Well, we all know that the Twilight saga has brought in massive rewards, and it's like Harry Potter all over again. A huge number love it and almost as many hate it (Research indicates the top reason is fans). And quite a few series have jumped out of nowhere based on the series.
But I find the books (And movies) have all changed our opinion of one thing: Vampires. Book lovers now see the 'Cold One' as appealing and sexy, while haters... Drop dead.
I'm just curious as to how people feel about this. Do you like the fact vampires have been changed so dramatically? If so, how?
Twilight had no affect at all on my view of vampires. Due to the simple fact that you just can't take it serious. I watched the first movie purely because i wanted to know what all the fuss was about, i didn't like it at all, just another teenie movie with some *horror* addings.
After this i just disliked it but later i found myself in the theater with my gf and we went to new moon , hoping that it would a empty hall so me and my gf could do what most other young adults do when there's little people in the theater. It was nice and comfy just us and like 2 other couples , but then BLAM a motherload of twelve year old girls allready fighting about eddy sparkle and jacob furboy.
So we were forced to watch the movie cuz they all went and sat behind us and after 15 minutes i was all *just pick someone you stupid ugly not talented derpface bellabiatch*.
I barely survived it but i have two words for everyone who had the same or a similair experience as me and my girl.
Ehh.. I'm not entirely sure that Twilight alone was responsible for the change in our perception of vampires. Buffy the Vampire, for example, and the character of Angel made vampires into objects of sexual desire.
Most of my personal beef with the twilight vampires is their dramatic break from tradition qualities rather than traditional roles. I'm sorry Stephanie Meyer, but vampires are not supposed to sparkle in the sun, they're supposed to immolate. That's not really something that you can change without creating a fundamentally new creature.
And for the record, Twilight fans are easily the second most annoying thing about that fandom (after Bella's personality).
I think the Twilight series is trying to brainwash us. They're saying that vampires sparkle. They should all die, because all of you know, vampires die in the sunlight. They don't sparkle!
I never believed in vampires in the first place, and never will.
You don't have to. They're talking about movies with vampires.
But no, those sparkling wimps are only in the Twilight films, so they shouldn't affect your views on vampires. However if they made a lot of new films with vampires as they are portrayed in Twilight then there'd be a problem.
I think Twilight really whitewashed the whole idea of Vampires. 10 years ago, people viewed Vamps as the definition of Horror, not a sexy idol to most girls.