So I was at school yesterday. Me and another guy got into an arguement, so he decked me in the face. I got up hit him back a few times, then a teacher broke it up. Now, I was suspended for 3 days. So was the other guy.
The only way i could of got out of suspension,was to not fight back. In my opinion, it was self defense, and i shouldnt be suspended for it. This 0 tolerance thing really pisses me off, first off because I should have a right to defend myself, instead of hiding in a corner, and being known as the pansy who is to afraid to fight back.
my school claims that you should "rotect yourself with a hard cover book and wait for help" i do not blame the school it is the pussy children today's society has risen, everyone is perfect just the way they are, no violence, be nice, the olden days where good, where teachers would hit kids for misbehaving, and fighting was the modern peer mediation
they should allow fights until it gets out of hand, my dad always talks about how they always had fights when he was in middle school and its changed alot since then
Prepare to laugh or feel pity: In our school, our code is also 0 tolerance. However, if the attacker starts the fight and he punches you at least 3 times, it is considered self-defense to fight back afterwards. One, how to refute this, and two, how can it be 0 tolerance to have this in motion?
I think thats how ti should work. If they hit you first then it should be considered self defense. So after they hit you once you can beat the shit out of them and not worry about getting sent home.
If some kids thinks theyr real cool,talks about you,starts messing with you're bag ,ignore it, that what u suppose to do in school? ...some kid was standing in front of me and talking about my mother... That happend to me, i went mental as usually and started pounding him ,he felt on the ground, then we we're both about to get suspended for 1 week,he suddently starts crying saying hes parents will kill him, so he got 2 sunday detentions for that... so like wtf? beying cry baby helps?
Yeah School policy is familiar, 3 hits and then you can Start *Defending yourself* what if after those 3 hits ,you're knocked on the ground and he starts stomping you're head?
Just Take it outside of the school grounds then what are they going to say...
You Earn Respect in school if you beat the shit out of someone when everyone sees it, and + there smaller chance anyone will ever fuck with u... again. ;]
I had over 2000 kids in my highschool. So we had a cop always patroling the halls. He wasn't there for the fighting, no he'd walk right by the fight to try and find the druggies in the school. Everybody kinda laughed at his epic fail. But anyways... In our school no one cared. Its 0 tolerance, but alot of the time they slap your wrist and tell you to never do it again. Only thing they care about is smoking dope. Which is why i stopped, and started getting drunk during school instead. I also managed to pull off 100% on a poetry test drunk. But then the next day i was also drunk, and everyone was pissed at me, cuz i was mad that i got the bonus question wrong lol
A my school a guy insulted tremendously a teacher because she make my friend repeat so the teacher almost hit him and in 2 minutes appeared half school trying to stop the teacher