ForumsWEPRMultiple Universes (Multiverse).

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There is evidence, well depending how you look at it, that supports the theory of multiple universes. The evidence is rather complicated and based heavily in quantum physics which I have no experience in. But simply put at an elementary level effect comes before cause. This means that multiple things can happen simotaneously yet only one of these things happens at the same time. This (simply put) means that life itself is a paradox of probability. This also alows speculation into the concept of multiple universes where those things that did not happen actually DID happen. What are your thoughts and feelings on this idea of multiple universes? (If I am unclear please don't hesitate to ask for clarification).

  • 45 Replies
3,437 posts

Personally, I kinda like to think that there is only one universe, this one, so we better make it count


I've always thought that there was some other lifeforms living out there. But I really think that NO ONE can be sure.

Logic indicates that in our own galaxy there must be life. In our universe there is certainly great numbers of species of intelligent sentient life. Now apply that to countless universes.
3,224 posts

Logic in the form of mathematical probability does not constitute evidence to the extent that one can claim there is definitely life. Conditions necessary to maintain any kind of life, especially on an advanced multi cellular level are extremely delicate. Whilst I wouldn't be surprised if there was other life in the universe, I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't any either.

3,437 posts

And your views on multiple universes?

1,739 posts

how many parrealell universes are created?

Infinite, as one is made, according to Chaos Theory, for every single thing and action. And unless time has a minimum unit, it will remain infinite.
The evidence is rather complicated and based heavily in quantum physics which I have no experience in. But simply put at an elementary level effect comes before cause. This means that multiple things can happen simotaneously yet only one of these things happens at the same time. This (simply put) means that life itself is a paradox of probability. This also alows speculation into the concept of multiple universes where those things that did not happen actually DID happen. What are your thoughts and feelings on this idea of multiple universes? (If I am unclear please don't hesitate to ask for clarification).

The same thing can be put as:

Imagine if you spin a colored circle, which has four colors: Black, Green, Red and Orange.

When you spin it, you get black.

BUT: Another three universes was created for this event. In each of these universes the other colors were spun.
Oh I doubt that will ever happen. We'd have to rip time and space itself for that ti happen, and who knows what the consequences would be. But let's say the idea is right. What if there's a world of the dead?

Your idea of zombies is based on sci-fi books.

But I can tell you the answer into other universes: Black holes and, if ever proven, white holes (Opposite of black holes. They spew out matter). Black Holes are places where space-time has torn apart, through massive gravity and other forces.

Interesting topic...
3,437 posts

But I can tell you the answer into other universes: Black holes and, if ever proven, white holes (Opposite of black holes. They spew out matter). Black Holes are places where space-time has torn apart, through massive gravity and other forces.

Ah, but do they lead to another universe or the space in between universes? Because if this theory is correct then white holes would exist here as well.
2,399 posts

I never did get black holes.

In the Movies the seem to transport one item to another place with no meaning of time.

I real life they seem to be able to swallow hundreds of things from the universe moving them nowhere, I'm confused.

3,437 posts

As far as we know a black hole is technically a void.

3,224 posts

And your views on multiple universes?

I don't really think it is possible, and if it is possible, I don't see how it would matter.

Why don't I think it's possible?

Consider the game Z rox. If you were in a 1 dimensional universe, then all you would be able to see in 2 dimensions would be a single line. You wouldn't be able ot see anything except when the 2 dimensional creature intersected your single dimension of length. If you were in a 2 universe, a stick figure on a piece of paper, then all you would be able to see of 3 dimensions would be whatever part of that 3 dimensional object which intersected your 2 dimensional universe. So if you were a stick figure, all you would be able to see of a human hand entering your universe would be 4 circles getting larger and larger and then merging intoa single large oval. If there was in fact a 4 dimensional universe, we would be able to see certain segments of these 4 dimensional creatures passing through our 3 dimensions. Since I have never seen a 4 dimensional creature, or ever heard of any reports of such a sighting, I feel it is safe to assume that there is only 1 universe.

Why do I think it wouldn't matter if they did exist?

The number of universes which could be interestingly different from our point of view so as to harvest new technology would be vanishingly small in comparison to the number of universes where the only difference is a single electron 1000 lightyears away rotating upwards instead of downwards. Even if we could get into them, searching for them would be like looking for one needle in an infinite stack of near identical needles.
3,437 posts

Consider the game Z rox. If you were in a 1 dimensional universe, then all you would be able to see in 2 dimensions would be a single line. You wouldn't be able ot see anything except when the 2 dimensional creature intersected your single dimension of length. If you were in a 2 universe, a stick figure on a piece of paper, then all you would be able to see of 3 dimensions would be whatever part of that 3 dimensional object which intersected your 2 dimensional universe. So if you were a stick figure, all you would be able to see of a human hand entering your universe would be 4 circles getting larger and larger and then merging intoa single large oval. If there was in fact a 4 dimensional universe, we would be able to see certain segments of these 4 dimensional creatures passing through our 3 dimensions. Since I have never seen a 4 dimensional creature, or ever heard of any reports of such a sighting, I feel it is safe to assume that there is only 1 universe.

