Widely viewed as dead two months ago, the Senate-passed bill cleared the House on a 219-212 vote. Republicans were unanimous in opposition, joined by 34 dissident Democrats.
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said the legislation awaiting the president's approval would extend coverage to 32 million Americans who lack it, ban insurers from denying coverage on the basis of pre-existing medical conditions and cut deficits by an estimated $138 billion over a decade.
What pisses me off is how the Conservatives especially Glen Beck, think that universal health care is the road way to oppression as well as socialism and fascism -_-
What pisses me off is how the Conservatives especially Glen Beck, think that universal health care is the road way to oppression as well as socialism and fascism -_-
Precisely. It would be nice to see the Republican party actually pick holes in the policy itself rather than make vague emotional appeals against socialism.
It did. But that shouldn't distract from what has actually been accomplished in terms of social justice for millions of Americans.
Idiots. I hate politicians it would have been nice to reach an actual bi-partisan agreement with the Republicans and Democrats both conceding. It's more the Republicans fault through they should have pushed against funded abortion but supported the general bill.
Also it does distract, quite a bit actually as this healthcare bill will soon be amended beyond belief when conservatives gain control again.
Damn politics. Nothing ever gets done because re-election is the only thing that matters in D.C.
What I want to know is where all the money will comefrom. I mean, you can only get so far taxing the bejezzus out of people.
So, what'll be next? Hospital Operating/Running Cost? Medicare?
And there would be no point borrowing the money, as it would increase our deficit, and just generally make matters worse. What ever happened to the 'don't spend if you can't pay' idea?
Get Obama out of here. The only reason he got elected was mainly because he is African American *Not being racist*. His presidency failed from the start.
**** politics. Nothing ever gets done because re-election is the only thing that matters in D.C.
True. Although you have to consider the alternative. Whee now we suffer the evils of a group of politicians who find it more effective to use misinformation than actually formulate good policy, hand over too much power to the electorate and you will get mob rule. The fact that so many people buy into the baseless Republican propaganda is testament to this.
Now this will effect the whole world. Not just America. I want to become a heart surgeon. I don't know if i can know. My pay wouldn't support my future family. I hope one way or another we can fix this.
And there would be no point borrowing the money, as it would increase our deficit, and just generally make matters worse. What ever happened to the 'don't spend if you can't pay' idea?
The US has a total of around twelve trillion dollars in total of debt. And it increases by four billion dollars a day. You can decrease the deficit, but you're still losing money.
As for the health care bill, I think we will have to wait and see what will come out of it.
I believe the bill is a well put together bill. The fear of socialism is unreasonable within the United States (I'm canadian). I believe that Obama is on the right track, because the majority of the world has some for of universal health care. Also studies show that universal healthcare increases the quality of healthcare.