All the Global Warming threads make me proud that my home is heated with a renewable resource. Wood. We chop down trees on our fields, and burn fagots night and day. We stay warm and toasty with no electricity wasted for it. Take that fossil fuel. And all the stuff like paper and plastic and other recyclables get recycled in said flame. Again energy that would have been wasted on making new products out of old saved. Isn't my family efficient???
Im not sure if your case is that rare, i herd of a town that was destroyed by a global warming related storm and that town re-built all the town green. But there is a lack of these renewable energys because people are stupid. and if we dont we may lose out in the long run (if not by global warming then by the terrorests that sell oil that get rich and then spend it to kill us all)
ps i should know this because i started the global warming thread
we have cars that can run on water, that is what we need, unless you guys are regrowing trees in tree farms then you aren't being green using renewable if you can't renew the wood, recycling uses around 50% not 100%
i herd of a town that was destroyed by a global warming related storm and that town re-built all the town green
cars running on hydrogen.
, sadly the oil and car industry doesnt want these to be made. It will take a long time, slowly but surly getting greener and more efficient, and all the while they will want you to "upgrade" to the newer "greener" model of car (and take your money in the process)...
Using renewable resources is the way forward, so you can become self sufficient and get off the grid.
There are green ways. Yes. But most people would rather take the easier way out and only think of what they are spending now. Not what would be better in the long run. Like this "Hmm...Should I buy this cheap vehicle that will get me where I need to go, or spend more money and get the vehicle that would help the earth a little bit?" No matter how much you try to help people see it, they will probably only see it through halfway. People don't want to get 'hurt' by not buying oil and that, but it WILL run out someday. Everyone knows that. Yet they all still drive their gas guzzlers. We don't want to change our regular everyday lives, just to help out the world you live on. Instead, lets waste our money on finding another world to destroy! Such good ideas come from government, dontcha think?
You dont need renewable resources when you have coal and oil and all those already in use and effective ways of getting energy and dont say we are going to run out because in 1980's they said we would run out of oil by now and we have increased our oil consumption and we have found even more oil in the world so as far as im concerned until we run out, Which probably wont happen for a long time, we shouldnt do anything.
Nuclear power the the only current power source that is cheap, effective, space efficient, and creates no atmispherical pollution. The waste is a lot less of a problem than its made out to be and it's now considered to be the greenest energy source.