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ForumsThe TavernThe Zombie Survival Club (READ OP)

518 106617
5,642 posts

Welcome, Veterans and newcomers! This is the reconstruction of The Zombie Survival Club.

First off, I'll introduce you to some of our staff.
-SkaterKidWhoPwns- This is the guy who is my 2nd in command. If you cannot get to me, go to him and he'll answer questions/comments/concerns.
...We have no other staff? Well then.

1. Do not ask "Can I join?" or any other variation of that comment. (instructions on how to join will come soon)
2. Do not make a "Scenario" (will be explained later) unless you are a member.
3. Don't be stupid, use logic and think as if you were in the actual situation. OF course it's unlikely that it will happen, but we ask that all visitors and members be serious and literate.
4. Do not question mod or my/skater's authority (unless a mod directly opposes it)
5. No overly smart-*ss comments against other members, visitors, or your superiors.
6. Do not make a Virus until you are a member. The sheet for making a virus will be given to you upon asking me or skater.
7. DO NOT. ABSOLUTELY NOT, ASK "CAN I JOIN?". I cannot stress this enough.

Now that all the rules are over with, I'll go over some Jargons (slang terms relating to "work&quot that we use here.

Scenario - This is a term we use for a situation that is meant to test the user (as well as give you something to do). These are non-linear, and are generally Hypotheticals. Any MEMBER can make a scenario. Scenarios are generally matched with a previous story/situation and they give the supplies you have on hand. As well as the supplies near you. There's also generally a map that goes with it.

Virus, Parasite, Infection - These are the general types of a zombie virus. If there is not a previous virus that is mentioned before a virus or a plan, it is automatically changed to the current dominant virus (Goliath). Goliath will be explained later in the OP.

Zed - Is the common nickname for Zombie. I.E. "Yo dude I just shot up some Zeds!" Or: "Gah! That d**n ZED bit me!"

Well that's it for the terminology! Here's the dominant virus. It's gone through plenty of tweaking, and I think it's pretty much the most realistic virus in the club (aside from hungers). If no other virus is specified before a Scenario or a plan, this is the virus to be used.
Name - Goliath Syndrome
Type - Parasite
Speed - Leisurely walking speed (2-4 MPH)
Sounds - A mild groan, much like a man/woman in pain. No screaming comes from the virus.
Infection - Infection comes from the cells. If so much as a skin cell gets into you, you'll be quickly infected (aprox. 10-160 minutes, depending on strength and immune system of the user). It contracts a lot like AIDS, but it can be ANY cell, be it secretion or meat.
Hunting - It hunts by smell and hearing. It can't see that well, but strong light in the dark will attract it. Best time to attack one is in the daytime. They can't see in detail but they can see blurry instances of light, I.E., a fire or a flashlight.
Other - Cannot swim. Cannot fly, cannot run, cannot climb.
Believability Factor - Goliath was made in a lab (Codename: Anthemia, which is a prototype of the virus. Can also be used for begginers). It hyper-evolved and infected a rat. THe rat got out and began to infect humans (as well as certain birds, causing the infection to be worldwide). What the parasite does is: It enters the body as an infected cell. From there, it infects all the other cells, coating them in a secretion that fends off any form of decomposer (In short, it makes the immune system of the host really powerful). Then, it randomly selects a cell in the body (it is generally a cell in the torso). It grows to about the size of a human heart. IT then crawls it's way into the brain. IT preforms a lobotomy and hooks into the brain, feeding it with a steady flow of required nutrients and oxygen. It shuts down all other systems besides the lungs and flushes out the blood in the body (the parasite provides the necessities for living brain), and spreads long, muscular tentacles across the zombie's body, becoming a puppeteer. The parasite feeds by slowly eating the host. IT'll take a couple of decades in order for the parasite to starve/suffocate.
Best ways to kill it - A shot to the head, killing either the parasite or the brain. A punctured lung will also kill it, but it'd take a couple of minutes for it to actually die.

How to become a member
First off, you need to make a plan. You have everything you would at home. IT would happen the moment you are typing up the answer. So if it happens at night, then it happened at night, happened at day, it happened at day. For the sake of not-cheating, we'll use AG time.
Then, you have to answer a Scenario. The Scenarios come every couple of pages.
Wait for Both the Plan and the Scenario to be graded. Each member has their own form of grading. Once it's been passed around me and Skater will figure out whether or not to let you in.
If you are not initially let in, do not be disheartened! You have unlimited tries to enter, and all members (should) give you tips to get a better plan.

Why the hell am I doing this?
Reasons vary. Some people in the club do think the Zompocolypse would actually happen, and some people (like myself) do it for fun and practice for writing. Others do it because they just like killing and surviving zombies, while keeping it pretty realistic.

Can I make a Virus?
Sure, if you give me a comment on my page I'll be happy to give you the layout for the virus.

Can I Join?
Scroll up and read the OP. Do it.

Can I make a Scenario?
If you are a member, sure. Just make sure it's somewhat realistic. There are no real parameters for it, it just has to be a situation. Try and make it hard, too.

