ForumsWEPRArizona Immigration Law

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"Gov. Jan Brewer (R-Ariz.) signed a bill last week authorizing police to question individuals about their immigration status if they suspect they could be in the country illegally."

What do you think about this?

Not only is this a serious violation of civil rights, but it's economically stupid. Do they realize that within weeks there will be a brown skinned US citizen arrested for "looking" like an illegal? So many US citizens will be arrested or questioned about their status, and it will lead to huge lawsuits against the state.

There are some bad illegals out there, but most illegals are not here to wreck havoc. I can't believe we've gone back in time. We're discriminating based on the color of someone's skin. This law is unconstitutional, and should be vetoed!

  • 51 Replies
4,220 posts

What state is this?

Every state that has laws against driving under the influence.

The bill is a step in the right direction, in my opinion. They are here ILLEGALLY. Note illegal. That's against the law.

That should be self explanatory.

But it's not.

Deportation doesn't work. AT ALL. They come back, again and again. Throw them in their own prisons for a while, then deport them might help.

But we need them out. Twenty million people are in this country illegally.

They want to live here, they should come back legally.
5,061 posts

But they can't not for 10 years, now you're the parent of a 13 yr old who has basically spent his entire life in this country but you are illegal if you are deported the boy has to readjust to a brand new COUNTRY, be accustomed to new people and face hardships that he's probably never faced before. Also while the are aliens who commit crimes, there are a lot who pay taxes and live like normal citizens even though they don't have green cards (Never though 20/20 could teach me something)

20 posts

I support this law 100%, although it may lead to some racial profiling, the government should have the right to question them if they are suspect to being illegal and send them back to their country. If they are so desperate to live in America, they should become a citizen like everyone else.

684 posts

i seriousely think it should be passed... even though it can be racially choosing it would stop illegal immagrants so much, and just like the ones from the sky, im sure we all dont want an alien invasion. another thing that it helps is that illegal immagrants for work alot less and if their bosses know they're illegal they can make them work longer and for less because if they complain, well ur illegal get out.

27 posts

look european?
look asian?
hispanics arent the only immigrants you know

But here is the problem. Is a cop going to ask a white person for identification? Probably not. Actually, most illegal immigrants are europeans, but most people don't think about that.
197 posts

If they are so desperate to live in America, they should become a citizen like everyone else.

Do you actually know anything beyond the basics of becoming a citizen?
I really don't, but I'm pretty sure it's quite difficult, especially when coming from a country with thousands of people who want to become citizens.
197 posts

Actually, most illegal immigrants are europeans

I'm not saying you're wrong, but do you have a source? I don't really understand how a European could come illegally.
27 posts

come to visit, then not return when their visa runs out

197 posts

That makes sense...

I was thinking of it in a different way I guess.

27 posts

and about citizenship, have you ever taken a test for citizenship? I garuntee you most American citizens would fail it. I have a friend in debate, an amazing debater, very skilled in the law, and she failed the test. Those tests suck. And the test is probably one of the easier parts of becomming a citizen in this country.

3 posts

Jim Crow all over again

4,220 posts

If they see a Mexican driving a beat-up old car, their probably going to stop him and question him


I said Mexican is driving said beat up old car and doing something else against the law (speeding, DUI, etc.) then they can stop them.

It's not a primary deal. It is in conjunction with other crimes.
70 posts

From what I've heard, this law will probably lead to profiling. That said, I don't care in the slightest. Well, maybe just a little.

This is ARIZONA'S LAW. Not mine. This isn't my state. I've heard that a majority people in Arizona support the law, why should people thousands of miles away get up in arms about it? I don't hold with that whole Domino Effect crap the DNC is pushing now.

I believe in states rights. It's honestly the best way to create a government according to the peoples desires. It's already been accepted by the Supreme Court that states can limit constitutional rights, as seen in laws that limit gun ownership, and free speech. So honestly, as stupid as I think this law will turn out to be, I'm fine with it. I'm not going to boycott Arizona, or anything childish like that.

Another point I'd like to make is that most of us don't live in Arizona. Okay, I said that, but it means we don't understand the situation there. Illegal immigration has a rougher effect on them then it does on my state, Massachusetts. So when the federal government did nothing, I can see why they decided to act for themselves, and I actually respect them for it. Again, I think this law is stupid, but I don't hear any better ideas.

1,017 posts

K, I've done a bit of research and many websites are spreading false statements. I find absolutely nothing wrong with this new law because it dosen't allow police officers to randomly walk up to someone and ask them for their citizenship papers. Yup. Thats a fact. They can only ask for that information if someone commits a crime. This law is good for Arizona and should be enforced in all border states. All of the Liberal BS is trying to convince you that a perfectly good and justified law is bad. I don't understand how this could be bad. Someone commits a crime, so you ask for papers.

4,005 posts

I've done a bit of research and many websites are spreading false statements.

That's because most people making these statements have never even read the law in it's entirety. It's based on misinformation or quote mining, not on a factual understanding of the entirety of the bill.

I am a very strong supporter of the new immigration law here in Arizona. I have been following it quite closely since it's introduction and have read through it a few times. Let me clear up a few points here.

The law will not allow officers to make a stop solely on race. They must be in the process of the commission of another offense before the issue can be breached. So this racist thing is moot. Sure, they can watch hispanics more closely to look for a reason to stop them, but there must be some other crime being committed.

It makes it illegal under state law to be in the state without proper permissions, either border crosser card, legal immigrant visa, or temporary worker permit. Also you must carry said proof of your admission to the state with you at all times. This is actually required of everyone not here as a citizen anyway. If you are a temporary worker or border crosser you already have to carry that with you.

As for racial profiling, guess what. It happens all over, all the time. The reasoning? It has been proven to statistically increase the odds of law enforcement being at the right place, with the right person, at the right time, to prevent a crime, or halt one already in progression. If you are willing to do a bit of research you will find this out.

Here are my complaints:
1. There are no 'civil rights' being violated here. There are several reasons for that. First, no one is being hurt, abused, mistreated, or neglected nor does the law provide any provisions allowing for mistreatment of anyone. Secondly, the 'civil rights' that everyone is protesting about are rights granted by the American government to American citizens. Sorry, if you aren't a citizen you don't have the right to due process, a jury of your peers, free public education, free health care, TANF, or any of the other benefits people are crying out about.

2. Please, before you decry this law as unjust, take a look at Mexico's treatment of immigrants. Look at how they treat criminals. If you want civil rights violations then look south, because Mexico is notorious for them. And then, to have Mexico's president come here to the US, call us racist and belittle us, on our own soil, and to have our president shake his hand? Baffles me. I was livid, and still am. Someone who runs a nation commonly known to commit rampant acts of violence, discrimination, abuse, neglect, and even murder against their own citizens and especially against immigrants should not be coming into our nation and telling us that making it illegal to be here illegally is in any way reprehensible. And for my president to shake his hand and support his insults of us is beyond me. I cannot ever remember an American president allow another foreign leader to come to American soil and blatantly insult us.
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