This is asuming that light can travel between universes. If it cannot then we would have no knowledge. Also quantumly we wouldn't know.
3,224 posts

This is asuming that light can travel between universes.

Light would not need to travel between universes. If universes overlap, the light within each one would be sufficient for a different 'creature' to be sighted.
3,437 posts

Well then you assume universes overlap in a logical sense. Since our knowledge is limitted they may overlap in a way we do not yet understand.

3,224 posts

Also quantumly we wouldn't know.

On a quantum level it's also possible to walk through walls. In absence of a quantum physicist, I advocate leaving quantum physics out of every discussion since it's so d*mn weird.

Well then you assume universes overlap in a logical sense. Since our knowledge is limitted they may overlap in a way we do not yet understand.

How else could they overlap? In an illogical sense? I merely say that if there are multiple universes then we probably would be aware of them by now. If there is something we don't know which enables travel between universes, well, then there's nothing to discuss.
3,025 posts

There is evidence, well depending how you look at it, that supports the theory of multiple universes. The evidence is rather complicated and based heavily in quantum physics which I have no experience in. But simply put at an elementary level effect comes before cause. This means that multiple things can happen simotaneously yet only one of these things happens at the same time. This (simply put) means that life itself is a paradox of probability. This also alows speculation into the concept of multiple universes where those things that did not happen actually DID happen. What are your thoughts and feelings on this idea of multiple universes? (If I am unclear please don't hesitate to ask for clarification).

By universes or realities themselves - you may be correct on either or both.

Judging from your quote suggests you're no expert - I am not either, but I am fairly (not a genius, not exactly on the dot either.) interested in this.

In the universe, it's known (or theorised?) that we are only able to see 3% of light, be it from the sun, or anywhere else. Now, while the sun is distorted through the atmosphere, being how we have a blue sky and red sunset ("lightwaves" as I prefer call it), it's reasonable to assume that the 97% we can't see, has something else.

Also, there are theories for the possible alternate realities (SG-1 fan anyone? (Oh, that's not the only reason I know some of this.)), quite literally where "something else happened", from your head thinking differently to the Hundred Years War not happening. Think about it as the Grandfather Paradox, in this reality I am a 13 year old boy who cares more for morality than quite literally anything else, if I don't have my morality I'm not me, plain and simple. Meanwhile a few years back when say, (and this is part of the Grandfather Paradox) and, this is truely strange. Depending on how you think will change what you will think later, plain and simple, it's easy to assume, because sometimes you can just drift off and think about something which will make you think about something and so on so forth, until you may actually learn something, just a child picking a flower can change your course of mind and completely change the future (oh, and don't feel threatened), which may make my mother think differently, and thus even more differently (so on so forth), and, it may easily make me cease to exist. Even something smaller, like a wind blowing, sometimes your walkin' and talkin' and a large draft goes through your hair, "Gosh that's a bloody strong wind!" you could generally hear from friends and familiy, thus making you drift off from your current topic etc etc.
Another theory (half a theory, as it has been proven) is that not everything, sadly, can be accurately predicted, and I forgot the name of it, but it's one to do with earthquakes.

In this case, the man reeled in a stone tile (quite large) to him, with the perfectly same cable and perfectly same tile, he got different results by doing everything pretty much exactly the same (I am currently thinking of ANYTHING that would prove this wrong, only gravitational pull from orbit can come to my head, which is a long-shot). The first time was 3 large pulls, the second was 4 medium. That was completely random but related to alternate realities - I'm attempting to think of possibly an earthquake being caused in one reality, while the exact same sequence of actions were perfectly the same, until that moment.

The point is, by your term of "multiple universes", the chances are probably quite high, but it has not been proven, if it's not proven then I'm not sure, but I am open to it!

Hrmm, I wonder why they don't teach this in Year 8 Science...

- H
2,763 posts

Hrmm, I wonder why they don't teach this in Year 8 Science...

First of all this stuff gets so damn complicated in so many levels it would drive people mad. Secondly this stuff requires you to understand the mathematics to fully understand the theory. Thirdly this type of science changes very quickly so teaching it would be hard unless the students have a vested interest in it.

I advocate leaving quantum physics out of every discussion since it's so d*mn weird.

Madness....haven't you every heard of Schrödinger cat? That's a good point to start learning quantum physics from :P.
3,437 posts

Highfire your explaination of the grandfather paradox is wrong or you're just rambling. The grandfather paradox is if you were to go back in time, kill your granpa, screw your grandmother and essentially become your own grandpa.

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