Abortion is a well debated topic but to see that is counts as a double homicide if you kill a pregnant woman and not homicide to kill i baby in the womb, i ask how is it that these two do not contradict each other? either killing unborn babies is legal or not, why is this in the middle?
Anyways, abortion isn't killing. The fetus at the time of its abortion barely even has a cognitive brain, if one at all. It's dead. It was aborted to save the child any future problems in life.
That's open to many interpretations since the zygote itself is a living cell so... I don't know, I think many people are just too anal about this situation, just to make people rip their hair off...so THAT'S why the majority of legislators are balding!
Anyway, abortion is almost the topic here. It's another of hundreds.
Yeah, kinda... If I could find the official abortion thread, I'd redirect you guys
On the subject of abortion, if the female is: a minor, over 50, a rape victim, (to include abusive relationship); then it's not murder. Abortion that is used instead of contraceptive means is murder and especially when the fetus is 6 weeks or older. On the subject of self defense, I strongly agree to the "castle" doctrine. I also think that a woman has the right to protect herself any time, any where. On the subject of war, it's up to the individual and I don't think anyone should be forced, (drafted) into war, ever.