Is it any coincidence that only 1 President and 0 Vice Presidents have been anything other than Christian? And the single President not a Christian was a Jehovah's Witness. Society doesn't seem so secular anymore, now does it?
What do you personally think about this?
Note: This thread is for intelligent conversation not ridicule and debate. If it turns into a sham like many other such conversations it will be locked.
I find all subjects like this to be similar, as in it should not be thought about before or after, because when people think about it, they complain and there will be requirements about religion, like how there are minimum requirements for amount of women/minorities in other facets of society.
I find all subjects like this to be similar, as in it should not be thought about before or after, because when people think about it, they complain and there will be requirements about religion, like how there are minimum requirements for amount of women/minorities in other facets of society.
But we live in a free country, it doesn't matter what other people think or say about you.
And balerion, I did not know that fact, that is very very interesting.
The majority of the United States citizens are Christians, so they vote and elect persons that represent them. The persons that represent them are usually Christians like them. That's how I see it.
Is it a coincidence that all the presidents of Egypt have been Muslim in a country with a 90% Muslim population? Is it a coincidence that all the Leaders of the Soviet Union were Atheist when the official party ideology was Atheism? Is it coincidence that all Israeli Prime Ministers have been Jewish? Is it a coincidence that every president in Africa is Black or Arab?
You see what I'm getting at? When voters go to the polls, they like to pick candidates like them. So Protestants will likely vote for Protestants. Jews for Jews. Blacks for Blacks. It's not a coincidence or a conspiracy.
I know it is not a conspiracy, but I am one of the people that are highly dubious of the shoddy statistics done when looking at religion. Yes I can see that Christianity is the largest group, but how many of those people make it to Church only on Christmas, Easter, Weddings, and Funerals?
Fun Fact: Judaism is the 2nd largest Religion in America.
Christans come off alot beter than atheist, i think Christan and people like sister tarisa pops in my head, many "christans like he said hardly make it to church, i'm not one of them, i go all the time, as for pres. i think not only do they seem more trustworthy they are majority, but people don't just vote for religion, God is very important and is on our curency if you like it or not, so why wouldn't there be christan elected pres.?
So what do you think we should do about it hmm? Considering that it's unconstitutional to ban voting because they "may" vote in a biased manner, you don't really have a lot of options. Voting involves opinion. Whatever opinion that is, that vote is legitimate and we cannot prevent it.
Is it a coincidence that all the presidents of Egypt have been Muslim in a country with a 90% Muslim population? Is it a coincidence that all the Leaders of the Soviet Union were Atheist when the official party ideology was Atheism? Is it coincidence that all Israeli Prime Ministers have been Jewish? Is it a coincidence that every president in Africa is Black or Arab?
And how little of the population is Jewish... it doesn't matter how good they would do as president, it just matters what religion they are, right? Wrong.
Seeing as they have to swear into office with there hands on the bible, it wouldn't make much sense for them to be anything else. And does it really matter? No laws have been passed that restric the rights of any other religion.
The Pope recently prayed in a Mosque. Does that make him Muslim? No. It was a foreign relations thing. Many world leaders, when visiting a foreign country, will wear that country's traditional religious and cultural items. It's an act of respect.
It disturbs me that all the US presidents are christian (xept 1) .
Here is a Wiki entry showing a quote from a letter by Thomas Jefferson, whom I would hope the americans respect, and not just hear about in school...
"Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State."
Goverment and Religion SHOULD be seperate, and amreica, you failed at this, badly. Anyone who cant see this is not looking or has closed their mind. Or of course thinks that Goverment should be ruled by the church.
USA had a president who was really quite religious and believes GOD is on his side. I am very worried by this, and Usa should be too.