I have been in class when suddenly i was interrupted by a mentally retarded kid. Literal retarded. I want to know if you think having mentally challenged kids inn school is more help than harm? It is known that mentally challenged kids do not learn nor get anything out of going to schools, but are put in bec. their parents demanded it.
I knew a mentally retarded kid who was actually pretty smart, but he had serious needs issues and a parent supervisor at all times. He was pretty whacked out, drooling on his desk and exclaiming random things in a high squeaky voice. It was pretty hilarious.
and that the **** kid doesn't deserve to do whatever the hell he wants just because he has a mental disorder.
Calm down hot head. These kids can't help it. Everything is against them; their bodies, their genetics, their brain chemistry, their chromosomes, these things are what is preventing him from living a normal life. He didn't ask for this, the cruel dictator that we call "God" made him that way for his own amusement. He didn't deserve it, his parents didn't do anything to deserve it. God is just a cruel a-hole who gets kicks out of twisting his creations and distorting them in cruel ways.
Spread The Word To End The Word (RETARTED) My schools sped department has decided that the use of the word "RETARTED" is mean and hurtful to people that are actually retarted. So now they are trying to stop the use of the word. for the most part I have little to no contact with the Mentally Challenged of my school. However I beleive that they should be put in regular classes as little as possible becasuse then the teacher has to spend a lot of time teaching that one student when the teacher has a class of 30 to teach.
Blaze. The diffrence is, the kid next to him, is disciplened.
I'd hardly call it discipline. How is the one kid, who knows better disciplined while the one who is special needs, does not know better, undisciplined?
The angry, violent kid is more disciplined? I think not.
I'd hardly call it discipline. How is the one kid, who knows better disciplined while the one who is special needs, does not know better, undisciplined?
the point is that the Retard can't learn and is mean. the other kid who is mean might learn and change
the point is that the Retard can't learn and is mean. the other kid who is mean might learn and change
I doubt it. The kid with disabilities does not know better, while the angry kid knows better. Is it fair to kick the disabled kid out, while keeping someone capable of thinking straight and doing right in? I don't think so.
^^ Well then we go back to the whole part, where they are put into other classrooms to learn how to act in public areas. With other people, and to have them all packed in one class, may cause some parents to complain and sue. Which is two sided war the school will be fighting.
And well all know how fast school's are to not get sued by parents.