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ForumsThe TavernThe Zombie Survival Club (READ OP)

518 106613
5,642 posts

Welcome, Veterans and newcomers! This is the reconstruction of The Zombie Survival Club.

First off, I'll introduce you to some of our staff.
-SkaterKidWhoPwns- This is the guy who is my 2nd in command. If you cannot get to me, go to him and he'll answer questions/comments/concerns.
...We have no other staff? Well then.

1. Do not ask "Can I join?" or any other variation of that comment. (instructions on how to join will come soon)
2. Do not make a "Scenario" (will be explained later) unless you are a member.
3. Don't be stupid, use logic and think as if you were in the actual situation. OF course it's unlikely that it will happen, but we ask that all visitors and members be serious and literate.
4. Do not question mod or my/skater's authority (unless a mod directly opposes it)
5. No overly smart-*ss comments against other members, visitors, or your superiors.
6. Do not make a Virus until you are a member. The sheet for making a virus will be given to you upon asking me or skater.
7. DO NOT. ABSOLUTELY NOT, ASK "CAN I JOIN?". I cannot stress this enough.

Now that all the rules are over with, I'll go over some Jargons (slang terms relating to "work&quot that we use here.

Scenario - This is a term we use for a situation that is meant to test the user (as well as give you something to do). These are non-linear, and are generally Hypotheticals. Any MEMBER can make a scenario. Scenarios are generally matched with a previous story/situation and they give the supplies you have on hand. As well as the supplies near you. There's also generally a map that goes with it.

Virus, Parasite, Infection - These are the general types of a zombie virus. If there is not a previous virus that is mentioned before a virus or a plan, it is automatically changed to the current dominant virus (Goliath). Goliath will be explained later in the OP.

Zed - Is the common nickname for Zombie. I.E. "Yo dude I just shot up some Zeds!" Or: "Gah! That d**n ZED bit me!"

Well that's it for the terminology! Here's the dominant virus. It's gone through plenty of tweaking, and I think it's pretty much the most realistic virus in the club (aside from hungers). If no other virus is specified before a Scenario or a plan, this is the virus to be used.
Name - Goliath Syndrome
Type - Parasite
Speed - Leisurely walking speed (2-4 MPH)
Sounds - A mild groan, much like a man/woman in pain. No screaming comes from the virus.
Infection - Infection comes from the cells. If so much as a skin cell gets into you, you'll be quickly infected (aprox. 10-160 minutes, depending on strength and immune system of the user). It contracts a lot like AIDS, but it can be ANY cell, be it secretion or meat.
Hunting - It hunts by smell and hearing. It can't see that well, but strong light in the dark will attract it. Best time to attack one is in the daytime. They can't see in detail but they can see blurry instances of light, I.E., a fire or a flashlight.
Other - Cannot swim. Cannot fly, cannot run, cannot climb.
Believability Factor - Goliath was made in a lab (Codename: Anthemia, which is a prototype of the virus. Can also be used for begginers). It hyper-evolved and infected a rat. THe rat got out and began to infect humans (as well as certain birds, causing the infection to be worldwide). What the parasite does is: It enters the body as an infected cell. From there, it infects all the other cells, coating them in a secretion that fends off any form of decomposer (In short, it makes the immune system of the host really powerful). Then, it randomly selects a cell in the body (it is generally a cell in the torso). It grows to about the size of a human heart. IT then crawls it's way into the brain. IT preforms a lobotomy and hooks into the brain, feeding it with a steady flow of required nutrients and oxygen. It shuts down all other systems besides the lungs and flushes out the blood in the body (the parasite provides the necessities for living brain), and spreads long, muscular tentacles across the zombie's body, becoming a puppeteer. The parasite feeds by slowly eating the host. IT'll take a couple of decades in order for the parasite to starve/suffocate.
Best ways to kill it - A shot to the head, killing either the parasite or the brain. A punctured lung will also kill it, but it'd take a couple of minutes for it to actually die.

