Since I can not expell the thought from my mind, I said to myself: "Why not suggest it to Armor Games and see if they can use it?"
See, the thing is... I can not stop thinking about the fact that when a user that stays a member of Armor Games long enough and stays active, he/she will eventually reach the highest rank possible, being 'GOLD KING/GOLD QUEEN'.
And with that, no more ranks are available for them to set as a goal (for those who actually have that as a goal), so I thought of a few additional ranks for Armor Games to possibly implement and thus stretch the existing ranking system!
My suggestions (highlighted in bold) for a new ranking system based on medieval ranks would be:
Note: I see the problem at hand with the double ranking name of 'countess' when Earl and Count are to be used together in this system.
This suggested ranking system would provide a lot more ranks for the Armor Games users to gain over time when they would (preferably) stay active members of this great community. Of course, the appropriate shields would have to be made for those 'new' ranks and I will do some more research on that if it is a viable option for Armor Games to use!
I hope it provides some thought on the matter and I'm very curious to find out what everyone thinks of it! =D
I've seen the suggestion 'op up' several times since I've started this thread, so I think it's time to revive it...
MIND YOU! I'm only reviving it to see whether more people like the idea and want to discuss this... if the thread gets locked because of the revival, that's fine with me, I'm merely providing a way for the users to have a place to vent their thoughts on this particular matter instead of making (yet) another thread about it...
Now even Carlie knows anything about the content of v.3.0... But.. "3.0 won't have anything, everyone's points will be reset, and mods will be picked by "Guess the number I am thinking at"."
if we had addiontial ranks it would be dumb because it would take forever to get to emporer/emporess because they would need to expand the amount of AP for each rank.
So were all of are ap is going to RESET!!?!?
No I don't think our AP will reset but i'm not 100% sure (*=*)
I do hope the game comments and forums are reset in many ways.
The way you kind of wrote the rest of the post sounds like you want all forum posts and comments to be erased, to give a fresh start. I mean, quite a few users would find it funny to see that after 5 minutes they're in the top 10, but others would... You know.
Lol, two people in a row with the same armatar;
A md never said the AP is going to be reset. And it doesn't seem likely to me unless they're willing to horrify the high AP users, telling them 'the last two years you spent getting into the top 10 has just be erased'. To them, it must be like burning money.
I don't think some people are getting this thread:
DayCee never said the amount of AP for each rank would change, or more ranks will be stuffed in between each other. Although it will most likely be one or the other, the point of this thread is simply to discuss wether or not there should be more ranks. You can mention extra stuff but not state it as if that was what this thread is about.
I think the addition of perhaps 2 or 3 new ranks could be a good idea, however we will have to keep the amount of AP required roughly the same, or reduce the amount of AP for King/Queen slightly to make room for a few more intermediate ranks. I think it's really overall pointless as the ranks seem to work well as is, but I don't think it would detract from the community in any way if implemented properly without reducing the AP requirements between ranks.
I will go directly to the point.I and one-third of the people are relitivly new.I only have 300 AP or so.But if knight (<-knight was a goal for me) gets bumped up to 12000 AP im going to... Im just saying that that one-third of the people would all vote "NO"