So I was at school yesterday. Me and another guy got into an arguement, so he decked me in the face. I got up hit him back a few times, then a teacher broke it up. Now, I was suspended for 3 days. So was the other guy.
The only way i could of got out of suspension,was to not fight back. In my opinion, it was self defense, and i shouldnt be suspended for it. This 0 tolerance thing really pisses me off, first off because I should have a right to defend myself, instead of hiding in a corner, and being known as the pansy who is to afraid to fight back.
I believe 0 tolerance is a system planted into schools not to protect the students, but to protect the schools. Everybody wants to sue, and the American Justice system refuses to remove the blindfold (as in we let people sue too much).
I like mac computers but they are more exspensive and they are not compatible with things like word. So you need to buy even more software to get it to work. But macs are still cool.
i agree so much with this statement, americans are so greedy that they want to sue whenever they can
Prepare to laugh or feel pity: In our school, our code is also 0 tolerance. However, if the attacker starts the fight and he punches you at least 3 times, it is considered self-defense to fight back afterwards. One, how to refute this, and two, how can it be 0 tolerance to have this in motion?
That policy is wrong but their just trying to protect themselves. Now if you threaton to sue or something they'll bend over backwards to appease you, they fear that word more than anything and I've heard of it working. Legally you where in the right to hit that guy and that's all that should matter, but schools like to make and enforce senseless rules. But their policy of not hitting back can lead people to encorporate that into their lives and can create people who will be victomized later in life, but schools aren't there to help you their there to collect tax money while maybe telling you to read a book.
it's the same at my school. there is a really annoying guy in my class. he failed a test and punched this random kid in the face. that random kid had ISS for a day
if the attacker starts the fight and he punches you at least 3 times, it is considered self-defense to fight back afterwards.
If you let the other guy get three punches in without getting a hit back you've lost the fat. Three punches is enough to get you knocked to the ground bloody by a mediocre fighter and by then he can kick you and such...
So I was at school yesterday. Me and another guy got into an arguement, so he decked me in the face. I got up hit him back a few times, then a teacher broke it up. Now, I was suspended for 3 days. So was the other guy.
Theres this real @$$ in my school pushes me around calls me really bad names and finally when I was about to walk out of school and go home he and a couple of his friends are blocking the hallway so I push him out of the way
and he grapples me and pretends to hit me in the face and finally slugs me twice so I retailiate and slug him back alot more times than he got me (he's not a mediocre fighter he sucks at fighting) and I end up getting suspended longer than him me a week him 3 days. So yea the 0 tolerence policy is lousy but it's there so the school won't get sued by angry parents...
If it wasn't for zero tolerance I would beat the living sh*t out of this punk in one of my classes. One day he's going to find out my fuse isn't infinite . . . .
If it wasn't for zero tolerance I would beat the living sh*t out of this punk in one of my classes. One day he's going to find out my fuse isn't infinite . . . .
The philosopher has a pissy side? Anyway, I think we're talking about fighting back, not fighting. Starting a fight results in no tolerance anyway.
As for 0 Tolerance, I'd rather have it up to the teachers discretion. I think its retarded too, but imo the teacher should have some say in the final outcome.
I believe 0 tolerance is a system planted into schools not to protect the students, but to protect the schools. Everybody wants to sue, and the American Justice system refuses to remove the blindfold (as in we let people sue too much).
Fine for America. Here (Italy) a legal process takes 5 to 10 years, so nobody cares about that. How comes that 0 tolerance is enforced here too?
I think its a rip off... I get into few fights, and win fewer, but I still get into trouble... One time, I was reading in a crowded hallway waiting for the library, and a guy was kind of teasing me by lightly punching me. I lightly punched him back and he flipped out, and by this time I was back to reading my book... I was punched, hit him with the book and was suspended for as long as he was... as said before its probably those dang lawyers...
It's like if someone comes up and punches you in the street and you hit him back you don't get done for assult he does you were doing self defence so why don't schools have that and also they know we will hit each other back because we gonna go jumpin out of a window to jump through anthor to tell a teacher are we