ForumsWEPRIs the Bible hypocritical?

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374 posts

Firstly, here is my opinion. I think the Bible is hypocritical because of the things mentioned in it. Let me support my argument:

1. In the Genesis, Adam and Eve were the first human beings. Than they had kids. And these kids married and had other kids. So aren't we the result of incest? If Adam and Eve were real we'd be brothers and sisters. And we're marrying our siblings! But isn't the bible against incest?

I also think the bible is a bit mysognistic.

This is because:

Adam was created FIRST. Therefore Man was created first. Eve was just part of his rib! So woman are just a small part of man. Without man, there is no woman. And it was Eve that was tricked by the snake in the first place to eat the apple! It was Adam who tried to resist Eve pleads to eat the apple but he did. So it was woman who persuaded the man to sin against God.

And there are holes in the story. Adam and eve were created First. Then they had 2 sons. The sons married. But where did their wives come from? Since Adam and Eve only had sons. If Adam and Eve were the first humans, how did the wives come into being?

Haha, but yea, so what do you think?

  • 77 Replies
1,255 posts

There is a reason mountain climbers have to take oxygen tanks with them when climbing tall mountains, and these waters supposedly went over those mountains

You do realize that those mountains have been growing for 6,000 years straight right? They would have been much smaller then. Also, the water it's self contains oxygen. If he was sitting right on top of the water there would have been plenty of air to breath.
1,633 posts

You do realize that those mountains have been growing for 6,000 years straight right? They would have been much smaller then. Also, the water it's self contains oxygen. If he was sitting right on top of the water there would have been plenty of air to breath.

oh my.....

6,000 years is not enough time for mountains to grow thousands of feet!! It would take millions of years to see significant chances in elevation. Go learn some geology.

you can't breathe the oxygen in water. If that were the case we all could be aquaman, but we drown when we try that. Oxygen in water dissolves, and a very small percentage of the oxygen actually goes to the surface. Go learn some chemistry. I'll tell you what. I'll drop you off on a cloud. you should be able to breathe because clouds are water vapor with oxygen! you should be fine at some 25,000 feet above sea level!
600 posts

You do realize that those mountains have been growing for 6,000 years straight right? They would have been much smaller then.

Not really, Mt Everest would only be 365 metres smaller, and right now its 8848 metres high, a reduction of 4%.
374 posts

See its like this:

People back in the medieval ages and before had questioned their existence. Why are we here? Is there a meaning? Then they lead to the idea of a God, especially Jesus the son of God. Because they couldn't think of another reason why they're on earth, they use God as an excuse. God created us. And the Bible allows them to be free of the responsibility; of work, reasoning, personality. It also gives leaders and the people a certain 'guideline' of how to behave. Such as being kind, because committing sins are bad and so on... And the religion feeds on the instinct; that everyone wants to be part of the big 'roject' or life and the fear of the afterlife. Other reasons are because of the unanswerable question of 'what is the meaning of life and why we exist', people don't like the idea of not knowing what the answer is, so they use God as a reason. This frees them of the burden of trying to discover the meaning of their existence and gives them a set of rules to follow in life, making it easier.
And also the bible is basically a book of law telling people how they should behave and the penalty for not behaving is an eternity of Dam,nation.

So as they keep on writing, they would be hypocritical as events would contradict each other,from the old testament to the new testament.

1,255 posts

oh my.....
6,000 years is not enough time for mountains to grow thousands of feet!! It would take millions of years to see significant chances in elevation. Go learn some geology.
you can't breathe the oxygen in water. If that were the case we all could be aquaman, but we drown when we try that. Oxygen in water dissolves, and a very small percentage of the oxygen actually goes to the surface. Go learn some chemistry. I'll tell you what. I'll drop you off on a cloud. you should be able to breathe because clouds are water vapor with oxygen! you should be fine at some 25,000 feet above sea level!

Okay, Okay. True enough, but if the water level rose that much I would also push the atmosphere outward as well, seeing as atmosphere is automatically negated at sea level. The result would be a larger planet with an even larger atmosphere.
600 posts

Okay, Okay. True enough, but if the water level rose that much I would also push the atmosphere outward as well, seeing as atmosphere is automatically negated at sea level. The result would be a larger planet with an even larger atmosphere.

The atmosphere would also spread out an extreme amount = death
1,101 posts

mmm yummmy, another thread bashing cristianity.... lovely. Umm yea because for some reason it seems athiests have nothing better to do than this, we already have 3 threads going on a constant bash against christianity... if theres a heaven, if god created all things, and even the one titled christianity =/.. There all talking about the same thing, so i dunno.. Is a 4th really necessary?

