money is the root of all evil, this is why drugs and sex can sold, because we have currency but if we dont have it i really dont want to use the barter system..
Money is the root of all evil, this is why drugs and sex can be sold, because we have currency but if we dont have it i really dont want to use the barter system..****
Money is neutral. The people who use it determine it's effect.
Money was created to give a solid base for the exchange of goods. Without it, we would be scrambling all over the place trading rocks and feathers still. One gallon of gas would cost 500 rocks and 250 black feathers. And a box of cereal would cost you a bail of hay and wheat.
Yesh to the above, but I'm sure there would be more of a static value attributed to goods, according to it's use, not, just saying:
"No, I don't want your silver bullion for my maple-wood, I would rather have some sauerkraut, and I want it direct from the Germany"
Money is incapable of thoughts and feelings, unless you use people or animals as currency... It's the artificial value that we as humans place on money that causes things, often bad things, to happen because of it.
Avarice, or the love of money is most likely what this thread is addressing.