How to become a member
First off, you need to make a plan. You have everything you would at home. IT would happen the moment you are typing up the answer. So if it happens at night, then it happened at night, happened at day, it happened at day. For the sake of not-cheating, we'll use AG time.
Then, you have to answer a Scenario. The Scenarios come every couple of pages.
Wait for Both the Plan and the Scenario to be graded. Each member has their own form of grading. Once it's been passed around me and Skater will figure out whether or not to let you in.
If you are not initially let in, do not be disheartened! You have unlimited tries to enter, and all members (should) give you tips to get a better plan.

Why the hell am I doing this?
Reasons vary. Some people in the club do think the Zompocolypse would actually happen, and some people (like myself) do it for fun and practice for writing. Others do it because they just like killing and surviving zombies, while keeping it pretty realistic.

Can I make a Virus?
Sure, if you give me a comment on my page I'll be happy to give you the layout for the virus.

Can I Join?
Scroll up and read the OP. Do it.

Can I make a Scenario?
If you are a member, sure. Just make sure it's somewhat realistic. There are no real parameters for it, it just has to be a situation. Try and make it hard, too.

I think that's pretty much it! There are a couple of tiddly bits for you guys, though:
Titles/Ranks - A title or a "rank" will be given to you if you do something outstandingly awesome, stupid, weird, or just plain out there while still keeping it realistic. For a list of the ranks/titles, visit my page.
Members - A list of the members can be found on either my, or skater's page.
Discussion - Discussions will be held every now and again, as a stand-in for a Scenario. There will be a topic in BOLD (BOLD, MEMBERS) to let you know what the Discussion is about.
and that is pretty much it.
Now then, have fun everyone!

  • 518 Replies
5,642 posts

Not only is this going to be a revival of the ZSC as a whole, but Strongbow is back as well! Great in-depth scenarios here we come!

Btw, if you feel up to it, you can make a virus of your own strongbow.

You know, I'm wondering I should move this to the art section since we seem to have more story-like scenario/scenario responses goin' on.

4,375 posts

Well, those aren't QUITE anything to concorn our selves with. We want to pick it back up with lengthy scenarios, and things, but these where just to set the mood.

324 posts

I agree with Skater, Thoad.
By the way, very nice entry, Skater! I love the realism and feeling in that one. Makes me all warm and fuzzy...and covered in blood.

I believe we should remind potential members that when commenting or responding to a scenario, length is not an issue. What Skater and myself presented was something that we've done before, as he said, to add get the creative juices flowing.

What I myself would like to see, more than length is CONTENT. Realism is something this club has always strived for, and there have been some wonderful contributions because of it.

22,207 posts

speaking of which....

Thoad, ish i a member of the ZSC or no???

324 posts


For weeks, various news agencies have been mentioning odd reports from across the country about a retrovirus that is causing victims to become extremely ill, with death in around 72 hours. Amazingly, those who die from this illness are supposidly coming back to life and attacking others with extreme aggression. The government, while admitting that such a virus exists, is denying reports of victim reanimation as heresay. However, new government sponsored ads are bieng broadcasted such as this one:

This is a public service announcement. The CDC and the Surgeon General are issuing public notice of a new virus that is circulating your area. If you, or anyone you know has the following symptoms:
-severe headache
-tightness/pressure of the chest
-unexplained twitching of extremities
-high fever/delerium
please report to your local emergency hospital immediately. There is no cause for alarm, however your help could aid in the control of the spread of this disease. Thank you.

You stare at the message scrolling across the tv screen. As the local news man begins speaking about how national guard troops have been setting up checkpoints outside of town, you wonder if its true, whether the dead are returning to life. You've discussed it with your friends and come up with a simple contingency plan, which seemed fun at the time, but now you almost hope you don't need.

As you're contemplating this, suddenly you hear a large dull explosion eminating from the east, toward the outside of town. The lights flicker, the television going from picture to snow, then an emergency alert screen. As you hear the town alarm start up and pick up speed, wailing. Distant pops can be heard as you step outside and look at a large black plume rising from where the explosion took place.....

What would you do next? Please be as realistic to your area as possible.

Good luck.

