Well, we all know that the Twilight saga has brought in massive rewards, and it's like Harry Potter all over again. A huge number love it and almost as many hate it (Research indicates the top reason is fans). And quite a few series have jumped out of nowhere based on the series.
But I find the books (And movies) have all changed our opinion of one thing: Vampires. Book lovers now see the 'Cold One' as appealing and sexy, while haters... Drop dead.
I'm just curious as to how people feel about this. Do you like the fact vampires have been changed so dramatically? If so, how?
To me... it made them turn from cool... to plain out gay. Excuse my language... but twilight made vampire lovers... (NOT ME) hate em.. im teh only dude in tha house... and be4 twilight i had to deal wif Justin bieber.. which my sis is obsessed over and now twilight... WHATS NEXT?!!?!?!?
In short... it didn't affect me at all... my views on vampires in general has never changed from the 'cool creatures of the night' they are! If you're talking about the fact that they can be daywalkers now (Twilight), I have to say it's not a development I like and see fitting for the whole vampire story... they are creatures of the night and this is best descibed in the 'Blade' and 'Underworld' series of movies for me! Twilight is ok with the first movie, but to-cry-over with the other episodes... meh... =/
Twilight did not affect me in any way. It's just their version of vampires and werewolves. Besides, theirs are completely ridiculous when compared to other vampires/werewolves from other series.
I have a very low opinion and negative view of Vampires. Twilight has only made that low opinion lower and that negative view even more negative. Yeah.
ehhhh.killersup somehow watched the first 3 movies and the vampire thing was kinda...........ehhhhh.didn't really effect killersup view on them however.killersup's view-see one.then grab a gun and shot.see told ya.no different
I hate twilight so much, though it didnt make me see a different style of vampires, I dont really like it any more. The old days of vampires were better. Much Better.
Twilight has warped my view of vampires a lot. I used to be obsessed with vampires and werewolves when I was younger, but now I'm pretty disappointed in what the modern media has done to "vampires". The only show/book that is somewhat good, when it comes to vampires, is True Blood.