So. Are humans really natural beings of Earth, or are we a colony of a species on a different planet? Did we naturally evolve, or were we genetically engineered? As Crick said, it's more likely that a hurricane blowing through a jungle will make a jumbo jet than that DNA naturally formed in a time frame of 500-600 million years.
I'm pretty sure we've been here. If we were a colony, our technology would probably be superior to that which we have now 400,000 years ago. We would have had to travel to earth somehow. There is also a lot of evidence that we evolved, there are pre-human fossils, not to mention apes. Also, wouldn't we still have some form of contact with our original planet, and isn't there the possibility of other colonizers coming to earth?
And it's even less likely that a bunch of DNA found out how to perform interplanetary travel to colonize a backwater green world in the Orion spiral arm . . . .
There is no proof of "aliens" at all, just a lot of assumptions and weird unexplained things, no actual proof. There is so much evidence proving evolution, I'm christian and i believe in it, as well as God. I think that this idea that others made the pyramids is also ridicules for there are directions on how to do it, with the technology they had back then, when you have a million people on your work force, anything is possible.
After watching that special series on Discovery, I am really inclined to believe that we are certainly influenced from some aliens and at the very least, descendants.
i think we are really ignorant in comparison to the whole knowledge in the universe we do not know yet but nevertheless we shoud have realized the visit of aliens, shouldn't we?
As Crick said, it's more likely that a hurricane blowing through a jungle will make a jumbo jet than that DNA naturally formed in a time frame of 500-600 million years.
Even if this time frame was accurate this is still a poor analogy. The junk that would make up a jumbo jet lacks certain properties that organic molecules have. Also DNA isn't where life likely began. Current studies indicate life started with the more simplistic RNA molecule. A better analogy would be to compare it to mixing chemicals together and getting a specific reaction.
I think hes trying to say the earth was created 4 billion years ago. but drace, the possum means dna forming, not the creation of earth.
The first single celled life forms arose approximately 3.5 billion years ago.
Given our genetic similarity and that we have a nearly complete fossil record of our own evolutionary linage on this planet I would say we did start here.