ForumsWEPRShould Imagrants learn English?

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I get mad when i see Spanish subtitles on boxes or a Spanish news channel, i wonder how far is to far. I do not hate immigrants but i demand them to learn English if they come here. here are my reasons.
#1. If Spanish is on a cereal box why isn't everyone language known to man, not every one speaks English or Spanish in America.
#2. A country needs a dominant language to be successful and and to unite everyone in a way.
#3. Language should be like currency, you should have one main one, not a bunch.

i do not think people should only know English, i encourage learning other languages, but putting multiple languages on all items can lead to problems, and possible decrease communication in the USA.

  • 160 Replies
252 posts

I believe they should need to learn the basics of English, just because we don't need our entire society to have translators. In retrospect, it would be also helpful for some of us to learn basic Spanish, because it is a largely spoken language. High schools seem to now require 2 years of a language class now, I support this,

174 posts

People who come to this country should learn English. It's not ignorant of us to make them learn English, but it's ignorant of them not to. English is the countries national language, why should we change for them? They should be changing for us. In the days of Ellis Island, people who came here learned English, but they also maintained their culture and language. Nobody said we were forcing them to change their ways, we just want to make it easier to understand each other! More people in this country speak English, so they should make the appropriate changes. And another thing, if you were going to Germany to live for a long period of time, or France, or Japan, or Spain, you would inevitably have to learn how to speak German, or French, or Japanese, or Spanish.

34 posts

I think they should learn English just out of common courtesy for their new neighbors.

22,207 posts

English is the countries national language, why should we change for them?

might i remind you america is made of immigrants?

personally, i know how hard it is to learn a new language, and to my knowledge english is a very difficult language to learn if you dont already know it. but i do think that immigrants should be required to learn english, or at least basic english. by basic i dont mean 'yes,no, maybe, who, where, etc.' but at least enough so i dont have to press 1 for english, 2 for spanish.

22,207 posts

English is the countries national language, why should we change for them?

oops this was supposed to be quoted sorry X( double post.
1,532 posts

Their has to be a line drawn somewhere. Ive had to switch out of 2 classes last trimester, because the teacher and students were dominantly spanish. I couldnt understand any of the questions, and sometimes he taught in spanish.This was Math...

I dont have a problem with immigrants, though i do believe to be succesful you have to speak the main language.

333 posts

Are you sure you even fully understand the English language yourself?

In England, we are now over run with immigrants, your Americans seem to complain about it and how you have more immigrants coming in daily to your country, not to mention the illegal ones jumping the border.

Honestly England is far worse off, we have a country Smaller than your State of Florida, and our population is now 80%+ Immigrants NOT including Illegal immigrants.

So a lot of English such as myself who are dictated to, to accept the flow of immigration and treat them equally, migrated to other European countries, i for one have learnt the Greek language to an acceptable level to read and speak to people, writing is what i have trouble with.

So if i can be bothered to Learn the native language, as should everyone else. I believe the Australian prime minister made the best remark ANY leader could of ever made in their entire life;

"If you can't accept the country you accepted, get out."

As far as my morals stand, yes everyone should learn the native language, English being Americas native language. Although your far from help now, the amount of cultures inside your borders, you have to treat everyone equally, if you cannot read a Spanish cereal box, which is made by the Spanish FOR the Spanish, eat your own cereal and move on with life.

It's amazing really how i never seem to type a little bit....all my posts are stories....O_O

1,751 posts

A lot of countries have a higher immigrant presentage than the US. And in some countries the immigrants aren't from one place/culture/language like in the US. So stop whining.

3,085 posts

Of course immigrants should learn the language of the place they're going to LIVE in for possibly the rest of their lives - Hell, even if i'm just going on holiday to a country for 2 weeks I ensure I know the essentials like 'hello', 'thank you', 'excuse me', 'lease may I...' and 'help'.

