ForumsWEPRDebate-Should Animal Testing be Banned?

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This was just an old debate topic i had, i just want peoples opinions(i was on the pros side)

  • 37 Replies
3,437 posts

People are known for bending laws as you said. But wouldn't that be smarter than finding out 50% of the people that used your product are seriously ill instead of using rats as test subjects before distributing it?

Be that as it may it does not excuse the law being broken. And if a company is not certain it is not safe, don't test it, or test it in such a way that breaks no law.
2,399 posts

Be that as it may it does not excuse the law being broken. And if a company is not certain it is not safe, don't test it, or test it in such a way that breaks no law.

but there are no laws against Animal Testing, just state wide regulations. There is the AWA (Animal Welfare Act) that regards to specific animals.

I would like there to be restriction, but not complete bans. By the way, this is coming from a vegetarian
3,437 posts

but there are no laws against Animal Testing, just state wide regulations. There is the AWA (Animal Welfare Act) that regards to specific animals.

Yes but technically animal testing can be considered animal cruelty, they just want the public not to know.
9,504 posts

Yes but technically animal testing can be considered animal cruelty, they just want the public not to know.

There is a difference between testing animals and being cruel to them. They just need to be under surveillance to make sure that no abuse is taking place. If the public officially knew that they would be taking heavy steps to prevent animal cruelty, then they would feel much more open about testing them.
4,005 posts

Absolutely not. The advances in medicine and other life improving sciences are well worth the cost in animal testing. Cosmetics on the other hand, I say test them on people. I'm all for making vain middle aged women test their $300 per bottle perfume on themselves

818 posts

I believe it should be banned. Animals have different immune systems than humans do. If the product helps animals then it should be tested on them. If it will help humans, then test it on a human. Why waste the life of an animal for the possible helping of human kind. The drug could have a different effect on them than us.

I think there should be restrictions on animal testing, but it's better to test these things on animals before distributing them.

Why? The animals can have a different side effect than humans would to the eximplified product, thus the animal gets sick, and we die from it.
I'd rather have a animal getting that sh*t sprayed in their eyes than knowing a human was

If you want the product to prosper use it on yourself, not a helpless animal.
But wouldn't that be smarter than finding out 50% of the people that used your product are seriously ill instead of using rats as test subjects before distributing it?

As I said, if you want it to be distributed then volunteer.
this is coming from a vegetarian

Just because your vegetarian doesn't mean your opinion means anything more than a person who eats meat. You just don't eat meat. I am vegetarian, but I don't use that as a scape goat for my opinions.
3,523 posts

Animal testing should be replaced with human testing. Human tsting should only use people with a life sentence or death sentence in jail.

2,399 posts

Animal testing should be replaced with human testing. Human tsting should only use people with a life sentence or death sentence in jail.

Cruel. Just plain Cruel and Unusual Punishment.

I'd much rather get a shot than get some Windex sprayed in my eyes.
3,437 posts

I do not see how it is cruel. They're going to die anyway.

909 posts

I believe it should be banned. Animals have different immune systems than humans do. If the product helps animals then it should be tested on them. If it will help humans, then test it on a human. Why waste the life of an animal for the possible helping of human kind. The drug could have a different effect on them than us.

It really depends on several factors:

Cosmetics-no, scientists know which ingredients are safe for humans
Cleaner -no, scientists know which ingredients are hazardous to infants
Resins, Glues, Polyurathanes, Polyethylenes, Polyrthylene glycolsand Polyethylene terephthalates,(a synthetic resin widely used to make polyester fibers). -YES, scientists are constantly improving these, and many other resins so they are much less toxic to animals and humans. I'm not going to cry because feral cats are used to test with.
I can take the heat, if this seems harsh. I've lived close to the coast where every summer, fluffy and fido are purposely left behind, to fend for themselves when the family packs up to go home after vacation. The animals are later euthanized because the shelters stay full.
I own one dog and yes, she was rescued.
131 posts

i agree with wajor59 that those are Ok or not Ok and i feel bad for those dogs. i think that instead of euthanizing the animals they should be donated to the testers instead of them selecting regular dogs.

1,255 posts

Why ban Animal testing? On certain products, sure, ban away. But on things like medicines and and home improvement items, it is best to test with some mice first.

1,287 posts

I do not see how it is cruel. They're going to die anyway.

By that definition no amount of pain is cruel as long as it ends in death.

Why ban Animal testing? On certain products, sure, ban away. But on things like medicines and and home improvement items, it is best to test with some mice first.

Exactly. If we don't test on animals, who will we test on? It is completely unrealistic to expect any human lives to be put on the line to test medicine. Killing people to learn how to save people makes no sense. And for mr.testonpeopleondeathrow

1) Lots of people on death row are innocent
2) So a lot of places won't have any one to test medicine on because they don't have any death penalty.
3) They are still people...
818 posts

If we don't test on animals, who will we test on?

Do humans fit the category for testing?
Animal testing should be replaced with human testing. Human tsting should only use people with a life sentence or death sentence in jail.

Why would you use them as human test subjects? That's just as bad as animals, both are unwilling. If they volunteer, then okay. Otherwise your comment wasn't neccesary, and was quite ignorant.
1,026 posts

Should we test on animals? No.

Why?: Because we should have the confidence in our own products to test them on ourselves.

Yes. *laughs* And who will volunteer? The poor and the homeless, hoping in some quick money, and often getting cancer.
Better off, companies could birbe hobos into testing their products with a bottle of whiskey.
What a great idea! Let's test them on people death sentenced! They have no rights! And there's absolutely no way they could be innocents!
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