There is evidence, well depending how you look at it, that supports the theory of multiple universes. The evidence is rather complicated and based heavily in quantum physics which I have no experience in. But simply put at an elementary level effect comes before cause. This means that multiple things can happen simotaneously yet only one of these things happens at the same time. This (simply put) means that life itself is a paradox of probability. This also alows speculation into the concept of multiple universes where those things that did not happen actually DID happen. What are your thoughts and feelings on this idea of multiple universes? (If I am unclear please don't hesitate to ask for clarification).
Oh I doubt that will ever happen. We'd have to rip time and space itself for that ti happen, and who knows what the consequences would be. But let's say the idea is right. What if there's a world of the dead?
It is a very interesting topic to think and talk about. The fact that we never even traveled out of our solar system and only examined a few outside suggests that a second or more -verse is just immensely out of our reach. We are talking maybe a hundred thousand years to even discover one by an extremely-powerful telescope.
There are also possibilities, since we know little about them, that black holes may be linked to these alternate dimensions or other verses. The nearest star is roughly 20 light years away from us, yet we haven't assembled anything even close to that speed. So yeah, something like a multiverse is fun to speculate about, but actual discovery or irrefutable evidence of one is a long shot past our lifetimes many times over. see this idea of multiverse do I put this? Not determined by distance. According to what I've read there are countless universes around us, we could reach them from anywhere had we the means. It's more the manipulation of quantum physics than going in a spcaeship.
Seems to make sense, think about this: Let's say in time B they invented a time machine. They use this time machine to go back to time A to change something horrible that happened.
Now, what impact does this have on time B? I'd say none. Because if something were to change in B then it would have to have happened allready in time A, so they would never go back to time A from time B. But by not going back, it would not have changed.
This always leads me to the idea that time would 'split'. Causing there to be two different timelines, or universes.
Or that's what my simple mind think
Though if anyone has any more insight on this, or whatever, I'd love to hear it. I find it very interesting.
Well that's essentially what I'm saying...kinda. That on one level every possibility has occured, yet at the same time only one thing has occured thus creating splits which lead to other possibilities.
Hi Wolf, while you're waiting to mage to respond, check this out[url=]CERN[/url. I thought this would be the perfect thread to use to stay on top of the learning curve!
We were going to get a particle accelerator way back when (meaning 1991), but Congress pulled it's funding, and the company couldn't come up with $11 billion. The particle accelerator was to be called the Superconducting Super Collider (SSC), a 54 mile accelerator that would reach collision energies of 20TeV. How awesome is that?
Who else is super excited that they finally started up the LHC?