gays in our military. We also allow gay marriage. I find your arguement lacking sense, evidence and ethics. Care to enlighten me on why gays are as bad as you seem to think?

600 posts

Are you saying that in every other place gays are together they are always 'fornicating'? Because if not, why would they only be doing it in the military?

8,051 posts

it's like announcing you're a member of the KKK, or part of a certain religion.

prejudices get in the way.

263 posts

Are you saying that in every other place gays are together they are always 'fornicating'? Because if not, why would they only be doing it in the military?

absolutely not, but the opportunity to have any sexual interferences is removed from the army, hence men and women being separate, so allowing gays to be around people they could have sexual interest in could interfere with them and others. if they should be allowed to serve why are men and women separate?
3,224 posts

if they should be allowed to serve why are men and women separate?

Sources. Use them. Until you do so, I'm not inclined to believe anything you say.

Seriously, the only people that only complain about gays in the military are people who have never served. Most of the time, you are in a situation where the job you are doing is vital for an operation to take place with the minimum of risk. You would never endanger your team because of feelings on a co-worker.

I love how all arguments against gays in the military hinge on the assumption that gay men are sex craved maniacs who are going to rape their comrades at every opportunity. By the same logic, women shouldn't be allowed in the military.
3,137 posts

the don't ask don't tell system is good and yes it should stay in place. and to tell you the truth i thing it should be for all the time use

197 posts

the don't ask don't tell system is good and yes it should stay in place. and to tell you the truth i thing it should be for all the time use

9,504 posts

Not giving a reason to your opinion, XVERB, is a spam post; you should know this already.

Here is a half-way reliable source, unbiased

Here, it discusses when the law came to effect, who's stopping them, why they are, and steps taken to abolish it. There's also the background analysis of the entire thing as well. While this site is not biased at all, Tom's posts were. Generalizing homosexuality in any way will not back up your opinion at all, in any topic. I really don't understand why you would think that if heterosexual men were put together with homosexual men that there would be fornication about. While they may be homosexual, they are not in the military to have homosexual acts with others; they are there to serve their country.

Basically what Tom's rule (that I had to provide a source for him, lazy butt) meant was, that as long as the individual did not state that he was homosexual, has a homosexual orientation, or any variation of these statements and still credible, that no commanding officer could investigate them.

Despite this taking place, CO's are still investigating large amounts of people at one time, aka, going on witch hunts. Even in the military, morals still apply, unfortunately.

263 posts

Sources. Use them. Until you do so, I'm not inclined to believe anything you say.

i didn't think sources where needed for such a known fact, men and women are separated, everyone except you apparently knows that.
being said, if the army didn't think sexual interest was an issue men and women would serve and bunk in the same houses, but is in an issue, so allowing gays is basically the equivalent to allowing all genders to bunk, serve, and live together
this is not a hate statement against gays, only an observation, my father has served in the military and from the stories I've heard being gay does have a large effect, not maybe to all serving with gays, but to some it does. the gay person was made fun of and harassed, and also made others feel extremely uncomfortable, this comfortableness could be the difference of life and death on the battle field.
263 posts

this was a very biased post, not so much a question as an opinion that i was going to see how people would respond, i do think the military should have the right to say and do whatever it feels best to do. if the military said " no woman can serve" it is there choice no matter there reason. people with bad eyes can not serve bec. the military sees that as an obstacle and is not wanted. the military isn't another right we have, it is a gov. runed thing, so just like if a hospital said " we won't do the operation bec. your gay. they are a business, and also not a right that we have.

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