ForumsWEPRAnother homosexuality topic

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818 posts

What do you think about the two girls that wanted to go to prom together in Mississippi? They wanted to go to prom together, but the school said no. The school stated that either they quite being persistent and didn't go to prom or prom is going to be canceled. The two girls are now suing the school.

My personal belief is that they should be able to go to prom together, everyone has the right to their own sexual preference, and others should be open minded enough to realize this.

  • 46 Replies
1,026 posts

Maybe a link or a quote from your source could help those who don't know what you are talking about...

818 posts

Ohh, sorry, I thought I did.

9,434 posts

What I don't get is why the school had rules against it in the first place.

Aside from that, I agree with one of the comments someone left on the article.
"It's sad that the school has to interfere with the personal lives of the students.
Now the student body will blame the homosexual couple for ruining the prom for everyone else.
And that is a shame.

818 posts

What I don't get is why the school had rules against it in the first place.
Aside from that, I agree with one of the comments someone left on the article.
"It's sad that the school has to interfere with the personal lives of the students.
Now the student body will blame the homosexual couple for ruining the prom for everyone else."
And that is a shame.

This is my view. The students should be treated the same, no matter what sexuality. The homosexual couple didn't ruin the prom, the people who wouldn't be open minded enough to allow homosexuality at the prom ruined it.
2,301 posts

Wow, sounds like the school canceling the prom is the best thing that's ever happened to her. Money for nothing and fame for free.

I was mildly annoyed by the crossdressing. A tuxedo is not formal female attire. Still, I guess it's a lot better than if she went in casual wear. At least it's formal, after all.

This brings me to an important question: Why was the original homosexuality thread locked?

1,416 posts

The school I student taught at in Illinois had a lesbian prom queen and there was not a single complaint from parents, students, or the community. It just goes to show how backwards some parts of the country are...

3,437 posts

I'm friends with a lesbian couple. They went to prom last year together and no one gives a damn. Of course I'm in Canada and from what I've noticed America has yet to get on with the idea that people are people.

263 posts

What I don't get is why the school had rules against it in the first place.

the reason you must go with the opposite sex is that friends couldn't take other friends to mess around, like over here in PA you can take your girlfriend (if ur a guy) to your own prom if she is from another school, but to prevent "friends" like me asking my bud and pretending where gay when everyone would know where not just so wee could F around at the prom. I Think the school wants to have it old fashion school dance witch doesn't include gay couples. I think it is not their RIGHT to go together but still should be aloud. Schools can't discriminate against race, color, religion, blah blah blah but idk about sexual preferences, i mean what if someone likes way older or younger people should they be aloud to bring them to a dance?
9,504 posts

the reason you must go with the opposite sex is that friends couldn't take other friends to mess around, like over here in PA you can take your girlfriend (if ur a guy) to your own prom if she is from another school, but to prevent "friends" like me asking my bud and pretending where gay when everyone would know where not just so wee could F around at the prom.

The problem is that they weren't screwing around at the dance; they went because they were girlfriends. The fact that guys and girls cannot go together but ones of the same gender cannot is highly biased and should be fixed.

I think it is not their RIGHT to go together but still should be aloud. Schools can't discriminate against race, color, religion, blah blah blah but idk about sexual preferences, i mean what if someone likes way older or younger people should they be aloud to bring them to a dance?

The people DO have rights to their preferences and to speak out. For the school to restrict such rights makes me laugh. The reason why people cannot bring completely older/younger individuals with them is because it is a federal law to not be with those that are completely beyond the age limit, AKA one is a minor, one is not. There however is no such state or federal law on restricting sexual preferences. Maybe the school should realize that before they continue to bring futile topics into discussion and continue to make fools of themselves?
1,714 posts

Maybe the school should realize that before they continue to bring futile topics into discussion and continue to make fools of themselves?

Considering the school banned that, I think they don't realize they are making fools of themselves.
8,051 posts

omg sooooo unexpected! that a school would be discriminatory?! in this world?! :[]!

909 posts

Someone, anyone, please remind me that this is 2010, not 1910!

I just read the article down to the part where this student's having to skip classes and go to the doctor because her nerves are shot from having to put up with the student body who are still living in the dark ages!

I'm really showing my age, but I graduated in 1977, in Charlotte, NC.
We had an openly gay guy who was one of the best actors, wore makeup, an earring and all of us girls adored him because he was one of the "girls". None of the real guys would put him down, just the average bully-jerks. Whenever this happened a lot of us,(guys and girls, white and black) would surround him to show our support.

My real question is why, or better yet, how did the school officials know she was going to bring her girlfriend?

The only reasons I can think of is because everyone had to "clear" their date to the prom? Or, like Frank said, the girlfriend must have been a student elsewhere? Otherwise, it ain't nobody's business!

8,051 posts

it ain't nobody's business!

they obviously have some regard for their own life then.

rawr for literally taking that! >
408 posts

It's just a school overstepping their bounds again, their job is to educate FACTs, not tell the students how to live. I live in west Texas and we had a fair amount of homosexual couples at our school and some went to the prom and it was a none issue. Administrators and principals where more interested in getting customized golf carts to go around the fairly large high school campus. We even had a homosexual mayor until he ran off to Mexico to be with his lover, right after winning the election by a near landslide. But, since the schools are failing to actually teach the students anything I think they have decided to see just how much they can get away with.

1,633 posts

Kill the gays. Enough said.

You should die if your serious. Enough said.
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