4,375 posts

East of here being toward the nearest town. Works for me.


Starring at the names roll by, I saw my county. Knowing it would be there, it came as no suprise, the alarm and explosion had already taken that away. I walked to the window to watch the smoke. Nothing Other then town was that way, maybe 500 people. No big factory, what could make that? The national guard tirggered in the abck of my mind, thay must have blown something up, that would also explain the pops. But the whole town? Or perhaps.....hte smoke was not to far away to be from Pittsburgh. But the whole city, over run with infection to make it worth exploding? I kicked at the carpeting, and spat onto the television. My mind was racing. Mom was at work, and being home alone, I could move quickly, I cried a tear for mother, and father, brother and sister, and then put them out of my mind for now. Perhaps they where ok, perhaps not. Worry would bring no hange, nor would self pity or regret. Cleaning my nose out on an old hankerchif I flipped the mattress off my bed. Under which lay the remaning touchable memories of my grandfather. A shot gun, and a rifle, both winchesters, from around 1940. Both where in fabulous condition, other then the etching into the shotgun, I had engraved my self. Next to them lay a pile of ammunition, 3 boxes of shotgun shels (75 total) and 2 boxes of rifle shells (24 total). Pushing open the closet door, I flicked through my clothing. Money was never my frined, and my clothing showed it. Tight fitting (mostly by choice) faded, torn jeans next to baggy shirts, and thread worn sweat shirts. Pulling on a pair of jeans, then another, followed by a white t-shirt, a hoodie, and a leather jacket, along with my steel toe work boots, I pulled a backpack out, then remembered water. I'm not sure what made me think of it here, perhaps it wsa the fact that I had to pee, or perhaps the fact that I had been meaning to fetch some lemonaid from the fridge, But it smacked me i nthe heart so hard, I turned red and felt my head spin. i forgot the most important thing I had. I ran into the bathroom, and cloged the drains, and drew the sink, and bathtub full. Then pulling pots, pans, containers, anything to hold water from the kitchen, I filled those. When that was done, I returned to my room, I slid my belt around and slug my three best hunting knives onto it. one was a 7 inch dagger from pakistan, another a 9 inch knive from a knive maker in my area, and the other a 8 inch, I am not sure how I aquaired. Into my back pack went a first aid kit, the medicine cabnit (or the contents of anyway, peroxide, advil, things like that, and vitamins) some extra cloths, the rest of the ammo, and some other camping supplies. I took on pot and one pan, and rigged them inside my sleeping bag so they made no sound. Then I tied my rifle to it, and shoulder my shot gun, out to the shed I went. I walked across the yard toward the shed, I had forgotten the key. Luckily enough the window beside it didn't seem importnat anymore, and was an elbow away form providing my entry. After smashing it, flicking the latch through the window, I was in, and pulling tools aside. I drop a hammer into my belt, and some nails into my bag, and found my red crow bar. I slid it through my belt so the claw foot caught onto it, and the rest hung agaisnt my leg. I was carrying a good amount of stuff atm, but it was things ididnt want to leave behind while I investigated. I walked toward the street, and looked up it, no one was out side. I could see wood over windows, and cars moved in front of doors, every one had lsitened to the stay inside order. I had to know what was going on. Walking some 3 miles, past the feilds of cows, and corn, often disgustingly close (and in one location the exact same place) a jeep came round the bend, and a man dropped out. Roughly 6'3 muscular, black, he had a strong voice. He grabbed my arm, and looked me in the face, he started asking questions. "So let me get this straight, you just decided to come out side after we told you not to?" Creep was asking me, as we bounced along in the jeep, hearing the gun shots more distant now. "well, I couldn't stay put, it was moving towards me." I exaplined. which was a lie, as I had been walked toward the source of the sound. We had made a deal he would take me to my hosue, and that if they feel back, they would pick me up...they never did. I feel asleep on the porch that night. It left me easy acces to the roof, and good visibility to what was around me. When I awoke the gun shots where o nthe opposite side of where they where before. They had fallen back far. Sitting up I looked around. Some of the houses around me where burning. I sat up, pain shot through my head. I grasp it, and found dry blood on my hand. a large bump was there, something knocked me out, what ever it was. Dragging my self back inside, I baricaded all routes with furniture, I couldn't move now. it was to dangerous. I had to wait and find something to do. the millitary didn't help me beacuse they couldn't, or they didnt want to. Whatever the reason I was on my own. In the morning, when my water supply ran out, the glade mill lake would have to be my new home, the boat houses there, and the islands i nthe middle would last me a good bit, and the water there was drinkable if it needed to be.

