Firstly, here is my opinion. I think the Bible is hypocritical because of the things mentioned in it. Let me support my argument:
1. In the Genesis, Adam and Eve were the first human beings. Than they had kids. And these kids married and had other kids. So aren't we the result of incest? If Adam and Eve were real we'd be brothers and sisters. And we're marrying our siblings! But isn't the bible against incest?
I also think the bible is a bit mysognistic.
This is because:
Adam was created FIRST. Therefore Man was created first. Eve was just part of his rib! So woman are just a small part of man. Without man, there is no woman. And it was Eve that was tricked by the snake in the first place to eat the apple! It was Adam who tried to resist Eve pleads to eat the apple but he did. So it was woman who persuaded the man to sin against God.
And there are holes in the story. Adam and eve were created First. Then they had 2 sons. The sons married. But where did their wives come from? Since Adam and Eve only had sons. If Adam and Eve were the first humans, how did the wives come into being?
Very well. The outline of my basic arguement is such:
1. God is not perfect, neither is Lucifer. 2. God is a tyrant who Lucifer wished to overthrow for the sake of man. 3. The bible paints both Lucifer and God in different lights because in any history the victor is good and the loser is bad.
1. God is not perfect, neither is Lucifer. 2. God is a tyrant who Lucifer wished to overthrow for the sake of man. 3. The bible paints both Lucifer and God in different lights because in any history the victor is good and the loser is bad.
Ever read His Dark Materials?
Also looking at these ideals and considering that God could be understand with natural ideas then yes you are correct. However if the bible is the divine work of God then I am right and you are wrong.
I love His Dark Materials. Quite the piece if good fanatasy literature.
Also looking at these ideals and considering that God could be understand with natural ideas then yes you are correct. However if the bible is the divine work of God then I am right and you are wrong.
Then all things being equal, and reality being what we perceive then both of us are both right and wrong all at once.
Well in truth I believe the books hold a grain of truth. To have this universe the only one seems...wrong. Possibilities are endless, and if that is held true then I think there must be other worlds. Also quantum physics supports this in some ways. At some of the lowest levels of matter effect comes before cause.