1,360 posts

Of course they should, but the only reason I think the Spanish in America don't learn English is because they are catered to in Spanish everywhere, TV, phone, shops, should you cut off all these services they would be forced to learn English, otherwise many won't bother as it's unnecessary.

I moved to England from Netherlands when I was 11, so just as I was starting to really learn Dutch, I also now had to learn English (at home before we moved), There are no Dutch TV programmes, no Dutch shops, supermarkets, no 'ress 2 for Dutch'.
But if there were those things, I could just continue to speak Dutch because it's catered to, Immigrants should adapt to the country they are in, if they want Spanish everywhere, GO TO SPAIN.

1,026 posts

On a broader point of wiew; shouldn't immigrant learn the language of their new country? Yes, always. It's useful and kind toward the country giving you home.
Also you should learn to speak comprehensibly, because thinking to know how to speak, is a wide gap from actually doing it.

5 posts

Immigration is a vital part of any society, without an influx of people from different backgrounds and skill sets a country would grow stale. The same goes for imports, why is it ok to bring in toys made by child labor in sweatshops but when those same families try and come to a better place they are met with hostility and the demand that they learn to speak the language of their new country.

Remember the next time that you are expecting flawless English from these immigrants sitting on your comfy couch watching TV, eating chips, thinking of ways to get out of school tomorrow, remember some of these families wouldn't have even had a tomorrow if they stayed where they were. Cut them some slack.

333 posts

Immigration is a vital part of any society, without an influx of people from different backgrounds and skill sets a country would grow stale.


have you seen how many people are jobless because of Immigrants?

Almost every single call center for England is redirected to India, NONE of them learn how to speak English at any standard and don't understand anything we are saying when we are trying to pay bills or get information out of the company. Those immigrants are taking money out from the country, when our own people could have those jobs.

People say that if our citizens really wanted a job they could easily get it;
Wrong, from personal experience as well as listening to other peoples experience, the country is run by immigrants, who would much rather hirer immigrants to work for them rather then the native population.

Remember the next time that you are expecting flawless English from these immigrants sitting on your comfy couch watching TV, eating chips, thinking of ways to get out of school tomorrow, remember some of these families wouldn't have even had a tomorrow if they stayed where they were. Cut them some slack.

I'm sorry, i'm an arrogant tosser sometimes but what the hell, was WE the reason there country cannot keep there politics civilized without causing a rebellion? Without causing a massacre of the people? No we are not to blame, so why are we the ones having the finger pointed at us like it was our fault? why is it us who pick up the pieces and lose out from it.

Every person we give the chance to start again one of our own natives loses out on a job, or a home or anything really.

To end this off;
Do you ever see a homeless immigrant? I have lived in 2 major cities in the south of England London & Brighton and I've NEVER seen an immigrant go without a roof over their head or without food or water, but what i do see is our own people the only English left who are forced out on to the streets to live without food, water or shelter because the government would much rather help someone who i only going to suck every bit of life out of the country he or she can then leave back to there home country and live a rich life, and couldn't get two shits about us.Then what do we do? we set up 10,000 different charities all trying to help many people have been to Africa? How many of you watched the world cup? Did you not see how wealthy the country really is? The baron wastelands you see on TV are situated right next to towns which they could easily find help from just like the rest of the country does, it's not our job to help them. I will never donate to another country in AID of help because they can afford to do it themselves if the leaders were not greedy pigs thinking of themselves.
5 posts

how many people have been to Africa? How many of you watched the world cup? Did you not see how wealthy the country really is?

Apparently you are an arrogant tosser, Africa is a continent, not a country. Just because a few select nations have an economy does not mean that places like Somalia and Swaziland are peachy wonderful places to live. These countries make compton look like a weekend at the beach.
3,085 posts

While we're on the subject - if the many companies in richer countries didn't own sweatshops for production of goods (instead paying a decent wage) then there wouldn't be as much need for mass migration to escape poverty.

I don't think people who intend to work and live in a country should be allowed to enter without passing a language/skills test.

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