- The nightmare is only begining. Dear journal why have you listened better then anyone ever has? 10-27-13

22,207 posts

you 2 make me feel bad *has a sad*

does a story count as an entry??? i am currently about 2 pages ( on microsoft word) into it.

324 posts

Absolutely, SirNoobalot.
Please feel free to be as story-ish as possible. Remember, you dont need to write a book to create a very good scenario. Realism is what were looking for.

Good luck, SirNoob

5,642 posts

Thoad, ish i a member of the ZSC or no???

I have no clue. Sadly I think you're going to have to re-apply for it in order to get in. So yeah.
5,845 posts

Hate to not contribute anything to this thread but I seem to be suffering the symptoms Strongbow mentioned on the last page, or have been recently anyway. Weird


622 posts

Well, this is my first try at writing something of this sort but...

Distant pops can be heard as you step outside and look at a large black plume rising from where the explosion took place...

This didnât feel right. My brother X, came screaming down, âTheyâve come! Theyâve come! We need to hurry. Quick! Get the supplies, call L and Eâ¦â
His sudden scream made me jolt. I interrupted him, âWhat do you mean âtheyâ?â
âYou know, those thingsâ¦the ones we were talking of, the diseased ones.â
âHave you seen them, in our neighbourhood?â I inquired, trying to keep my calm.
âI was on the PC and I was viewing the street-view cams of Junsacks, when suddenly these bloody things came out of nowhere and assaulted a police contingent. The whole mob of people gathered there was massacred!â his faced had grown pale with terror.
I realized that this was it. Weâd have to evacuate quickly, âHurry, grab the food supplies and get the guns. Iâll go call the others.â With that I rushed for the phone.

*bzzzzzz* It was dead. âNo time to wasteâ, I thought. I ran out and opened the garage, checked the Jeep for fuel and stashed all the tools and gears I deemed necessary for just such a situation. X came to the garage, panting and sweating. He took a deep breath and loaded the food supply and weapons cache into the jeep. It wasnât much â" a .32 IOF, a Remmington 700tv and an R-15. I never thought that weâd ever have to use them. Hunting was my uncleâs favourite hobby, even though I dissuaded him. However, I had no regrets right now.

âDid you call L and E?â, X asked my frantically.
I fumbled a bit with my carry-bag and removed my cellphone. âHello, E.â I said after I dialed her number.
âW, is that you? What is going on? Everything is chaotic. Iâm hearing loud explosions coming from Junsacks.â
âGet all the food supplies you have and pack your bags. Weâre coming to pick you up. Is your mother at home?â, I asked.
âNo sheâs at the Areostat mart.â Her voice grew faint, âOh, God! That place is to the east.â I thought I heard her cry.
âHold yourself together. Weâll pick your mother on the way. Iâll answer your other queries later. Meet us outside your house in thirty minutes.â With that me and X hopped in the car and headed for the mart.

