That is not legit. For a fact to be true, It needs to be based on evidence, not opinion. Can you prove it doesn't exist? Every credible biologist in the world agrees that there is evidence for evolution, and it is widely accepted around the globe. You have to be blinded by your own bias and prejudices to not accept the the theory evolution. If you have legitimate scientific evidence disproving the theory of Evolution, let me hear it.
The Bible or any other Holy Texts are books of Philosophy, not books of science.
Uhhhh... from memory i remember him talking about how Eyes are impossible to be evolved.. Darwin himself admitted that he was unsure and now people take his theories too far.
Darwin himself admitted that he was unsure and now people take his theories too far.
Darwins theorys are not the be all and end all of evolution. Species DO evolve, regardless of your belief system. If there IS a god then he made us to evolve, adapt and survive. This is faultless. This is what the world of science agrees on. Darwin was also a very forward thinker for his time... but we have come a long way from then. Darwin had lots of stuff wrong, so it bugs me when people try to pick holes in an old idea thats moved on.
Yes it is real. Evolution is a fact, there's no denying it, even though some people try to. Even if you are a religious person, you can't deny evolution (or the earth being older than a couple of thousands of years) that's just crazy talk.
Evolution is a natural part of life and runs hand in hand with Natural Selection.
Evolution IS natural selection, just looked at in a holistic fashion rather than a reductionist one. Denying natural selection is denying evolution as a whole - and it's been proven that natural selection happens. Therefore, evolution happens.
In my opinion evolution is an ignorant hypothesis that was thought up by someone of high status, thus automatically making it a theory. People didn't evolve, we may use natural selection, but most people don't. Humanity and true GENES are going down the drain. Evolution is just one of many examples of when someone doesn't know the answer so they use a fake hyposthesis as the solution to their answer.
Evolution IS natural selection, just looked at in a holistic fashion rather than a reductionist one. Denying natural selection is denying evolution as a whole - and it's been proven that natural selection happens. Therefore, evolution happens.
Evolution is changing, if you look at natural selection you will see you pick the most adequate fit (best) person to mate with. If you do this everyone will look the same due to everyone looking for the same type of person. Which woul make natural selection not valid, due to everyone looking the same. I do deny evolution as a whole, but it doesn't prove that evolution happens. :P
yup we all used to be monkeys through out terds at each other. evolution is real. Considering that when were a fetus, it looks like we have a fish tail.. I must say it is obviously suspicious. =o So yes evolution exists...
There is one fossil, but it resembles more of a gorilla, instead of a human. With its large femur and hips and the way the stucture of its body is assembled.
Our technology has almost entirely eliminated natural selection in humans, thus making evolution in present day humans next to impossible.
Evolution was never possible. Also, how has technology eliminated natural selection? One mate picks the other, due to characteristics, technology has nothing to do with it.
Evolution is just the way we scientifically explain how life came to be and how it continues to adapt to its surroundings. I don't think anyone has a problem with adaptation. What people don't believe is that if you have enough of time, then you can start with a simple bacteria at the bottom of the ocean and finish with a human orbiting the planet.
Evolution was never possible. Also, how has technology eliminated natural selection? One mate picks the other, due to characteristics, technology has nothing to do with it.
Ok, I hate answering a troll, but this is just too much to bear. Technology has made natural selection between humans obsolete because people stopped dieing. If your weak health won't kill you at 10, you can mate and have offsprings, with weak health, and so on. Natural selection is the survival of the fittest, because weak die! But, if weak don't die...