This is the official fourm page of the AG Enlightment Club. Questions and topics about religion and athestism may be posted here, and a club member will respond back to you.
-All posts must be made with some intelligence behind it. -All statements must be backed up with facts and evidence. -No spam please. -If you are going to debate like a zombie then this is the wrong fourm for you.
To learn more about the club go to my profile page.
1) Then don't spam on our profiles asking us to join. If any of you got their messages, then it's fair game to delete them. I think people have the capabilities to join by looking for the thread themselves.
2) Why can't we debate normally? That's what we've been doing before this; what would debating here have any different outcome than before?
1) What proof do you have of any dieties' existance?
2) If the Christian god exists then why do we need food? Apparently we don't need food in heaven, and there are starving people out there.
3) If god is all loving then why does he kill to prove a point? He does so in maney stories.
4) Why does he only care for human biengs? I may not be an animal activist, but there are beasts that deserve to go to a paradise more then most humen...
5) How could he justify sending people to hell for not believing in him with no proof?
6) Why whould he wait untill the midal ages to get his word out? What happened to people before then?
7) Why is believing in him even a rule? No reason to torture somone forever for there upbrining.
8) Why do Christians always answer questions like these with a genaric or sentimental answer?
9) Why are some laws in the bible no longer fallowed, if they are gods laws and thus perfect?
10) Why is god a facist?
11) How could he let murder happen?
Please not that all the above questions are hypothetical, if he existed and was in the Cristian view.
Rather than make an AG Enlightment Club thread, why not make a thread about whatever it is the topic is about?
If I had a "We love waffles clan" club, I would make a thread about waffles, not a thread about the "We love waffles clan" and about advertising the club and making that thread the meeting place for the members as well as the topic at hand.
In short, don't make threads about clubs about religion. Just make threads about religion. It's less messy.
Told you, you need to first outline the main points this club is to cover.
The one suggestion I had made was to help improve and develop critical thinking skills. There are plenty of people on here who clearly are unable to think critically. This could be a place to help them learn how to. If you already know how to then this could be a place to help improve those skills.
This of course could just be one thing to focus on. I think there does need to be more then just that.
Well this club is made up of atheists, so your questions about starvation, murder is a result of the nature of life. Humans murder other humans because they have the ability to do so(not legal though). Humans grow food, so if not enough food is grown and distributed to everyone people starve.
Christians are the only ones that claim that people who do not believe in God go to hell. So if you don't believe the Bible don't worry about that.
[/quote]Why do Christians always answer questions like these with a genaric or sentimental answer?[quote] They do not use skills like critial thinking and their answers work on some poeple so they continue to use them.