The scene looked grim. Everyone seemed frenzied. Children were wailing, their parents desperately trying to pack all their important belongings with them, no toys, no candies, it was apparent, then, that the little toddlers would cry. People quarrelling, women screaming, delinquents making off with all they could rob. It no longer mattered though; it is in these situations that the animal inside of man takes control. Survival is key here, friends, relatives and family almost all are forgotten. Why then am I going out of the way to help another human? I guess it is the inherent human conscience that leads us to do this. It may be risky but I feel it is worth fighting for, just to save that wee bit of humanity left in me.
âWeâre near the mart. You sure youâll find Mrs. Anne?â, my brother asked me.
âYeah, Iâm sure.â I said reassuringly though I was apprehensive myself.
It was no different here, we had to find her quickly. âLook! There she isâ, X cried. I slammed the brakes and the jumped out of the vehicle.
âMrs. Anne, I need to you come with me.â, I screamed as I ran to her.
âW, what happened? Why are you here?â
âMrs. Anee we need to leave now. E is waiting and we need to leave this place immediately. Youâre a doctor you should know better. Please, we donât have much time, Iâll answer your queries later.â
With that we both ran to the Jeep. Soon, we were heading her house when the most unexpected thing happened. There it was, right ahead of us. Its upper-limbs were missing and its head was wobbling as if its spine had been shattered. I turned the steering wheel. The vehicle swerved right, I braked hard. Everything came to a stop. I heard a faint cry, it was my brother. âYou OK? Hey! Listen to me!â Everything seemed muddled I felt as if I was shifted from my seat. I closed my eyes.

*Screech* I woke up. My brother was right beside me. We still seemed to be in the vehicle the ambience was calm. âWhereâ¦â
âWeâre at Eâs house. She and her mom are getting the supplies. You seemed to have hit your stomach pretty hard when you turned the vehicle right. Are you alright now?â
âYeah, Iâm better now. Come along we need to help them get the supplies ready.â I said.
We headed into the house and E came rushing, âYou feeling better now? Weâre done stacking the supplies. We only need to shift them into the SUV. The Jeep seems to have been damaged. Donât worry, though. Weâve shifted all the supplies in the Jeep into the SUV.â
âThanks a lot E. Iâll discuss where weâd head off to after weâre off.â I picked up the crates and went out.

Once the SUV was loaded we all jumped in and got back on the road. âSo, since youâre feeling better now, Whatâs the plan?â asked Mrs. Anne.
âMy father called me a week ago. He said that the virus had spread like a wildfire. This island isnât safe. Our priority would be to get to the mainland as soon as possible. Iâve chalked out a route. Weâll head for Cressalbann to the north, from there we head to Oricilli, where we can take the forest road to Jeendale. Once there weâll hire a boat to ferry us across.â As I said this I felt a nudge on my shirt.
âWhat about L?â, asked my brother. âWe havenât picked him up yet.â A deathly silence fell. I realized something was wrong.
âWe tried calling him but no one picked up.â, said E. I gazed at her, she immediately turned away. Mrs. Anne, sensing the tensed atmosphere intruded, âI met Lâs parentâs at the mart. They said theyâll be catching the next flight to Canada.â My brother sounded relived but despite her best effort she could not dispel my suspicion. âSo, well be heading to CressalBann?â
I nodded. There wasnât much of choice, right now. Suddenly, we saw something come up ahead. We had been driving on an almost deserted road and this was most unanticipated. There they were, covered in blood, feasting on a dead manâs flesh. Mrs. Anne stopped the car and started to back up but too late. They had noticed the vehicle and were moving towards the vehicle. One of them jumped and land right in-front of the bonnet. âAaahhh! Go! Go! Go! Run over it!â E screamed.
Mrs. Anne stepped on the gas and the vehicles lurched forward crushing the bloody creature. The other one leapt right next to the side window and scratched. It was still gnawing at the bone in its mouth. Mrs. Anne froze with horror. She had removed her foot from the pedal. The thing smashed the window hard shattering the glass pane. Itâs handed jerked forward, Anne ducked beneath the steering wheel. I grabbed the .32 on the dash aimed it at the hand. *BANG*â¦*BANG* *BANG* The hand receded that thing feel on flat on the road. Mrs. Anne seized the opportunity and pressed the accelerator. The car sped forward. We were safe, we were alive and most importantly, we were still sane but this was only the beginning.

P.S: - Is this the way you want the scenarios to be answered or is it supposed to be a descriptive essay?
622 posts

Ugh...a direct copy from word isn't a good idea. Ignore the above...(and sorry about that)

Distant pops can be heard as you step outside and look at a large black plume rising from where the explosion took place...