Um also jesus was an actual person, not just some mythical person that was a story. Thought i should say this... Jesus was the form of christianity, not medieval people... *facepalm*. Why? Because of what he taught back then, and how it effected people when his tomb was found empty. And yes this is also historical fact. And because back in that time a roman guard was to watch the tomb for a couple days after the person died (due to people desecrating the body, or even worshipping it, or stealing it) and the fact that jesus' body wasnt there, to this day still stumps scientists, theists, and etc etc etc... Its either the biggest hoax (guard stole the body) or the biggest miracle (Jesus actual rose from the dead). Not to mention, the reported sightings of Jesus afterwards (yet thats very wishy washy, and i wont get into that as much cuz its basically like some people saw him, starting to get into the supernatural which some people just cant handle and believe automatically is false =/)

9,462 posts

Because of what he taught back then, and how it effected people when his tomb was found empty. And yes this is also historical fact.

What's historical fact is we have an empty tomb, that's it. It's not proof of anything divine. This is made even worse when we can't even confirm it is Jesus's tomb.

and the fact that jesus' body wasnt there, to this day still stumps scientists, theists, and etc etc etc... Its either the biggest hoax (guard stole the body) or the biggest miracle (Jesus actual rose from the dead).

Which one sounds more plausible? That a person came back to life moved a heavy stone out of the way by himself and walked off or a couple of soldiers who bought into the hype decided to pull a fast one? There is a third possibility here that the body managed to decay to the point there was nothing left to find inside when the tomb was found.

Not to mention, the reported sightings of Jesus afterwards

Not to mention these reported sights only occur in the Bible. Besides even if we are to say there really were sightings of him after his death this is no more mysterious then people claiming to see Elvis at shopping malls and gas stations after he died.
1,101 posts

Which one sounds more plausible? That a person came back to life moved a heavy stone out of the way by himself and walked off or a couple of soldiers who bought into the hype decided to pull a fast one? There is a third possibility here that the body managed to decay to the point there was nothing left to find inside when the tomb was found.

It was looked in three days after... And again which sounds more plausible.. Another form of possible. Thats the thing, there is no proof, and no one can proove exactly what could have happened. To say that Jesus was taken away also requires faith... your putting your trust in something where theres no proof.

59 posts

this confuses me

9,462 posts

It was looked in three days after... And again which sounds more plausible.. Another form of possible. Thats the thing, there is no proof, and no one can proove exactly what could have happened. To say that Jesus was taken away also requires faith... your putting your trust in something where theres no proof.

Without anything further your entire argument that it proves Jesus got up and walked away is worthless. We can hypothesize on how it got empty using what we know to be plausible, this is not a matter of faith. You might also note I never stated that it was definitely empty because of X.
1,101 posts

screw it... debate... again...

The account of jesus' resurection had 500 eye witness accounts. 500.. Way more than enough to put a convicted man to jail, and more than enough to provide accurate and sufficiate evidence to convict a man. Just saying. Not to mention the disciples themselves were dissillusioned believers who hadn't known that Jesus would resurect and be standing before them again. I should also say that women back in those days were not accounted to be reliable witnesses, and therefore they could not just concoct such story about the resurection, without legit witnesses being present and to testify the truth. As well with over 500 legit eye witnessed accounts of seeing Jesus' resurected, i have to say that that is enough proof for me to believe Jesus existed and resurected from the dead.

9,462 posts

As well with over 500 legit eye witnessed accounts of seeing Jesus' resurected, i have to say that that is enough proof for me to believe Jesus existed and resurected from the dead.

As stated there isn't a single account of these 500 eye witnesses outside of the Bible. So this is not proof.
374 posts

mmm yummmy, another thread bashing cristianity.... lovely. Umm yea because for some reason it seems athiests have nothing better to do than this, we already have 3 threads going on a constant bash against christianity... if theres a heaven, if god created all things, and even the one titled christianity =/.. There all talking about the same thing, so i dunno.. Is a 4th really necessary?

Um I was trying to keep the topic on the bible, and how its hypocritical. This wasn't intended or was its main aim; to bash christianity. You might see it as that, but don't look at everything as an attack on religion. I'm just stating the holes and loops within the bible.
9,462 posts

I'm just stating the holes and loops within the bible.

Maybe I should have gotten into the discussion of that video here given it's content.
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