I don't know how many of you know about these groups that protest at funerals from soldiers that died in combat but these people make me sick. If you support the military or not everyone should show some respect which seems the be disappearing today. I think holding signs up at these funerals saying God hates soldiers, all soldiers should die and so on should not be covered under the 1st admendment. Also they claim that soldiers die because there are gay people. What does gay people have to do with soldiers getting killed? These groups are luckly they have not been attacked by friends and family member of dead soldiers. So what do you think should be done about these groups?
We have the crime "Vilipendio al paese" (Mockery of the country) and "Vilipendio alla bandiera" (Mockery of the flag) They will get jailtime here. And since military police is in charge of the jails...
I think the problem with this whole situation is the law. In most civilized countries, free speech is much more restricted than it in is the US. For example, flipping someone off will get you a ticket for obscenity. The problem is our laws are just too weak, that is, they are inclusive rather than exclusive. So, you can't say or publish untrue things about a person with the intention of harming them, you can't yell "fire" in a public place if there is no fire. But we have to limit each case individually because the laws are going to allow virtually anything not specifically excluded. We all know it's wrong and not how a society should function - the law should reflect that reality.
Screaming "God Hates Soldiers" and "Soldiers Are GAY" is disruptive at a funeral?
as long as they are following the law
Pyschological harassment, or attack is against the law isn't it? And it'd be phsychologically attacking the mothers and friends of the dead soldier hearing that they are gay and that God hates them.
We should all have equal rights. If you want to speak your mind how you want, then they should be able to do the same. Sometimes that means allowing people who are just going to spew bs the ability to spew that bs.
I hate the so called protesters.... with a passion. I mean, to think, these people can be so hypocritical. So to have this man/woman go out there and die so they [protesters] could do this.....
No country is perfect but if you hate the goverment and military of the country you live in then you should leave. The 1st admendment is great but there is a lot of exceptions in it.
Well its freedome of speach, I don't believe it should have ristrictions. You mine as well put "Freedome of speach, as long as you do not say anything mean, agaisnt the govornment, or naughty"
Those people are ***holes and abuse freedome of speach, but its still freedome of speach...
Well its freedome of speach, I don't believe it should have ristrictions. You mine as well put "Freedome of speach, as long as you do not say anything mean, agaisnt the govornment, or naughty" Those people are ***holes and abuse freedome of speach, but its still freedome of speach...