This didnât feel right. My brother X, came screaming down, "They've come! They've come! We need to hurry. Quick! Get the supplies, call L and Eâ¦"
His sudden scream made me jolt. I interrupted him, "What do you mean 'they'?"
"You know, those thingsâ¦the ones we were talking of, the diseased ones."
"Have you seen them, in our neighbourhood?" I inquired, trying to keep my calm.
"I was on the PC and I was viewing the street-view cams of Junsacks, when suddenly these bloody things came out of nowhere and assaulted a police contingent. The whole mob of people gathered there was massacred!" his faced had grown pale with terror.
I realized that this was it. We'd have to evacuate quickly, "Hurry, grab the food supplies and get the guns. Iâll go call the others."With that I rushed for the phone.

*bzzzzzz* It was dead. "No time to waste", I thought. I ran out and opened the garage, checked the Jeep for fuel and stashed all the tools and gears I deemed necessary for just such a situation. X came to the garage, panting and sweating. He took a deep breath and loaded the food supply and weapons cache into the jeep. It wasn't much â" a .32 IOF, a Remmington 700tv and an R-15. I never thought that we'd ever have to use them. Hunting was my uncleâs favourite hobby, even though I dissuaded him. However, I had no regrets right now.

"Did you call L and E?", X asked my frantically.
I fumbled a bit with my carry-bag and removed my cellphone. "Hello, E." I said after I dialed her number.
"W, is that you? What is going on? Everything is chaotic. I'm hearing loud explosions coming from Junsacks."
"Get all the food supplies you have and pack your bags. We're coming to pick you up. Is your mother at home?", I asked.
"No she's at the Areostat mart." Her voice grew faint, "Oh, God! That place is to the east." I thought I heard her cry.
"Hold yourself together. We'll pick your mother on the way. I'll answer your other queries later. Meet us outside your house in thirty minutes." With that me and X hopped in the car and headed for the mart.

The scene looked grim. Everyone seemed frenzied. Children were wailing, their parents desperately trying to pack all their important belongings with them, no toys, no candies, it was apparent, then, that the little toddlers would cry. People quarreling, women screaming, delinquents made off with all they could rob. It no longer mattered though; it is in these situations that the animal inside of man takes control. Survival is key here, friends, relatives and family almost all are forgotten. Why then am I going out of the way to help another human? I guess it is the inherent human conscience that leads us to do this. It may be risky but I feel it is worth fighting for, just to save that wee bit of humanity left in me.

"Weâre near the mart. You sure youâll find Mrs. Anne?", my brother asked me.
"Yeah, Iâm sure." I said reassuringly though I was apprehensive myself.
It was no different here, we had to find her quickly. "Look! There she is", X cried. I slammed the brakes and the jumped out of the vehicle.
"Mrs. Anne, I need to you come with me.", I yelled as I ran to her.
"W, what happened? Why are you here?"
"Mrs. Anne we need to leave now. E is waiting and we need to leave this place immediately. You're a doctor you should know better. Please, we donât have much time, I'll answer your queries later."
With that we both ran to the Jeep. Soon, we were heading her house when the most unexpected thing happened. There it was, right ahead of us. Its upper-limbs were missing and its head was wobbling as if its spine had been shattered. I turned the steering wheel. The vehicle swerved right, I braked hard. Everything came to a halt. I heard a faint cry, it was my brother. "You OK? Hey! Listen to me!" Everything seemed muddled I felt as if I was shifted from my seat. I closed my eyes.

*Screech* I woke up. My brother was right beside me. We still seemed to be in the vehicle the ambiance was calm. "Whereâ¦"
"We're at E's house. She and her mom are getting the supplies. You seemed to have hit your stomach pretty hard when you turned the vehicle right. Are you alright now?"
"Yeah, I'm better now. Come along we need to help them get the supplies ready." I said.
We headed into the house and E came rushing, "You feeling better now? We're done stacking the supplies. We only need to shift them into the SUV. The Jeep seems to have been damaged. Don't worry, though. Weâve shifted all the supplies in the Jeep into the SUV."
"Thanks a lot E. I'll discuss where we'd head off to after we're off." I picked up the crates and went out.