I think that's pretty much it! There are a couple of tiddly bits for you guys, though:
Titles/Ranks - A title or a "rank" will be given to you if you do something outstandingly awesome, stupid, weird, or just plain out there while still keeping it realistic. For a list of the ranks/titles, visit my page.
Members - A list of the members can be found on either my, or skater's page.
Discussion - Discussions will be held every now and again, as a stand-in for a Scenario. There will be a topic in BOLD (BOLD, MEMBERS) to let you know what the Discussion is about.
and that is pretty much it.
Now then, have fun everyone!

  • 518 Replies
5,642 posts


If you own this gun, you are awesome. That is all.

as they are illegal under all conditions,

Even if you make your own.

Which I do do on occasion, teehee.

Home-made bombs, fun to blow up in the desert. No matter how illegal it may be

Also: Traps are your friend. Traaaps.

3,550 posts

Hmm, as seeing I have been looking at this thread for awhile now, I might as well make a plan.

But I want to ask something
Is vinegar effective against people infected with goliath?

vinegar poured over the entire parking

Plan -

Well, first off, i want to note I live in a rural area, right on the edge of a pretty small town. At the first when the infection spreads, I would go out backand get a crowbar. Yes I actually have a crowbar. Plus, I don't feel like traveling with a heavy 20 guage. Then I would get on my bike and ride into town. It might take about 30-60 mins. After that, I would go into a store, maybe a gas station, or a resturant. Get something to eat and drink, if there is anything left. And while I am doing this, i will be ridding myself of zombies with my crowbar. After that, I guess I will go into the city and see if there is an evac point. If there wasn't, I guess I would just keep moving around the city, possible looting poeples houses.
5,642 posts

I like your plan so far, but you should seriously think of a place to head to. The city is unlikely to be a good idea. You should look at the idea of a bank vault, or making your own safe-house. Something like a small island off the coast, and you'd make an outpost there and try and find more survivors with <insert method here>.

I, personally, would use balloons and fliers in order to attract survivors to my hideout (at the bottom of the grand canyon, probably the safest place to be, there's water, trees, and a high drop for any non-capable spelunker). I'd make an easy-to-use spot for survivors to come.

22,207 posts

welll yes, the grand canyon would b quite awesome, but what about floaters amd transporting flyers?

my plan:
at the beginning i would gather th

22,207 posts

from last letter:
e steel crowbar in my dad's shed. i would also carry about a days worth of food in a cloth bag. i would then get on my bike and take trails through the nearby forest to save a lot f time and danger instead of going by road. on the way, i would be very careful and alert. coming out of the forest, i would be pretty close to the nearby town i live by. i would then ride along the side of the road until i get to the home depot. yes, home depot. my reasoning is that it is very big, has as many construction/barricading supplies as i want, has concrete walls , a strong ceiling, and not too many doors/windows. from there i would search the building for other survivors/zombies. i would then stash my bike and food in a backroom.i would then immediately start barricading the entrances along with perhaps the help of any survivors i had possibly found. in the next few days my priority would be scavenging the town for resources, via water, gas, nonperishable food, fuel, and better weapons.

5,642 posts

That's perfectly well and fine, but keep in mind that even within the hour there's still going to be rioting.
IN order to have the full dead landscape effect, I'd imagine it to take somewhere near a week or two. So you'd be walking into a rioting city.

Also, a home depot is also likely going to be looted first by people. It will also be locked up or it will be wide open for anything to walk in.

So, here's what I'd do, I'd first figure out how long I should stay in my own house, how I'd defend myself, and then how I'd get there.

Other than that, I think you're good.

3,592 posts

insects can also be infected right so lets say a fly took some blood from an infected and then sucked some of your blood so if your in the cellar dont let insects get in and cover all cracks in the walls

1,903 posts

insects can also be infected right so lets say a fly took some blood from an infected and then sucked some of your blood so if your in the cellar dont let insects get in and cover all cracks in the walls

Insects would instinctively stay away from zombies wouldn't they?
7 posts

no, they'd stay near them actually

3,550 posts

Insects would instinctively stay away from zombies wouldn't they?

no, they'd stay near them actually

^ I am pretty sure they would be attracted to the rotting smell. Mostly flies really. Well, Maybe some other stray insects.
22,207 posts

not necessarily. wile it can happen, the disappearanc eor sudden silence of wildlife are signs that zombies can be infected. plus wouldnt the fly die of the infection anyway as its not very strong?

22,207 posts

change ' can be infected' to 'might be present' soz for double post

3,562 posts

most will not have automatic weapons, as a liscense for one is in the 10K range.

not only that. the US has a strict control on importing of automatic weapons you usually have to wait 1-2 months to obtain one legally
4,375 posts

Alright, you dam kids and your bugs. As far as I know The goliath virus (the default virus we use here) Doesn't infect insects or animals.

Ok, lets be clear here. As soon as news of zombies bereak out, every one is gonna run to the store and get what they want. You get in the way, you get killed. Simple. So What I would do is from the get-go, fill all your sinks, bathtubs, containers, and cups with water. Do this before the water is shut off. Then start baricading your doors and windows. If you have an upstaris I would advise destroying the stairs and making a removable ladder to get up and down. Thats a nice in home survival technique that if you ration the food you probably have in your house you should be fine.

5,642 posts

the rotting smell

Goliath is still alive, they're just lobotomized. So a fly and stuff would be attracted to it after a few days due to the sweat n' stuff that happens.
Think of them as a puppet with only the brain and lungs working.
Goliath does infect BIRDS, but not bugs.
Showing 226-240 of 518