There is evidence, well depending how you look at it, that supports the theory of multiple universes. The evidence is rather complicated and based heavily in quantum physics which I have no experience in. But simply put at an elementary level effect comes before cause. This means that multiple things can happen simotaneously yet only one of these things happens at the same time. This (simply put) means that life itself is a paradox of probability. This also alows speculation into the concept of multiple universes where those things that did not happen actually DID happen. What are your thoughts and feelings on this idea of multiple universes? (If I am unclear please don't hesitate to ask for clarification).
I love the fact that you always have some reference to "His Dark Materials" =]
Either way I think the idea is utterly intriguing but because it's all theoretical at this point it isn't the first thing on my mind. Hopefully someday soon the idea will be able to be tested and not just thought about.
I prefer the idea of multiple universes. This way other places could exist that are quite alike our universe, but have one difference that only varies by the scratch of a dime. Just my views, it's quite interesting.
I love the fact that you always have some reference to "His Dark Materials"
Well it's not all about what I've read too. I actually consider this to be true. I don't simply say "Hey it's in a book it must be true!" XD
In fact, Carl Sagan does an excellent job explaining how we are not only part of multiverse, but they are being created constantly. It's fascinating.
Yeah that seems to fit. Every choice we make produces new probabilities which would create a new universe. Just thinl there are places where you and I don't even exist.
Whatever the thread is about, I think the paradox on cause and effect in quantum machinists are just because we're using the wrong mathematical systems to describe it. It's like the paradox of the turtle never reaching the rock if it starts out 10 meters away and can get 1/2 way closer every minute. It's just the wrong mathematical system to describe what the turle is doing cause we all know it can reach the rock.
if someone make a decition it creates a new parralel universe correct?
Well if the 6.3 billion people each are makeing roughly 30 decitions a second (steps, when to breath, ect.) then how many decitions in a day, a year and a life time
Watch the proffessor explain time on back to the future. Nvm.
I personally think that, yes, there may be other universes, no, we would probably not have to travel far to contact them (but travelling 1000 years or so in the future might help) and there is no way in crap that we will ever have solid proof they exist. At least not for centuries.
I do agree with the theory, but I have a strange feeling that even if we go to the end of the universe(which is impossible) you may find worlds similar to ours but always different in such a fundamental difference that they couldn't possibly be an offshoot of our own world. I don't even want to think about the consequences of ripping open a hole in time and space.
Well yes there would be billions of worlds similar to ours yet with profound (and sometimes not so profound) differences. And then there are billions of worlds that are so alien to us we would not recognize them but it all comes back the quantum mechanics. As for ripping a hole in time and space the consequences would indeed be dire, but I do not think they would be as dire as everyone fears because essentially we would rip a hole in time and space TO time and space. I wish this was not mere speculation because I would love to try it.
Not quite the issue here the problem is that we're ripping a hole in the fabric that makes up our universe, it could happen like it does with cloth, once you have a hole the material around it starts fraying and falling apart the very same thing could happen to us.