Once the SUV was loaded we all jumped in and got back on the road. "So, since you're feeling better now, what's the plan?" asked Mrs. Anne.
"My father called me a week ago. He said that the virus had spread like a wildfire. This island isn't safe. Our priority would be to get to the mainland as soon as possible. I've chalked out a route. We'll head for Cressalbann to the north, from there we head to Oricilli, where we can take the forest road to Jeendale. Once there we'll hire a boat to ferry us across." As I said this I felt someone tugging my shirt.
"What about L?", asked my brother. "We haven't picked him up yet." A deathly silence fell. I realized something was wrong.
"We tried calling him but no one picked up.", said E. I gazed at her, she immediately turned away. Mrs. Anne, sensing the tensed atmosphere intruded, "I met L's parentâs at the mart. They said they'll be catching the next flight to Canada." My brother sounded relived but despite her best effort she could not dispel my suspicion. "So, well be heading to CressalBann?"
I nodded. There wasn't much of choice, right now. Suddenly, we saw something come up ahead. We had been driving on an almost deserted road and this was most unanticipated. There they were, covered in blood, feasting on a dead man's flesh. Mrs. Anne stopped the car and started to back up but too late. They had noticed the vehicle and were moving towards the vehicle. One of them jumped and land right in-front of the bonnet. "Aaahhh! Go! Go! Go! Run it over!" E screamed.
Mrs. Anne stepped on the gas and the vehicles lurched forward crushing the bloody creature. The other one leapt right next to the side window and scratched. It was still gnawing at the bone in its mouth. Mrs. Anne froze with horror. She had removed her foot from the pedal. The thing smashed the window hard shattering the glass pane. It's handed jerked forward, Anne ducked beneath the steering wheel. I grabbed the .32 on the dash aimed it at the hand. *BANG*â¦*BANG* *BANG* The hand receded that thing feel on flat on the road. Mrs. Anne seized the opportunity and pressed the accelerator. The car sped forward. We were safe, we were alive and most importantly we were still sane but this was only the beginning.
1,671 posts

Whoa, I never thought this thread would ever come back.

5,642 posts


It only takes a few hours for it to kick in and make the parasite burst your skull to bits, so I doubt you're a zombie.
Though, to be suuure... *grabs crowbar*

Woh, airflipper. You can rage anywhere else and I won't care (due to my not-a-mod abilities), but don't bring it in my domain. I expect this from everyone as well.

But anyway!
In regards to the scenario:
I would likely flip on my only CB radio. For the sake of simplicity I shall assume that there is only static and no one really has any news. I'll assume that there was an explosion that was by the cause of riots on zombie happenings. I'd barricade my home, and make my tiny (easily hidden) attic a hideaway. I'd make a small hole in my attic roof and call out into my new outskirt-of-a-small town home. I'd try and contact my friend who lives in a local gated community. The town itself is friggin' tiny, with a few different outposts of humans within the 100 mile radius. (I moved into a rural area, I hate it here so much.) My first objective would be to get the word out in my area as much as possible. Rushed barricades and rooftop connections would likely be made in order to make an outpost of some sort. Thankfully, there is a ton of cows around us, so we'd likely try and make a secure pen for our livestock, and eventually turn infested houses into barns etc.

I now have one of the easiest to defend places, considering I now live in a hillbilly yokel area where the main entertainment is the CHHP shooting club. Because of this, almost everyone has a shotgun or a rifle (moreso shotguns), so we'd just need to make pillboxes and turret gunner positions in order to have a secure area during zombie invasions. Makeshift weapons would enclude knives on poles, crowbars, handaxes, etc. few of my neighbors also have lawnmowers and weedwackers and other things that would help a whole lot.
5,642 posts

I really hate making triple posts, but this is for some news.

I've been on a writing frenzy, and I've finally gotten to making a sheet for a virus! There's some common skills on the **** that a zombie would have (I.E. climbing, etc.)

You can find the new virus sheet here.

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