To those of you who have seen the two latest south park episodes, in simple terms what do you think? In my opinion the blanking out of the name Muhammad and the big black censor bar covering him is a massive infringment of the freedom of speech, it is also cowering to terrorist demands, if they are able to show pictures of Buddha snorting cocaine then why is it not feesible to show pictures of Muhammad?
Surely both religions should be treated in the same light, but alas they are not.
Now my rant is over what is your view on the whole affair?
Shame there is no edit button i can find but also to add by censoring Muhammad does this mean that Christianity is less important than Islam? Or that Atheists as a group must cower down to religions simply because they dont have a religion.... Sorry about the continuation but as a person i am a little peeved that this can happen, i do not adhere to any common religion but feel that all religions should be treated as equals, as well as all people. Also i am not an uneducated fool i have delved into the Koran (English translation of the word Qur'an) and have found many verses that preach peace yet this seems to go unabided but extremists.
Koran states in Chapter 2, Verse 190: "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loves not transgressors."
Simply an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth situation surely?
I know I just heard about this today, from a friend. they removed it from iTunes and my friend was really pissed.
I don't understand, as they didnt even depict Muhammad . it was all censored, I really do not understand, but I guess it is because I wasnt raised in that kind of environment.
It's funny, I was just talking to someone about this.
I find it unbelievable that nobody will show images of. The creators of South Park thought so too, so they created an episode explaining how ridiculous the whole thing was. This fear of showing is growing out of hand. It's ironic that South Park was censored the way it was. It's not even like they showed an offensive picture of .
It appears that Episode '201' is not being shown because Comedy Central says no. I love South Park and would hate to see it go because of all this stupid religion stuff. But I do think the creators tried to bend the rules as much as they could and then snapped them.
Being that USA is fighting an ongoing war against terrorism for 9-11 and South Park is an American aniated sitcom, it only makes sense the government would ban hyper provactive actions such as this so don't make matters worst. It's not just about free speech, it's about their homeland security too!
The government has nothing to do with this, and if they did i think the option to show the episode in its entirety would have been out there, due to americas non-negotiation with terrorists. The only people at fault are comedy central executives who will not stand up for what is right.
Oh the Irony! A real life Muslim ground called Revolution Muslim in New York actually issued a threat against Comedy Central if they showed Muhammad, so like 6 minutes of the whole episode was censored!
The censoring was wrong and only gave into the demands of the extremists. This is terrorisim at its finest, making people change in order to do as another group wishes through the use of fear and intimidation. They should have shown the episode uncensored, maybe even made it, better, so to speak. By doing this they have given groups like this more power, they have told them we will submit to them when we need to send them the opposite message, we will not submit, we will not give you power, but many people don't have the backbone to say or do anything. Groups like this derive all of their power through intimidation and fear, their goal is not to kill but to change people to be how they want them to be and this goes against just about everything this country is exposed to stand for.
It's funny, I was just talking to someone about this....
You win a cookie for that post NoName.
I personally am against censorship. Also in this case it's really just giving in to terrorist demands and giving Muslims more bad light even if they aren't like these extremists. So in a way they have hurt themselves as well.
I can answer this simply with another episode of South Park.
In this South Park 2 part episode, Family Guy is going to show an image of Mohammed (spelling? not sure if it's a u or an o in this case) Cartman hates Family Guy and attempts to get Fox to censor Family Guy by pulling the episode. Because he knows that once one group of people who complain get what they want, then they all will and Family Guy won't be able to offend anyone anymore. Then it loses all it's edginess and in turn it's viewer.
It's quite ironic the same thing has happened to South Park.
And this is completely idiotic. Comedy Central needs to understand that terrorists cause fear with the threat of violence. Only the most serious groups follow through with threats. It is likely nothing would've happened. And they have done a lot of damage to their best and most watched show.