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All the Global Warming threads make me proud that my home is heated with a renewable resource. Wood. We chop down trees on our fields, and burn fagots night and day. We stay warm and toasty with no electricity wasted for it. Take that fossil fuel. And all the stuff like paper and plastic and other recyclables get recycled in said flame. Again energy that would have been wasted on making new products out of old saved. Isn't my family efficient???

  • 38 Replies
77 posts

The thing is coal and oil does not renew itself fast enough. It renews itself over millions of years. Saying that oil renews itself thus it can be used forever or at least as long as the forseable future is like if your in a sinking ship bailing with a bucket while the ship is taking water and sinking. The fact is you can't bail fast enough.

Acid rain honestly is to terrible a problem but my main concern about it isn't that it destroys building, but that it destroys forests and monuments.

Air pollution may not effect you yet but it is defintly a problem. the fact that people in some cities have to wear face masks 24/7 is alarming.

I do agree however that nuclear power is a good idea but I think we should figure out neclear fusion instead of reling on nuclear fission.

170 posts

well isnt it the cities fault for making so much that people have to wear masks( Please tell me where i dont know of any). Another thing acid rain just speeds up the enevitable everythings going to fall apart no matter what.And see what people dont get is that we have no idea how much oil and coal there is in the world so theres no way of saying that we will run out. Also i think you could harness nuclear fusion but it would have to be increadably small amounts of hydrogen to harness it.

240 posts

First off you can never estimate how much oil and coal there is left when you dont even know how much there is.

You still can't really argue that the world supply is diminishing. Maybe there are wells we still haven't found, but we are using up the ones we have found.

Second Air pollution isnt a problem becuase think about it the power plants arent near where i live and dont effect me beside giving me power

So because it doesn't affect YOU, it's not a problem? What about those who live closer to pollution? What about the post a few up saying he has days he needs to stay outside because the pollution is life threatening?

Then theres acid rain which doesnt matter again because so what if our building corrode faster there only meant to be there for 30 to 40 years.

You're right here. So what if our plants die? What do we need those for? Oxygen isn't very important anyway.

. And if oil is renewable which it is and so is coal then we will never run out.

More evidence you ate paint chips as a child. Oil is NOT renewable. Neither is coal. What are you talking about?? You know how long it takes for coal or crude oil to be...created right?
8 posts

Global Warming sounds like an excuse the govt. set up so we can pay more taxes to them.

170 posts

Accutally Oil and coal are rewnewable there are new theories emurging that oil is manufactured at the middle of the earth( or under the crust) and then pushed up. The thery emerged when someone went to an oil well that was previously dry and found it full of oil. And the thing about the plants. Look there are more plants that arent effected by acid raining than there are plants that are. And about the air pollution when you look at it it takes so long and so much polution to make it life threatining in one area. The only place i could see that happening is in a place like bejing.

9,504 posts

That's going to have to be looked into some more, if that hypothesis is stable enough.

The only place i could see that happening is in a place like bejing.

Do you know why that is happening in Beijing? Because there is so much of it in one given area. It's not just Beijing. Look at Pittsburgh. It used to be so much worse.

The very idea of Cold Fusion however is so interesting though. To be able to just have energy right there produced in cold temperatures would be so amazing! The cleanliness of the energy produced would be a healthy alternative for everyone. There would be so much of it that when used, I really don't think you would even be billed for using it, other than just having it produced by the company that does it. And we certainly wouldn't be having these nasty problems that we're into right now, would we?
240 posts

Accutally Oil and coal are rewnewable there are new theories emurging that oil is manufactured at the middle of the earth( or under the crust) and then pushed up. The thery emerged when someone went to an oil well that was previously dry and found it full of oil.

Did you just pull this out of your ass? You have no source, and it seems like you are completely making this "theory" up. I have never heard of this idea, plus is ridiculous.

And the thing about the plants. Look there are more plants that arent effected by acid raining than there are plants that are.

Yeah, and the ones that are affected get damaged and die...

And about the air pollution when you look at it it takes so long and so much polution to make it life threatining in one area. The only place i could see that happening is in a place like bejing.

Well I can see by your spelling and arguing that you are very young or uneducated... or both. So I will just say that it really doesn't take very long to accumulate a lot of pollution in an area. Did they teach you in middle school yet about the industrial revolution? You also know that big cities all have to worry about smog in the air, and when you turn on the weather channel they have an index showing the public how dangerous the smog is any particular day. So you don't have health problems if you have asthma or something...
170 posts

This is where i got my idea that oil was renewable is from this source.
And yes i know some cities have to worry ,but i've never heard of a city that people have to wear masks 24/7 or can't go outside becuase of pollution.

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