ForumsWEPRHealth Care Bill Passed!

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Widely viewed as dead two months ago, the Senate-passed bill cleared the House on a 219-212 vote. Republicans were unanimous in opposition, joined by 34 dissident Democrats.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said the legislation awaiting the president's approval would extend coverage to 32 million Americans who lack it, ban insurers from denying coverage on the basis of pre-existing medical conditions and cut deficits by an estimated $138 billion over a decade.
  • 67 Replies
29 posts

I'm glad the bill is finally passed. I'm also mad that the Republicans keep calling Obama a socialist commie, it sounds more like a Third Red Scare than actual, legitimate, criticism.

996 posts

Oh yeah, and the IRS is supposed to fine people who don't get health insurance.

Yes, but government-supplied health care will be very cheap, and if they can't afford it they already have medicare.
When someone doesn't have health care, and they get in a big accident, they are responsible for the debt that they acquire. Many people won't pay it off because it will be an insanely high bill, and the hospital is left forgotten about.
That and the economic law of workers will kick in. The less doctors around, the more pay a doctor will get, in order to spur more. Then once there's more of them, the pay will be less.

You're describing a cycle that will be regulated and slightly continued forever.
This happens with many jobs, and it will for doctors as well. Just because they're getting payed more, then less, then more, then less doesn't mean they're going to be getting payed less forever now that it's less.
Not to mention their pay will still be cycling around a high rate so it won't matter anyways.
5,043 posts

I'm glad the bill is finally passed. I'm also mad that the Republicans keep calling Obama a socialist commie, it sounds more like a Third Red Scare than actual, legitimate, criticism.

Obama is giving more power to the government. That is in a sense socialism. It can also be considered communism, but communism is too vague and it really depends on what kind of communism... apparently.
909 posts

I've been silent long enough...

I'm glad the bill is finally passed. I'm also mad that the Republicans keep calling Obama a socialist commie, it sounds more like a Third Red Scare than actual, legitimate, criticism.

Anyone who represents the voters as an elected official and calls Obama or any other president a socialist, communist, fascist or any combination thereof, should be impeached and stripped of all titles and entitlements.

I may not agree with the way Pelosi has conducted the House and I haven't got much to say at all about VP Joe Biden. Locking Republicans out of the early stages of this debate and refusing to consider less expensive, more efficient ways of accomplishing President Obama's plan reduces this legislature to a charade.

Everyone agrees that Medicare and Medicaid are fraught with errors and mismanagement that created massive loopholes for Hospital Administrators to abuse and walk away very wealthy, at the expense of taxpayers, since the 1930's.
These very well intentioned plans were implemented to help the less fortunate, not to pad the pockets of thieves.

Oh yeah, and the IRS is supposed to fine people who don't get health insurance.

I find this aspect disgusting because this involves the individual unless Senate fixed the wording?

Obama is giving more power to the government. That is in a sense socialism. It can also be considered communism, but communism is too vague and it really depends on what kind of communism... apparently.

I find this aspect appalling and glaringly unconstitutional. We the people can do the right thing and vote them out!
2,662 posts

That is in a sense socialism.

The rep neocons under bush gave the government more power than ever before.i guess when that power is marketed to the people as defending them from evil muslims fox news likes it, ergo no one gives a crap. i mean seriously, the hypocrisy of the us right is unbelievable.

I find this aspect appalling and glaringly unconstitutional.

Then you should probably learn more about your constitution. its authors wrote it in the locke model specifically designed to avoid mob rule by the ignorant masses. looking at the sheer number of people who oppose uhc, despite the fact there is vast empirical evidence to support its economic efficiency in comparison with private insurance, this was a wise decision indeed.
9,821 posts

Obama is giving more power to the government. That is in a sense socialism. It can also be considered communism, but communism is too vague and it really depends on what kind of communism... apparently.

*Real* Communism has no government. So no, it is not real Communism as it was originally invented. Although it is simple to Communism in practice.

Anyway, the healthcare bill is a step in the right direction. The USA is ranked 37th in overall healthcare quality among all developed nations, and literally every single nation above us have government healthcare. So it's needless to say that government healthcare generally works better than completely privatized healthcare.
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