ForumsWEPRAre We Just A Colony Of An Alien Species?

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3,035 posts

So. Are humans really natural beings of Earth, or are we a colony of a species on a different planet? Did we naturally evolve, or were we genetically engineered? As Crick said, it's more likely that a hurricane blowing through a jungle will make a jumbo jet than that DNA naturally formed in a time frame of 500-600 million years.

  • 157 Replies
186 posts

Hmmm, A very interesting theory thread.

There has always been a theory going around that Mars was once populated by humanoids and then the atmosphere collapsed so everything rusted(mars is RUST RED). Meanwhile, the civilization of Mars had been studying Earth, much like we study Mars today. When they found out about their impending doom, they sent some of their people to Earth(or they already had a colony here.)

This is not my theory. Only a theory I have heard and find interesting.

9,462 posts

It's been brought up that some scientists believe a lot of the animals on Earth aren't originally from Earth. Don't hold me to this, but I believe some of them were pigs, giraffes, donkeys, and horses. The ones that believe we were genetically enhanced by aliens also believe they gave us those animals and a few more. Unrelated brain food, mayhaps?

If that were the case we wouldn't be able to fit these species into the phylogenetic or molecular tree of life which we can.

I know a lot of people have brought this up, but look at crop circles. Most people think "Oh it's just a bunch of random circles, it could be done by people or animals" until you actually see em. These crop circles are my sole argument that aliens have had contact with us (Because some of the symbols have been seen in ancient glyphs, like the Nazca lines.) and are trying to contact us again.

How to make a crop circle

There has always been a theory going around that Mars was once populated by humanoids and then the atmosphere collapsed so everything rusted(mars is RUST RED). Meanwhile, the civilization of Mars had been studying Earth, much like we study Mars today. When they found out about their impending doom, they sent some of their people to Earth(or they already had a colony here.)

I think I saw that movie.
1,633 posts

There has always been a theory going around that Mars was once populated by humanoids and then the atmosphere collapsed so everything rusted(mars is RUST RED). Meanwhile, the civilization of Mars had been studying Earth, much like we study Mars today. When they found out about their impending doom, they sent some of their people to Earth(or they already had a colony here.)

The problem is; why isn't there stories or at lest mythical legends of man being exiled on to Earth? I'm sure if that happened, people would tell their kids about it. And another problem is that wouldn't there be a kind of highly advanced spaceship on Earth? I'm assuming the Mars people used their technology to help them.
1,126 posts

As people believe that there is only one universe, one great big endless universe, A universe, with infinite planets, I don't think there is one universe, probably over 1,000,000,000,000 universes. I think Humans once looked very different in a universe far away, and they slowly moved from planet to planet they got closer to earth until they crashed on mars or earth. if they landed on mars, the martians teleported them to earth. Then, because they spent so much time moving from planet to planet that they forgot almost everything.

3,035 posts

As people believe that there is only one universe, one great big endless universe, A universe, with infinite planets, I don't think there is one universe, probably over 1,000,000,000,000 universes. I think Humans once looked very different in a universe far away, and they slowly moved from planet to planet they got closer to earth until they crashed on mars or earth. if they landed on mars, the martians teleported them to earth. Then, because they spent so much time moving from planet to planet that they forgot almost everything.

Now, as everyone on AG(and in real life) knows, I am believer in some strange things. But this theory seems a little far fetched even to me. And I don't see how moving from planet to planet over and over again would make you forget things...
16,587 posts

I think anything is possible and I don't think that were the only planet that has living and smart species and beings on it.

31 posts

Wow. I came up with the same idea about this topic. But there is no proof AGAINST it.

4,005 posts

The theories of abiogenesis and evolution have already shown how we got here. If we were 'lanted' by an alien species then it would have been done prior to simple amino acids gaining the ability to self metabolize and replicate.

1,573 posts

Intresting question. Theres nothing to say we werent affected by alien activity and there are plenty of stories that would coincide with alien influence. The ancient egyptians wrote about extremly advanced tech like flying machines and weapons of mass destruction etc...

Of course humans are a deluded bunch at the best o times and anything to pass the day in an interesting way.

22,207 posts

i dont think its impossible for humans to be a n alien colony, but a possibility. another idea out there is that aliens simply guided humanity to eventually rise/dominate...

8,257 posts

they say we have alien DNA.oo

Who are they? And with what sort of DNA did they compare? How can they state it's alien, how do they even know what alien DNA is?

Humans did evolve here on earth, this is backed up by anthropology. Maybe you could change the OP question to "Did DNA evolve here on earth or was it brought here by aliens?". This is a better point to start with, IMO.
1,573 posts

"Did DNA evolve here on earth or was it brought here by aliens?". This is a better point to start with, IMO.

I like this and I think it provides a much better debate.

Its entierly possible. How will we know unless our genetic research get to the point of being able to see such artifacts in DNA or until an alien race comes down and the public knows about it.

v6y - Methinks you need to explain a lil more in your posts because they state things and dont elaborate.
9,462 posts

Maybe you could change the OP question to "Did DNA evolve here on earth or was it brought here by aliens?". This is a better point to start with, IMO.

The evidence indicate that RNA molecules likely formed on this planet.
An RNA World first?

We can also change RNA into DNA, in fact viruses use this process.

So like the problem of God doing it exactly where were aliens needed?
2,027 posts

CBA to read through all those pages to make a reply, so I'll just hope this haven't been said before.

As Crick said, it's more likely that a hurricane blowing through a jungle will make a jumbo jet than that DNA naturally formed in a time frame of 500-600 million years.

And if you don't think DNA can form naturally, how do you think the aliens that colonized earth came to be?
4,005 posts

The only possible scenario in which life on earth stemmed from alien life is in the case of bacteria which evolved on Mars and subsequently was 'seeded' here on earth from the expulsion of rock from the surface of Mars.

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